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XJ: Hello, madam, we are from group 2 , and my name is Wong Xue Jing (261730) .

In this Small-Group Student Role-Play Scenario we organize a gathering for our course mates
through video call. I will be playing the role of a task leader in this discussion.

H: My name is Halimatul and matrix number 263203. I’m taking the role as an Information
Provider in this discussion.

JW: My name is Ho Jun Wen, matric number 263225. I will be playing the role of the Blocker in
this discussion.

Eza: My name is Eza, matric number 261558. I will be playing the role of questioner during the

HY: My name is Tan Hui Yin; my matric number is 262794. I will be playing the role of a
social emotional leader trait.

Ok madam we will start our discussion now

XJ: Hello guys, I haven’t seen you all in ages! Are you guys good lately?

HY:Hello everyone, long time no see!

H:Woah hello my friends, long time no see, I miss you guys so much. Hey, by the
way Eza, I saw you were shopping at Gurney Plaza a few days ago.

Eza: Yes, Halimatul I saw you that day too! Hello guys, long time no see!

JW: Hello everyone, how are things? Miss the times we hung out in uum.

XJ: Thanks for answering the call today. Actually, my purpose of calling you guys is to hold a 10-
year course mates reunion for our alumni. I think everyone should have not seen each other for
a long time. I still remember covid-19 caused most of us to graduate without having a chance to
return to the university.

Eza: wow nice idea, but how you plan to do it ?Is it this gathering do for our course
only or whole batch?

Hy: Wow, that sounds great! For me, I do prefer our course mates as I am not familiar
with the students from other courses.

H:Uhhm, for me, I would like to suggest gathering with the course mates because
most of our friends are come from same courses. We are not familiar and close with
the whole batch students. It will be more fun for everyone who know each other to
get together, am I right?

JW: That's right. Since we are organizing a gathering, we might as well organize it for the
course mates since it will be much more fun that way.

XJ:ok, Since the majority think that organizing this reunion for the course mates is
better. So, let’s plan the schedule.

Eza:Hmm... Do we invite lecturers to join the reunion as well?

JW: Come on. Why would you want to take the fun away from the gathering? I don’t mean it in a
bad way, some lecturers are chill, but it might affect the atmosphere there. But let’s follow the

Hy: Ermmm I think what Eza is trying to say is to invite those lecturers that are very close
to us like Madam Hamidah right? I think it can be done without affect the atmosphere.

Eza: Yes, Hui Yin, that’s what I mean.

H : Well, I’m okay with anything just if you guys need , I can provide most of the
lecturer's contact information. But in my opinion, we should send the invitation
letter to them in terms of politeness. What do you think, Xue Jing?

XJ: ermm… I think we can try to invite our lecturers. If they are willing to join this reunion, we
can plan some places that are more suitable for them.

Eza:So, do you all have any idea regarding the place of reunion?

XJ: Actually, I have an idea, but I need you all to give me some suggestions to complete this
reunion. My idea is to organize a day trip for everyone to get together. Did you guys have any

JW: This might be troublesome; we would have to plan a lot of things and make sure everything
goes smoothly. And you should also know, some of our fellow course mates might be a bit
cheap, they won’t want to spend a lot on a day trip. A reunion dinner would be way easier, and
cheaper in my opinion.

Hy: Even though a one-day trip is a great idea, but I do prefer one night gathering
because the one-day trip has many aspects that we need to plan and consider.

H : I agree with Jun Wen and Hui Yin’s opinion. If you guys wanna host a dinner
party, I know some venue resources, we can get a discount price from them.
Eza: It sounds good Halimatul! Can we know where the place is and how about its

H : My sister-in-law's family owns a high-class ballroom in KL, which is suitable for

around 200 people. Since we only plan for 100 people, I think it is very suitable for
our gathering this time.

XJ: But wait a minute, I have a question, because this time we are going to invite the alumni of
the entire course to participate. They might come from different places. It would be too casual
for those who come from that far and just have dinner. So why don't we make a day trip and
dinner together?

JW: A one-day trip will take much more time and not everyone be able to attend. Especially, the
alumni who are working in the weekdays and wants to spend time with their family on

HY : Emmmm……I have an idea! Since we all have not met up for a long
time, what if we combine this both ideas? Which means we plan for a day
trip during daytime and have a gathering at night.

Eza: Woah I agree with you Hui Yin! By the way, which date is suitable to do it? Since everyone
is still working.

