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Applied Radiation and Isotopes 67 (2009) 266–271

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Monte Carlo simulation of X-ray spectra and evaluation of filter effect using
MCNP4C and FLUKA code
R. Taleei a, M. Shahriari b,
Department of Radiation Medicine, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
Department of Radiation Application, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

a r t i c l e in f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The general-purpose MCNP4C and FLUKA codes were used for simulating X-ray spectra. The electrons
Received 19 July 2008 were transported until they slow down and stop in the target. Both bremsstrahlung and characteristic
Received in revised form X-ray production were considered in this work. Tungsten/aluminum combination was used as target/
6 October 2008
filter in the simulation. The results of two codes were generated in 80, 100, 120 and 140 kV and
Accepted 16 October 2008
compared with each other. In order to survey filter effect on X-ray spectra, the attenuation coefficient of
filter was calculated in 120 kV. More details of filter effect have been investigated. The results of
Keywords: MCNP4C and FLUKA are comparable in the range of bremsstrahlung spectra, but there are some
X-ray spectra differences between them especially in specific X-ray peaks. Since the specific peaks have not significant
Monte Carlo simulation
role on image quality, both FLUKA and MCNP4C codes are fairly appropriate for production of X-ray
Filter effect
spectra and evaluating image quality, absorbed dose and improvement in filter design.
X-ray tube design
MCNP4C & 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction and Supe, 1984; Acosta et al., 1998; Bhat et al., 1999; Verhaegen
et al., 1999; Ng et al., 2000; Ben Omrane et al., 2003; Verhaegen
X-ray machines are one of the most important facilities which and Castellano, 2002). Although, purely empirical and semi-
are utilized in radiography and radiotherapy. Knowledge of the empirical models remain the fastest methods for X-ray spectra
X-ray energy spectrum of a diagnostic X-ray tube is essential for prediction, the models proposed so far still have limitations which
evaluating image quality and absorbed dose to the patient prevent their adoption for a large range of applications (Ay et al.,
(Sanborg et al., 1994). X-ray spectra have been determined by 2004a). The use of the Monte Carlo method to simulate radiation
measuring the X-ray output experimentally. Experimental mea- transport has become the most accurate means of predicting the
surement of X-ray spectra requires special equipment which is X-ray spectra even in complex geometries owing to more accurate
available only in a limited number of laboratories (Fewell and physics modeling. Moreover, the method tracks the evolution of
Shuping, 1978; Fewell et al., 1981; Antonuk et al., 1997; Wilkinson all secondary particles (and their descendants) generated by
et al., 2001). Fewell et al. measured X-ray spectra with different primary electrons. For the purpose of Monte Carlo simulation of X-
target/filter combinations for over two decades and have pub- ray spectrum, some authors have used self-written or in house
lished several measured spectra (Fewell and Shuping, 1978; Fewell developed computer codes (Kulkarni and Supe, 1984; O’Meara
et al., 1981). However, the measurement of X-ray spectra is et al., 1998), while others have used public domain general-
impractical for a clinical X-ray machine and specialized equip- purpose Monte Carlo codes such as EGS4 (Bhat et al., 1998, 1999;
ment is required which is available only in some laboratories. Ben Omrane et al., 2003), MCNP (Verhaegen et al., 1999; Mercier
Different methods have been developed for numerically predic- et al., 2000) and ITS (Ng et al., 2000). Nevertheless, the prediction
tion of X-ray spectra. These can be divided into three categories: of X-ray spectra using the Monte Carlo method is time consuming
empirical models (Fewell and Shuping, 1978; Fewell et al., 1981; compared to empirical and semi-empirical models. Few works are
Boone et al., 1997; Boone and Seibert, 1997), semi-empirical available on X-ray spectra production, using general-purpose
models (Boone, 1988; Birch and Marshall, 1979; Tucker et al., Monte Carlo codes especially new codes like FLUKA. On the other
1991; Blough et al., 1998) and Monte Carlo modeling (Kulkarni hand, these codes have many advance features that can be used
for more complicated problems, like simulating CT images of
complex phantom geometries and dosimetric calculations. Indeed
 Corresponding author. Fax: +98 21 22431780. these codes have many variance reduction capabilities, which can
E-mail address: (M. Shahriari). be used for time consuming simulations such as dose calculation

