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PHY335:Nuclear & Particle Physics

(Zero Lecture)

Dr. Shankar
Department of Physics,
Lovely Professional University,
Phagwara, Punjab-144411

University Vision and Mission



Program Information

Program Name: Bachelor of Science (Physics Hons.) Duraion: 6 Semester

Focus is on correlation of concepts with the scientific happenings for deep rooted
concept building in budding physicists to harness the research potential in them.

#The medium of Instruction in this program is English

Programme Outcomes
PO1 : Fundamental understanding of the field and its applications : Acquire a fundamental/systematic or coherent understanding of the
academic field of Physics, its different learning areas and applications in basic Physics like Astrophysics, Material science, Nuclear and
Particle Physics, Condensed matter Physics, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Mathematical Physics, Analytical dynamics, Space science, etc.
PO2 : Linkages with related disciplines : Understand the linkages of different fileds of Physics with related disciplinary areas/subjects like
Chemistry, Mathematics, Life sciences, Environmental sciences, Atmospheric Physics, Computer science, Information Technology, etc.
PO3 : Procedural knowledge for professional subjects : Acquire procedural knowledge that creates different types of professionals related
to the disciplinary/subject area of Physics, including professionals engaged in research and development, teaching and government/public
PO4 : Skills in related field of specialization : Acquire skills in areas related to one’s specialization area within the disciplinary/subject area
of Physics and current and emerging developments inthe field of Physics.
PO5 : Ability to use in Physics problem : Demonstrate the ability to use skills in Physics and its related areas of technology for formulating
and tackling Physics-related problems and identifying and applying apropriate physical principles and methodologies to solve a wide range
of problems associated with Physics.
PO6 : Skills in Mathematical modeling : Recognize the importance of mathematical modeling simulation and computing, and the role of
approximation and mathematical approaches to describing the physical world.
PO7 : Skills in performing analysis and interpretation of data : Plan and execute Physics-related experiments or investigations, analyze and
interpret data/information collected using appropriate methods, including the use of appropriate software such as programming languages
and purpose-written packages, and report accurately the findings of the experiment/investigations while relating the conclusions/ findings
to relevant theories of Physics.
PO8 : Investigative Skills : Demonstarte investigative skills, including skills of independent investigation of Physics-related issues and
PO9 : Skills in problem solving in Physics and related discipline : Develop problem-solving skills that are required to solve different types of
Physics-related problems with well-defined solutions, and tackle open-ended problems that belong to the disciplinary-area boundaries.
PO10 : Develop Technical Communication skills : Develop communication skills involving the ability to listen carefully, to read texts and
research papers analytically and to present complex information in a concise manner to different groups/audiences of technical or popular
nature. 6
PO11 : Developing analytical skills and popular communication : Develop analytical skills involving paying attention to
detail and ability to construct logical arguments using correct technical language related to Physics and ability to
translate them with popular language when needed.
PO12 : Developing ICT skills : Ability to amalgamate theories, experimentation in science and Information Technology
to draft efficient and effective conclusions.
PO13 : Demonstrate Professional behaviour with respect to attribute like objectivity, ethical values, self reading, etc :
Demonstrate professional behavior such as being objective, unbiased and truthful in all aspects of work and avoiding
unethical, irrational behavior such as fabricating, falsifying or misrepresenting data or committing plagiarism.
Appreciate the intellectual property, environmental and sustainability issues; and promot safe learning and working

Programme Specific Outcomes

PSO1 : Understand the natural phenomena and craft basic correlation with concepts of mechanics, electricity,
magnetism, waves, optics, electronics and modern physics.
PSO2 : Ability to amalgamate theories, experimentation in science and Information Technology to draft efficient
and effective conclusions.
PSO3 : Ability to understand physical process and to analyze, interpret and propose solution to the problems.
PSO4 : Perform procedures as per laboratory standards in the areas of mechanics, electronics, optics, modern
physics, etc.
Bloom’s Taxonomy

Through this course
students should be able to

Assessment Model
L: 4.0 T: 0.0 P: 0.0 Cr: 4.0

Attendance: 5
CA: 25
MTT: 20 (Unit I,II and III)
ETT: 50 (Unit I to VI)

Overview of this Course …..
…the learning curve
Unit I
General Properties of Nuclei :
constituents of nucleus and their
intrinsic properties, quantitative
facts about mass, quantitative facts
about radii, quantitative facts about
charge density (matter
density), binding energy, average
binding energy and its variation with
mass number, main features
of binding energy versus mass number
curve, N/A plot, angular momentum,
parity, electric and
magnetic moment, nuclear excited

Unit II
Nuclear Models : liquid drop
model, semi empirical mass
formula and significance of its
terms, condition of nuclear
Unit III
Radioactivity decay : alpha
decay: basics of alpha decay
processes, theory of alpha
Gamow factor, Geiger Nuttall
law, alpha decay spectroscopy,
beta decay
Unit IV
Nuclear Reactions and Interact ion of
Nuclear Radiation with matter : types of
kinematics of reactions, Q-value, reaction
rate and cross section,
Unit V
Particle Accelerators and Detectors :
g a s d e t e c t o r, G M C o u n t e r, b a s i c
principle of scintillation
detectors, semiconductor detectors,
linear accelerator, cyclotron.
Unit VI
Particle physics : cosmic rays, primary and
secondary cosmic rays, basic features of
particle interactions, types of particles and
its families, symmetries and conservation 14
Very interesting ! Isn’t it ?

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Course Content
• UMS log in >>UMS navigation>>Learning
Management System>>Academic course
syllabus>>syllabus files>>select the session
Text books and Reference Books
Text Book:

References Book:
SUBRAHMANYAM, S Chand Publishing.

Check your
understanding !


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