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21st Century Literature of the Philippines

and the World

Grade 11/12 • Unit 4: Other Literary Genres

Graphic Literature
Table of Contents
Introduction 1

Objectives 2

DepEd Competencies 2

Warm-Up 2

Learn about It 3
Kinds of Graphic Literature Literature 4
Japanese Manga 4
Graphic Novels 4
Comic Strips 5

Key Points 6

Check Your Understanding 6

Let’s Step Up! 8

Bibliography 9

21st Century Literature of the Philippines
and the World

Grade 11/12 • Unit 4: Other Literary Genres

Lesson 4.4
Graphic Literature

Fig. 1. Comic books have been around for a long time, but they have become one of the
most popular forms of writing in recent years.

Are you the type of reader who enjoys reading books with illustrations more than text-heavy
ones? What makes those books with images better than text-heavy ones? In this lesson, you
will learn about a type of literature that combines narrative and art.

21st Century Literature of the Philippines
and the World

Grade 11/12 • Unit 4: Other Literary Genres

In this lesson, you should be able to do the following:
● Analyze graphic literature.
● Recognize different kinds of graphic literature.

DepEd Competencies
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to do the following:
● Compare and contrast the various 21st-century literary genres and the
ones from the earlier genre/periods citing their elements, structures, and
● Discuss how different contexts enhance the text’s meaning and enrich
the reader’s understanding (EN12Lit-Id-25).


Quad Activity

1. Form groups of four.
2. Using the blank comic strips below, create an exciting story by writing some
dialogues on the blank speech bubble.

21st Century Literature of the Philippines
and the World

Grade 11/12 • Unit 4: Other Literary Genres

Guide Questions
1. How did you feel while brainstorming for ideas on what to write in the speech
2. Why did you decide to come up with what you have done?

Learn about It
Graphic literature, also called sequential storytelling, is literature in the form of comics.
The term graphic literature has come to encompass not just works of fiction but also
autobiographical narratives, nonfiction, and even poetry.

Graphic literature also comes in different genres, like horror, historical fiction, romance,
science fiction, etc.

21st Century Literature of the Philippines
and the World

Grade 11/12 • Unit 4: Other Literary Genres

a particular but not obvious characteristic

causing argument or disagreement

a newspaper or magazine that is published regularly

Essential Question
What makes graphic literature interesting?

Kinds of Graphic Literature Literature

Japanese Manga
Japanese manga is an example of graphic literature that has many followers. This type of
graphic literature is created in Japan and written in Japanese.

A famous manga is the historical fiction Rurouni Kenshin, written and illustrated by Nobuhiro
Watsuki. The said manga focuses on the life of a former swordsman who has changed his

Another famous manga is Death Note, written by Tsugumi Ohba and illustrated by Takeshi
Obata. It is a fictional story focusing on death notes or notebooks from the underworld.

Graphic Novels
Graphic novels are famous examples of graphic literature. Among the most popular graphic
novelists are Alan Moore, who wrote V for Vendetta and Watchmen, and Neil Gaiman, famous

21st Century Literature of the Philippines
and the World

Grade 11/12 • Unit 4: Other Literary Genres

for The Sandman series. Both Moore and Gaiman’s works have a political undertone and
critique on the nature of humans in society.

Filipinos have ventured into writing graphic novels. Examples of these are Filipino Heroes
League by Pablo Fabregas and Ang Subersibo, adapted by Adam David and illustrated by
Mervin Malonzo.

The distinction between graphic novels and comic books is still contentious. A general view
is that a graphic novel is read like a book, as it tells one story from the beginning to the end,
whereas comic books are periodicals. As such, graphic novels are often longer and have a
more complex storyline.

Comic Strips
In the Philippines, comics are widespread graphic literature. Being periodicals, comics are
released in serial format and are often short humorous or adventure stories. A comic book
may also contain several stories.

One of the famous cartoonists in the Philippines is Apolonio “Pol” Medina Jr., who created
Pugad Baboy. Jess Abrera is also renowned for his creations A. Lipin and Pinoy Nga!, which
regularly appear on the Philippine Daily Inquirer. His son, Manix Abrera, is also famous for
the comic strip compilation Kikomachine Komix, which has different volumes of books.
Kikomachine Komix has attracted many college students as its comic strips depict their lives
and struggles.

Let’s Check In
What are the differences between the three genres of Graphic literature?