0969-8043/$ - see front matter & 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


R. Taleei, M. Shahriari / Applied Radiation and Isotopes 67 (2009) 266–271 267

in fluoroscopy. The first step for testifying the multipurpose codes

in such problems is to estimate their accuracy on X-ray spectra
In our previous work, MCNP4C Monte Carlo code has been
used to simulate the diagnostic radiology and mammography
X-ray tube (Ay et al., 2004b). In this work, we used FLUKA Monte
Carlo code to produce X-ray spectra and we compared it with
MCNP4C and experimental results. The effect of Al filter on X-ray
spectra has been investigated in more detail.

2. Material and methods

2.1. The MCNP4C code

MCNP4C is a general-purpose three-dimensional Monte Carlo

code that can be used for neutron, photon and electron or coupled
neutron/photon/electron transport (Briesmeister, 2000). For
photon transport, the code takes into account incoherent and
coherent scattering, the possibility of fluorescent emission after
photoelectric absorption and bremsstrahlung. The continuous
slowing down approximation energy loss model is used for
electron transport. To follow an electron through a significant
energy loss, the MCNP4C code breaks the electron’s path into
many steps. These steps are chosen to be long enough (with valid
multiple scattering theories) to encompass many collisions but Fig. 1. Geometry of X-ray tube.
short enough so that the mean energy loss in any one step is small
(to ensure that approximations necessary for multiple scattering
theories are satisfied). Except for the energy loss and straggling 2.3. The specification of X-ray tube
calculation, the detailed simulation of the electron history takes
place in the sampling of the substeps. The Goudsmit–Saunderson The geometry of X-ray tube has been implemented accurately
theory is used to sample from the distribution of angular in the simulation. The angle of electron’s departure from the
deflections, in a way that the direction of the electron can change cathode is precisely considered in order to get 1.2 mm focal spot.
at the end of each substep. For electron transport, MCNP4C The anode is made from tungsten with an angle of 121. The
addresses the sampling of bremsstrahlung photons at each aluminum filter thickness is 1.2 mm (Fig. 1). When the electron
electron substep. The table of production probabilities is used to beam hits the tungsten target, X-ray photons are generated. The
determine whether a bremsstrahlung photon will be created energy of electron beam was chosen to be 80, 100, 120 and
(Hughes, 1997). The el03 database also includes characteristic k X- 140 keV. The electrons and photons have been transported inside
ray production probabilities. The el03 evaluation is derived from the target and filter and the bremsstrahlung and specific X-ray
the ITS 3.0 code system (Halbleib et al., 1992). spectrum have been produced. The spectra of these photons have
been calculated by track length method in both Monte Carlo
2.2. The FLUKA code codes.

