Immersion 2

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Day 1


On the 1st day, we collected data through a survey of those who have existing micro,
small, medium, and large business enterprise
in Purok Kalubian 2.

I have learned that if we worked together, it will make the task easier and faster.
Day 2

On the 2nd day, we finalized the data that we gathered from day one as well as
helped our group mates from Grade 12-STEM in cleaning the garden area.

One thing that I have learned is that if we have the capacity to help other people,
then we should lend our hands to help them.
Day 3

On the 3rd day, we consolidated the purok mapping of business enterprises but,
since we finished consolidating our outputs on day two, we have decided to collect
some recyclable materials that can be marketed to end and to generate income for
the purok center.

We earned ₱307.00 from collecting scraps and other recyclable materials. And I
realized that we should take care of our environment and be sustainable. Why?
Because if we worked together our micro effort will have a macro effect to help or
save our home, the planet Earth.
Day 4

On the 4th day, since we already collected the MRF on day three that was supposed
to be our task for today. Our purok leader gave us another task to do, which is to
make a design for their purok center. So that we can help also the STEM students
with their upcoming presentations.

I have learned today that we should always make use of our time for something
valuable, and don’t waste it by doing nothing.
Day 5

On the 5th day, we did a meeting for our upcoming Market Day as our last task for
our immersion. The purok leader of Kalubian 2 told us not to spend anything on our
task, instead, she suggested selling the delicacies of the people who live in Purok
Kalubian 2.

I have learned that planning to start a business is not an easy job, you need to
analyze everything such as the product you will sell and also the environment where
you will start your business.
Day 6

On our 6th day, we helped the STEM students with their blood pressure monitoring
of the residents of Purok Kalubian 2. We also helped them in selling their organic
or herbal medicine products.

I’ve learned today that having good social skills or communication skills will help
you gain more profit in your business.
Day 7

On our 7th day, we focus again on our upcoming Market Day, by preparing the
things that we will use in selling our product. We also prepared the design for our
mini stall on our Market Day.

As time goes by, I’ve learned that we already develop a nice bond as a team, even
though in just a short amount of time.
Day 8

On day 8 day one of Market Day, we started to sell our product which is the “ube
turon” by doing the house-to-house way of selling. Our goal is to sell all our
products before the sun goes down.

I’ve learned today to become wiser in terms of selling, we applied what we’ve
noticed to the team selling herbal products, during day six.

Day 9
On day 9 our day two of Market Day and the last day of immersion, we created a
mini stall in the purok center of Purok Kalubian 2 to sell our product. While selling
we talk about the things we have experienced from day one, how we started to
become friends, and strengthen our bond as a team.

After the last immersion, I learned that the saying “no man is an island” is true.
Why? Because if we did not work as a team, it will be a disaster and we will not
finish our immersion successfully.

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