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Lab#: 5

Skill: ORR

Topic: Center of gravity

Aim: To find the center of gravity of an irregular shaped lamina

Related theory:

Center of gravity is the point associated with an object where all the weight seems to act
for all orientations. It is the point where the object will balance or be in equilibrium.
The position of the center of gravity determines the stability of an object when the
center of gravity is high the object will be more unstable and if it is low it will be more

There are three types of equilibrium, neutral, stable and unstable; neutral equilibrium (a
ball) the height of the center of gravity does not change when the object is disturbed,
with unstable equilibrium (a cone on its point) the center of gravity falls when the
object is disturbed and the object usually falls and stable equilibrium (a cone on its
base) the center of gravity rises when it is disturbed but it falls back into place. Objects
usually are more stable if they have a broad base and if they are very dense.

The center of gravity of regular geometric shapes such as rectangles, cones, triangles,
circles can be found be at the intersection of diagonals, medians and center lines. The
center of gravity of irregular shapes are found at the intersection of plumb lines or
balance lines from knife edges.

Material and apparatus:

An irregular shaped lamina with three to four holes near the edge

A plumb line

A pivot on which the lamina can hang freely

A sharp pencil


1. Cut a piece of cardboard in an irregular shape and bore 3-4 holes at a fair
distance apart near the edge.

2. Hang the lamina at the pivot and allow it to swing freely as shown.

3. Hang the plumb line at the pivot and allow it to swing freely.

4. When the plumb line and lamina are steady mark two points along the line, one
near the pivot and one near to the edge of the lamina.

5. Remove the plumb line and the lamina and using the 30 cm rule and pencil draw
a straight line to connect the points.

6. Repeat the process for the other holes.

7. Test the balance by placing it on the fingertip at the point of intersection.


List four (4) observations.

List four (4) possible sources of error in this experiment.

List four precautions taken

Explain the results.

State TWO instances of how center of gravity is applied in society.



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