21st Century Literature of the Philippines
and the World

Grade 11/12 • Unit 4: Other Literary Genres

Key Points

● Art and literature are two inseparable ideas that are related in a variety of ways. For
example, great artworks have influenced literature and vice versa.
● Art and literature work well together to create a superb literary piece. Art
facilitates a deeper understanding of the text.

Check Your Understanding

Classify the following titles according to their genre. Fill in the table with
your answers.

Japanese Manga Graphic Novels Comics

1. Filipino Heroes League by Pablo Fabregas

2. Rurouni Kenshin by Nobuhiro Watsuki
3. A. Lipin by Jess Abrera
4. The Sandman series by Neil Gaiman
5. Pugad Baboy by Apolonio “Pol” Medina Jr.

21st Century Literature of the Philippines
and the World

Grade 11/12 • Unit 4: Other Literary Genres

Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false. If the statement
is false, underline the word that makes it false.

________________ 1. Being periodicals, comics are released in serial format and are
often short humorous or adventure stories.

________________ 2. Graphic novels are often shorter and have a more complex

________________ 3. Japanese manga is an example of graphic literature that has

many followers.

________________ 4. Japanese manga is a type of graphic literature created in Japan

and written in English.

________________ 5. The distinction between graphic novels and comic books is still

Using the characters in the comic strip below, discuss the similarities and
differences of graphic literature from five other genres of literature discussed
in this unit. The rubric in the following page will be used to grade your output.

21st Century Literature of the Philippines
and the World

Grade 11/12 • Unit 4: Other Literary Genres

Criteria Below Needs Meets Exceeds

expectations improvement expectations expectations
1 2 3 4

Content (50%) There are many There are some All the ideas All the ideas
Clear and incorrect ideas incorrect ideas presented are presented are
evident focus on presented. presented. correct. correct. There
the topic are additional
examples cited.

Organization The progression The progression The progression The progression

(25%) of ideas is of ideas is of ideas is of ideas is
Logical disorganized. somewhat organized. well-organized.
progression of Transitions are organized. Transitions are Transitions are
details/events; unclear, making Transitions are sufficiently clear and
clear transitions the text almost somewhat clear, leading to effective,
between ideas impossible to clear, leading to full leading to full
understand. vague understanding. and easy
understanding. understanding.

Language There are four There are two to There is one There are no
(25%) or more three language language error. language errors.
Spelling, language errors. errors.
grammar, and
word usage

Let’s Step Up!

Create a comic strip that shows your experiences as a student. Draw your work on a
short bond paper. Do not forget to write your title.

21st Century Literature of the Philippines
and the World

Grade 11/12 • Unit 4: Other Literary Genres

Austen, Jane. 1813. "Pride and Prejudice." Wikisource. Accessed June 4, 2018.
“Definitions of Fiction Categories and Genres.” Writers Digest University. December 07, 2014.
Accessed May 27, 2018.
“Digital Poetry.” Poetry Beyond Text. Accessed May 27, 2018.
Doyle, Artur Conan. 1890. "The Sign of the Four." Wikisource. Accessed June 4, 2018.
Funkhouser, Christopher. “Digital Poetry: A Look at Generative, Visual, and Interconnected
Possibilities in its First Four Decades.” In A Companion to Digital Literary Studies,
edited by Susan Schreibman and Ray Siemens. Accessed May 27, 2018.
Kowalczyk, Piotr. “15 Most Popular Fanfiction Websites.”Ebook Friendly. February 19, 2017.
Accessed May 27, 2018.
Maloney, Jennifer and Anna Russell. “Slipstream Fiction Goes Mainstream.” The Wall Street
Journal. Last modified February 4, 2015. Accessed May 27, 2018.
Merriam Webster. Accessed May 27, 2018.
Milhorn, Howard T. Writing Genre Fiction: A Guide to the Craft. Boca Raton, FL: Universal
Publishers, 2006.
Moleti, Carole Ann. “Graphic Literature: A Blend of Genre, Medium, and Form An
International Survey of Graphic Literature.” The Internet Review of Science Fiction.
2008. Accessed May 27, 2018.
“Theories of Metafiction.” Postmodern Theories and Texts. Accessed May 27, 2018.

21st Century Literature of the Philippines
and the World

Grade 11/12 • Unit 4: Other Literary Genres
Twain, Mark. 1884. "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn." Wikisource. Accessed June 4, 2018.
“What is E-Lit?” Electronic Literature Organization. Accessed May 27, 2018.
“What is Digital Fiction?” Reading Digital Fiction. Accessed May 27, 2018.


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