FLUKA uses an original multiple Coulomb scattering transport

algorithm for electrons, which gives the correct lateral displace- 2.4. The effect of Al filter
ment even near the boundaries (Ferrari et al., 1991). In each step
of the multiple scattering algorithms, the discrete event cross In order to evaluate the effect of Al filter, the X-ray spectrum is
sections of the continuous energy loss are considered. The calculated before and after the Al filter by both codes. For this
bremsstrahlung differential cross sections of Seltzer and Berger purpose the X-ray spectrum of 120 kV has been treated as a point
(Ferrari et al., 1991; Seltzer and Berger, 1985, 1986) have been source in the center of spherical Al filter. With this method the
extended, and the angular distribution of bremsstrahlung photons calculation time has been reduced to several minutes. In order to
is sampled accurately. The Landau–Pomeranchuk–Migdal sup- scrutinize the Al filter effect in more detail, photon sources with
pression effect (Landau and Pomeranchuk, 1953; Migdal, 1956, energies from 10 to 140 keV with 10 keV steps has been
1957; Landau and Pomeranchuk, 1965) and the Ter-Mikaelyan considered. The values of collided and uncollided photons as well
(1954) polarization effect in the soft part of the bremsstrahlung as total penetrating photons have been calculated with both
spectrum are also implemented. The present lowest transport codes.
limit for electrons is 1 keV. Although in high-Z materials the
Moli‘ere multiple scattering model becomes unreliable below
20–30 keV, a single-scattering option is available which allows to 3. Results and discussions
obtain satisfactory results in any material also in this low-energy
range. The characteristic X-rays in FLUKA are optionally activated One of the most important parameters influencing the quality
either by the default physics selected for the simulation or by the of X-ray spectrum is filtration. The produced X-ray profiles before
card EMFFLUO. The FLUKA code will take into account all detailed and after the filter using FLUKA code are shown in Figs. 2–3. The
interactions of six K and L single subshells. The fluodt.dat includes corresponding results of MCNP simulation are similar to the
the cross sections of characteristic X-rays and other data, required FLUKA results. The X-ray spectra show continuous and character-
for low-energy electron–photon transport (Fasso et al., 2003). istic X-rays spectra of tungsten. The effect of Al filter in

268 R. Taleei, M. Shahriari / Applied Radiation and Isotopes 67 (2009) 266–271




#/cm2/source particle

3.00E-06 80 kV
100 kV
120 kV
2.50E-06 140 kV




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140
Energy (kV)

Fig. 2. X-ray profiles before Al filter simulated by FLUKA in 80, 100, 120 and 140 kV.


80 kV
100 kV
1.00E-06 120 kV
140 kV
#/cm2/source particle





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140
Energy (kV)

Fig. 3. X-ray profiles after Al filter simulated by FLUKA in 80, 100, 120 and 140 kV.

attenuation of low-energy X-rays is also obvious by comparing section libraries of the codes. According to the results, FLUKA
Figs. 2 and 3. underestimates characteristic X-rays comparing to the experi-
In order to compare the results of simulation for both codes, mental data with 11% for both peaks, while MCNP overestimates
and the X-ray profiles before and after filter, 120 kV profiles have them with 25% and 11% for the first and second peak, respectively.
been chosen. In Fig. 4 the X-ray profiles of both codes before Al Table 1 gives the ratio of characteristic X-rays calculated by MNCP
filter with 0.5 keV energy bins are sketched. An extreme difference and FLUKA relative to the experimental data in four energies.
in characteristic X-rays results is seen below 15 keV, which is The effectiveness of Al filter to attenuate low-energy photons is
mainly due to difference between cross section libraries of two very more than high-energy photons. Therefore the patient dose is
codes. FLUKA simulation gives two peaks near 10 keV, while reduced. In Fig. 5 the results of the bremsstrahlung photon
MCNP4C gives only one peak. Of course the height of MCNP4C spectrum of two codes show a great agreement with the
peak is greater than FLUKA peaks. Fig. 5 compares X-ray profiles of experimental results especially at higher energies after the
both codes after Al filter in 120 kV with experimental data. characteristic peaks.
According to experimental data resolution, 2 keV energy bins has For evaluating Al filter effect on X-ray spectrum, the ratio of
been chosen. For this purpose four characteristic X-ray peaks have profile after filter to its value before filter for both codes in 120 kV
been reduced to two peaks. The specific X-rays have different has been calculated by both codes. The ratio indicates the
height due to the difference between the algorithms and cross efficiency of Al filter quantitatively. The results have been shown

R. Taleei, M. Shahriari / Applied Radiation and Isotopes 67 (2009) 266–271 269

9.00E-06 MCNP Before Al Filter

Fluka Before Al Filter

#/cm2/source particle






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Energy (KeV)

Fig. 4. X-ray profiles before Al filter simulated by FLUKA and MCNP4C in 120 kV.

0.08 Al filter. The main reason is the difference between the codes in
Experimental Data producing X-rays especially characteristic X-rays, which penetrate
0.07 MCNP
Averaged Number of Photons

without collision. The other probable reason could be the effect of
0.06 scattered photons from higher energies.

