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the tragedy of the commons refers to the overuse of

- Common property or free access resources

if you are interested in the study of the interaction between organisms and between organisms and
their environment, you must deal with the science


Meeting the needs and aspirations of the people without compromising the ability of the future
generations to meet theirs

-Sustainable development

An example of environmentally sustainable economic development is

-Burying of waste ( not sure) pollution prevention ata tlaga sagot.

the three factors affecting the environmental impact of the population in developing and developed
countries are:

-population times affluencec times technology impact

what is the social movement for protecting earth's life support systems for us and other species?


which of the following diagrams accurately represents the use of gases in both cellular respiration and

-Cellular respiration --- co2 ---> photosynthesis----o2--->Cellular respiration

A food web is shown below. Which of the following organisms compete for the mouse as a food source?

-Hawk and Snake

part of the marsh food web is shown below. Which of the following statements correctly describes
organisms in this food web?

-The bacteria are decomposers.

what is the biogeochemical cycles is involved in producing fossil fuels?

- The carbon cycle

which of the following is an example of a population

-Predator and prey in the grassland

the process which certain soil bacteria strip ammonia or ammonium of electron and nitrate is released
as reaction product, then other soil bacteria use nitrate for energy metabolism, yields nitrate is called


the biosphere _____

- is the portion of the earth in which life exists

decomposer is a type of


phytoplankton in an open water ecosystem are


what is the non living part of an ecosystem


An ecosystem is made up of ________________.

- living things and physical environment

A summary of the different chemical repositories where a particular element resides, coupled with the
pathways that convert and transport the element from one repository or form to another.

- Biogeochemical cycle

the diagram below shows many finch species that originated from a single ancestral finch species

- Population adapted to environmental pressures

what is the term used to describe the small genetic changes that occur in a population


an n always has a narrow niche

- specialist species

If environmental conditions are constant, ___________ are favored because they have fewer
competitors. If environmental conditions change rapidly, then the _________ is better off.

- specialists; generalist

it occurs when mutation and change by natural selection independently in the gene pool of
geographically isolated populations

- reproductive isolation

Random changes in the genetic code (DNA) of an organism.


In order for natural selection to occur __________________.

- the trait must lead to differential reproduction

A species of newt produces a toxin that can kill predators. Scientists have observed that some garter
snakes can feed on the newts because they have a natural resistance to the toxin. In areas where
populations of newts and garter snakes interact, which of the following predictions is BEST supported by
evolutionary theory?

-The garter snakes with resistance to the toxin will successfully reproduce and pass the trait on to their

Scientific evidence shows that modern dogs, wolves, and foxes all have a common ancestor. Further
evidence shows that dogs are more closely related to wolves than to foxes. Which of the following
observations provides the BEST evidence that dogs are more closely related to wolves than to foxes?

- The genetic sequences of dogs and wolves are more similar than the genetic sequences of dogs and

which of the following is the best example of natural selection

- The level of toxic of frogs

Ecologist say that niche is like a species' _________, while habitat is like its _________.

- occupation; address

The normal, gradual change in species composition in a given geographic area is called ____________

- ecological succession

maximum population of a given species that a habitat can sustain indefinitely

-Carrying capacity

population change equals births plus immigration minus which of the following

- Death + Emigration

Populations of species can undergo exponential growth represented by a/an _______when resource
supplies are plentiful. As resource supplies become limited, a population undergoes logistic growth,
represented by a/an ________, when the size of the population approaches the carrying capacity of its

-J-curve; S-shaped curve

Which of the following species is a K-selected species?

-Blue whale

Plants called epiphytes (air plants) attach themselves to the trunks or branches of trees in tropical and
subtropical forests. Epiphytes benefit by having a solid base on which to grow in an elevated location
that gives them better access to sunlight, water from the humid air and rain, and nutrients falling from
the tree's upper leaves and limbs. Their presence apparently does not harm the tree. What type of
species interaction is illustrated by epiphytes in tree?

the _ occurs when competing species evolve specialized traits that allow them to use shared resources
at different times, in different ways, or in different places

-Resource partitioning

Which of the following is an r-selected species?


The sum of all factors that limit the growth of a population

-Environmental resistance

occurs when one species feeds on the body of or the energy used by another organism


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