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A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 08

Subject: SCIENCE08


At the end of this lesson, the Grade 8 students are expected to accomplish the following
tasks with 85% proficiency and shall be able to:
• Describe how the upper and lower gastrointestinal tracts work
• Explain ingestion, absorption, assimilation, and excretion; and
• Identify common ailments of the digestive system.

The learners demonstrate an understanding of:

The digestive system and its interaction with the circulatory, respiratory, and
excretory systems in providing the body with nutrients for energy

The learners should be able to:

Present an analysis of the data gathered on diseases resulting from nutrient


The learners should be able to.

Explain ingestion, absorption, assimilation, and excretion; S8LT-IVa- 13



PDF File: Science Grade 8, Quarter 4-Module 1: The Digestive System

Materials: Ballpen, Paper, Clear container, Candy.

Values Integration: Understanding Digestive System and different diseases cause by nutrient


A. Preliminary Activities
• Prayer, greetings, and checking of attendance.
B. Developing Activities
1. Pre-Assessment
Direction: Choose the right letter of the correct answer. Write it on a blank sheet of paper.

1. Small muscular pouch responsible for strong bile.

A. Pancreas
B. Mechanical
C. Amylase
D. Gallbladder

2. Gland that produces insulin as well as other chemicals needed for digestion.
A. Pancreas
B. Esophagus
C. Large Intestine
D. Gall bladder

3. Which stage of digestion removes water?

A. Large intestine
B. Small intestine
C. Mouth
D. Stomach

4. Where would you expect to find hydrochloric Acid?

A. Stomach
B. Small intestine
C. Liver
D. Large intestine

5. Chewing food is an example of?

A. Chemical digestion
B. Physical digestion
C. Mechanical digestion
D. None of the above

6. Which of these stages of digestion includes a chemical change?

A. Peristalsis
B. Chewing
C. Saliva
D. Large intestine

7. Peristalsis refers to?

A. One of the digestive organs
B. The action of the stomach
C. Heart rate increasing
D. Smooth muscles moving food through the digestive system

8. What is the function of the digestive system?

A. To break down and absorb nutrients
B. To support and protect our bodies
C. To produce vitamin D
D. To help us move

9. Muscular, pouch-like enlargement of the digestive system.

A. Pancreas
B. Stomach
C. Epiglottis
D. Pepsin

10. Where does chemical digestion begin? .

A. Mouth
B. Esophagus
C. Stomach
D. Small intestine

2. Drill
• Students will label the parts of Human Digestive System by using the
terms provided below.
C. Activity
Activity 1: A sweet break!
After performing this activity, you should be able to:
1. Describe the process of mechanical digestion; and
2. Explain how the physical breaking down of food helps in its digestion.
Materials Needed:
Two 100 mL beakers or clear containers
Warm waters
Two pieces of candies (hard candies)
Mortar and pestle
Paper towel

1. Fill the two beakers with warm water. Make sure that the amount of water placed in
each glass is about the same. Label the glasses A and B.
2. Prepare two pieces of candies. Wrap a piece of candy in a paper towel and crush it using
a mortar and pestle or any hard object like a piece of wood.
3. Place one piece of candy into the glass of warm water labeled A and place the crushed
pieces of candy in the remaining glass of warm water labeled B.
4. Observe how long it takes for the whole candy in Glass A and the crushed pieces of
candy in Glass B to dissolve.
5. Record your observation.

D. Analysis (Cognitive domain)

Students will answer the following questions from the experiment that they have
Q5. How does crushing the candy to smaller pieces affect its dissolution?
Q6. What does crushing the candy represent in the process of digestion?

E. Abstraction (Generalization)
Digestion starts when food is taken into the mouth. This is called ingestion. As you chew,
you are breaking the food into small pieces as a means of mechanical breakdown. The pieces
mix with saliva before you swallow. Saliva is a watery liquid made by the salivary glands. It
softens and wets the food in the mouth and also initially starts chemical digestion through the
enzymes present in it. Then, the food passes through the esophagus. Muscle contractions in the
esophagus help move the food down to the stomach. This process is called peristalsis.
Stomach juices are chemicals made by the body that help digest food. The stomach is made
up of muscles that churn and help mix the food and break it into even smaller pieces.
The digestive glands in the stomach lining produce acids and enzymes that digest proteins.
These digestive juices could, in fact, harm the stomach. However, a thick mucus layer helps
keep this acidic chemical environment from destroying the tissues of the stomach.
Digested molecules of food are absorbed through the small intestine. The walls of the
small intestine contain many foods that are lined up with tiny fingerlike protrusions called villi.
These villi are in turn covered with even smaller protrusions called microvilli. These structures
increase the surface area through the walls of the intestine and into the bloodstream where they
get transported to the different parts of the body.
The undigested parts of food or those that were not absorbed by the body are eliminated as
feces. This process is called elimination or defecation.

F. Application (Psychomotor)

Gather data from books or trusted websites on the internet about the diseases cause by nutrient
deficiency. And create an informative video presentation presenting analysis from the data
gathered about the given topic.


Direction: Choose the right letter of the correct answer. Write it on a blank sheet of paper.

1. Small muscular pouch responsible for strong bile.

A. Pancreas
B. Mechanical
C. Amylase
D. Gallbladder

2. Gland that produces insulin as well as other chemicals needed for digestion.
A. Pancreas
B. Esophagus
C. Large Intestine
D. Gall bladder

3. Which stage of digestion removes water?

A. Large intestine
B. Small intestine
C. Mouth
D. Stomach

4. Where would you expect to find hydrochloric Acid?

A. Stomach
B. Small intestine
C. Liver
D. Large intestine

5. Chewing food is an example of?

A. Chemical digestion
B. Physical digestion
C. Mechanical digestion
D. None of the above
6. Which of these stages of digestion includes a chemical change?
A. Peristalsis
B. Chewing
C. Saliva
D. Large intestine

7. Peristalsis refers to?

A. One of the digestive organs
B. The action of the stomach
C. Heart rate increasing
D. Smooth muscles moving food through the digestive system

8. What is the function of the digestive system?

A. To break down and absorb nutrients
B. To support and protect our bodies
C. To produce vitamin D
D. To help us move

9. Muscular, pouch-like enlargement of the digestive system.

A. Pancreas
B. Stomach
C. Epiglottis
D. Pepsin

10. Where does chemical digestion begin?

A. Mouth
B. Esophagus
C. Stomach
D. Small intestine



Prepared by:
Divino, Maria Joylyn O.
Republic of the Philippines
Liceo del Verbo Divino
Tacloban City

Prepared By:

Divino, Maria Joylyn O.

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