4. Conclusion

0.03 Monte Carlo simulation of X-ray spectra has been used

extensively in different medical imaging applications including
assessment of image quality, optimization of system design and
0.01 absorbed dose calculation. Since the experimentally measure-
ments of X-ray spectra are not practical in many cases, Monte
0 Carlo simulation is the most accurate method for predicting X-ray
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 spectra. This study has employed the FLUKA and MCNP4C
Energy (keV) general-purpose Monte Carlo codes for generating X-ray spectra.
The effect of Al filer on X-ray spectra and attenuation of X-rays
Fig. 5. Comparison of X-ray profiles of FLUKA and MCNP4C simulations after Al
filter and experimental data in 120 kV. has been determined. At lower energies the photons are almost
absorbed by the filter, which will reduce the patient dose. At
higher energies the penetration increases to more than 99%. These
in Fig. 6, and show a great agreement between two codes. The calculations can be properly used in filter design, and includes
attenuation below 12 keV is very high and approximately all more detail and accurate estimation with respect to half value
photons are absorbed in the filter. The penetration is increased layer (HVL) calculations. Although uncollided penetrating photons
steeply by photon energy, and reaches to about 90% at 50 keV. The are responsible for filter attenuations, the HVL gives an estimation
penetration growth continues further with a smooth slope until it of total penetrating photons. From Table 2 in 120 keV 99.6% of
reaches about 95% at 120 keV. In order to scrutinize the filter photons penetrate the filter, 95.6% of which are uncollided. This is
effect in more detail photon energies from 10 to 140 keV in 10 keV in agreement with the results of Fig. 6, which indicates 95.5% of
steps with a 1.2 mm Al filter has been simulated. Table 2 shows 120 keV photons are penetrating the filter. The results of MCNP4C
the results for both codes. The emitted photon either penetrates or and FLUKA are comparable in the range of bremsstrahlung
is absorbed in the filter. The penetrating photon either collides or spectra, but there are some differences spatially in specific X-ray
passes the filter without collision. The results of two codes show peaks. The height of MCNP4C specific X-ray peaks are about 1.5
great agreement with more than 0.5% accuracy. Since the photo- times of their respective values in FLUKA results. The FLUKA
electric is the dominant process in lower energies, the most of specific X-ray peaks underestimate 11% with respect to experi-
collided photons are absorbed in this range. The cross section of mental data. In the range of radiography X-ray, specific peaks do
photoelectric effect decreases with increase in photon energy. not play an important role in image quality or dose calculations.
Near 60 keV the photoelectric cross section is equal to Compton Therefore both FLUKA and MCNP4C codes are fairly appropriate in
scattering cross section for Al. Therefore as seen in Table 2 the simulating X-ray tubes’ profiles for further investigation of image
penetrating collided photon are approximately equal to the quality and enhanced filter design. They can also be used for
absorbed collided photon near 60 keV. For example the MCNP three-dimensional geometries and provide simulations with
results are 3.89% and 3.4%, respectively. In Fig. 6 the results are a different phantoms, or shielding problems. None of the codes
little bit different from 35 to 85 keV for both codes. According to show great capability for X-ray simulations in respect to the other
Table 2 the disagreement is not caused by photon attenuation in code. The difference between the codes is minor and related to the

270 R. Taleei, M. Shahriari / Applied Radiation and Isotopes 67 (2009) 266–271

Table 1
Ratio of characteristic X-rays calculated by MNCP and FLUKA relative to the experimental data in four energies.

E (kV) First peak Second peak

MCNP/experiment FLUKA/experiment MCNP/experiment FLUKA/experiment

80 1.13E+00 8.38E01 1.02E+00 7.92E01

100 1.25E+00 8.94E01 1.12E+00 8.98E01
120 1.25E+00 8.90E01 1.11E+00 8.89E01
140 1.25E+00 9.05E01 1.12E+00 9.06E01

90.00 FLUKA

Relative Filtar Attenuation (%)








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Energy (keV)

Fig. 6. Ratio of the X-ray profile after filter to its value before filter simulated by FLUKA and MCNP4C in 120 kV.

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