Chem HW

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Stephen Collins

August 25, 2022

1.Define green chemistry

• Green chemistry is the use of chemicals, chemical processes and commercial products to reduce
toxin and waste

• 2.Outline the principles of green chemistry

1. Prevention- It is better to prevent waste being created than to create it and have to clean it

2. Atom Economy- This refers to how many atoms of an element was used and how many
atoms of the element were wasted

3. Less Hazardous Substances – Whenever possible, synthetic methods should be designed to

use and generate substances with little to no toxicity

4. Designing Safer Chemicals- It is vital that chemicals that are produced are safe to the

5. Safer Solvents and Reaction Conditions- It is important to use solvents that reduce energy
requirements, have the least toxicity and don’t
have major safety impacts

6. Design for Energy Efficiency- Synthetic methods should be conducted at room temp and
pressure to make better use of energy

7. Use of Renewable Feedstock

8. Reduce derivatives


10. Design for Degradation- Chemical products should be designed so that after they carry out
their function, they degrade.

11. Real time analysis for pollution prevention

12. Inherently safer chemistry for accident prevention

3. Discuss the harmful effects of non-metal on living systems and the environment; include
Pollution and role played by sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, oxide of
nitrogen, carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, nitrates, phosphates, herbicides and pesticides;
problem of disposal of solid waste (non-metal, example, plastics)

• The burning of sulfuric compounds or materials that contain sulfuric compounds give off a
common pollutant; Sulfur Dioxide. Direct contact with SO2 contributes to asthma and chronic
• Combustion of fossil fuels is the main source of carbon monoxide. When carbon monoxide
comes in contact with hemoglobin (the protein in red blood cells) it combines to form
carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) which limits the amount of oxygen being carried in the blood.
• Hydrogen sulphide is a colorless gas with a smell similar to that of rotten eggs. Direct contact
with H2S results in irritation to the eyes and respiratory systems.
• Nitric oxide is colorless and is oxidized in the atmosphere to form nitrogen dioxide. Nitrogen
dioxide has an odour, and is an acidic and highly corrosive gas.
• Carbon dioxide and CFC’s are greenhouse gases that are slowly depleting the ozone layer.
• Nitrates, phosphates, herbicides and pesticides are used as fertilizers and when rain falls and
washes it away (leaching) it surface waters are infested with heavy metals whose concentration
poses a threat to the environment
• When plastic isn’t disposed of properly, since it is not biodegradable it will stay forever and the
toxic chemicals are leached into the ground and pollute the soil and water

4. Relate the unique properties of water to its functions in living systems; Include density
changes, solvent properties, specific heat capacity, volatility.

• Density- Above 4oC, water acts like any other substance : As temp increases, it expands and the
density increases
Below 4oC : As temp decreases, the density decreases. This means that ice is less dense
than liquid water
• Solvent properties – The polarity of water allows it to dissolve ionic substances as well as polar
covalent substances
• Specific Heat capacity – Water absorbs plenty of heat and yet its temp rises very slowly. When
water cools it releases a lot of heat

5. Discuss the consequences of the solvent properties of water; include hardness of water
(temporary and permanent), leaching.

• Hard water will precipitate out and cause problems in water conducting or storing vessels like
• Leaching removes nutrients from soil, removes fertilizers that pollute soil and removes soluble
substances as water percolates through the soil
6. Describe the methods used in the treatment of water for domestic purposes; Boiling, filtering,
chlorinating, softening, include equations for softening water

• Boiling helps purify water by effectively killing pathogens but does not eliminate any chemical
pollutants. It is better to filter water before boiling.
• When filtered, water is free of any suspended solids and some viruses have been removed
however, the water still contains some pathogens
• When purifying water, little amounts of chlorine is added ( Chlorine is very poisonous ) and it
breaks the chemical bonds of pathogens, viruses and bacteria in their molecules
• Water can be softened by the use of sodium carbonate. It removed both temporary and
permanent hardness. Dissolved Mg2+ or Ca2+ precipitated as insoluble carbonate
Na2CO3 (aq) + Ca2+ (aq) = CaCO3 (s) + 2Na+ (aq)

7. Explain the importance of metals and their compounds on living systems and environment;
include Organometallic compounds such as chlorophyll (containing magnesium) and
haemoglobin, (containing iron), importance of trace metals, for example, zinc.

• Chlorophyll is a key substance in the process of photosynthesis as it sustains plant life and
provides oxygen for the whole planet. Magnesium is the central core of chlorophyll ; a
magnesium deficiency will result in poor and stunted plant growth.
• Hemoglobin is transported in red blood cells and is responsible for carrying oxygen and carbon
dioxide around the body. Since hemoglobin’s main element is iron, a hemoglobin deficiency
will result in anemia. This will cause dizziness, pale skin, fatigue and etc.
• A trace metal is a metallic substance that is found in low concentration in both aqueous
environments and geological samples. Trace metals are essential minerals that a human must get
from food but unlike macro minerals, we only need a little bit. Some trace metals such as zinc
act as antioxidants and protect the body from long-term damage. They're also responsible for
supporting your blood system and are necessary for the healthy growth of certain hormones.
8. Discuss the harmful effect of metals and their compounds to living systems and the
environment; include reference to toxicity of certain metals example: Lead (Lead compounds in
car exhaust fumes, and paints, disposal of vehicular batteries), arsenic (for mining), cadmium
(disposal of nickel-cadmium batteries), and mercury (disposal of thermometers in hospitals and
labs, mercury content in fish), problem of disposal of solid waste (metals). 

• Lead is a very heavy metal that is denser than most common metals. When plants are exposed
to high amounts of lead, it can result in stunted growth, chlorosis ( yellowing of tissue leaf due
to lack of chlorophyll ) and the blackening of the root system. Similarly, for a human to be
exposed to high levels of lead, it will likely result in anemia, weakness and kidney and brain
damage or even death.
• Depending on the level of exposure to arsenic, workers can suffer damage to the eyes, skin,
liver, kidney, lungs, lymphatic system and can also get cancer. For plants, the effects include
death, inhibition of growth ,photosynthesis and reproduction, and behavioral effects.
• When nickel-cadmium batteries are improperly disposed of, the battery starts to decay and
corrode and so some chemicals are let into the environment. When encountered with cadmium,
breathing high levels of this chemical damages one’s lungs, causes cancer, and may cause death.
If cadmium builds up in one’s body overtime, it will result in kidney disease and fragile bones.
• Improper disposal of mercury can lead to a lot of bad things. If the thermometer breaks and the
mercury is not cleaned up properly, it will evaporate into the environment and contaminate it,
endangering all human in its reach and wildlife. Although many fish contain mercury, most do
not contain high amounts of it or even enough to cause is to label it is a health hazard.
• Improper disposal of solid waste may create serious negative environmental impacts like
infectious diseases, land and water pollution, obstruction of drains and loss of biodiversity .

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