XJ : Yeah, Jun Wen I have considered what you said just now, so I think we should
hold this reunion on next year April 30 because the next day is labour days, so that
the participants don’t have to take leave for the next day because it’s a holiday, and
they can have a rest when they get home. Perhaps more people will have time to
attend on this date.

HY: I have just looked it up, 30th of April is on a Friday, and I believe most of us are still working
on Friday, right? So, I suggest we change the date to the 1st of May as it is a public holiday and
a weekend.

H: I think it is better that we make a tentative reference. What time do you guys think our day
trip should start and end?

Eza: How about from 8am until 5pm?

JW: Since all of you have already decided on a day trip, we might as well extend the time a bit
longer to make it worthwhile for those who are coming from afar. Another thing, we should not
end it too late so the ones that don’t plan to stay at the hotel will have enough time to get home.
So, let’s say, ending it at around 9pm ish?
HY: Hmmm make sense, but consider the people who come from far, we should end the main
event on 5pm. After 5pm, they feel free to leave or stay. We can make a small activity after 5pm,
such as social freely by the poolside of the hotel. By the way, are there any recommend hotels
that can accommodate us?

H: The company I currently work for, has a long-term cooperation hotel. I could help to settle
some of the accommodation and bathing demand for those participants who need makeup for
the dinner party and for those who are too late to fly back to their hometown.

XJ: Ok, let me summarize what we have discussed so far. We decided to hold a day
trip from 8 am to 5pm on 1st of May. Halimatul will be responsible for their
accommodation. Next, we will discuss the tentative schedule of the day trip

Eza: That’s great! Do you guys have any recommended attractions that are suitable to do
activity in the morning?

H: I recommend going to sunway lagoon, because one ticket can play for a whole day, and then
they can directly attend our dinner party in the evening.

JW: I don’t think that's a good idea, I think it's better to go somewhere relaxing where we can
gather and chit chat for a bit since it's early in the morning. I would suggest Kanching Rainforest

Eza: I agree with it, Jun Wen. I also think that Kanching Rainforest Waterfalls is more suitable
for us. Since we have a busy life currently, so by approaching nature it can let us relax and
release our stress.

H: WHYY ! ! ! ! I think the sunway lagoon is such an awesome idea because we

don't need to worry about where to take them all day to play. My idea saves our
effort and their money too.

HY: Halimatul, I can see that you just want to make the trip more
manageable and fun. But both suggestions are good. So, let us cool down
for a while and see how Xue Jing manages these suggestions, ok?

XJ: Since everyone has their own opinion on where to go in the morning, I think we can vote on
this. Do you guys agree?

All: yes!

XJ: Who votes for Sunway Lagoon?

H: I stand with my point, Sunway Lagoon is the BEST!!!!

XJ: I would also like to vote for Sunway Lagoon.

XJ: Only 2 of us? Ok then, who voted for Kanching Waterfall?

Eza: Me!Vote for Kanching Waterfall

HY: I will vote for Kanching Waterfall too!

JW: Me too of course :)

XJ: 3 of you voted for Kanching Waterfall and 2 of us voted for Sunway Lagoon. We decided
that we will go to Kanching waterfall as our first destination in the morning. and this a great idea
for everyone including the elderly to get together and relax.

HY: Halimatul, your idea is great. But it is not quite suitable for our one-day trip. As
everyone might just split off into different directions to have fun in different areas or
attractions, so that defeats the aim of this gathering. I think you also would not like to
see such an incident happen right?

H: Uhmm it makes sense. I'm sorry that I didn't consider it well, then I agree with the Kanching
waterfall idea. I think it should be fun too.

Eza: So, what activities can we do at the rainforest waterfall?

XJ: We can have a photo session for all our alumni and have breakfast there. As for breakfast, I
provide food and beverage to all the participants.

H:uhmmm, how about we have a picnic there? By the way, the participants’ lunch
problem can be solved also. I can help to contact restaurants I am familiar with and
ask them to prepare food for us.

HY: Oh ya Halimatul, don't forget to prepare halal and vegetarian food for our malay and
vegetarian friends as well.

Eza:Halimatul, is it we must take it away or they can deliver it to us?

H : The restaurant will directly prepare picnic tableware and food for us, one-stop
service. No worries, Eza.

Eza:That’s great,so, after we have lunch, what is the next destination?

JW: Wow, what a great service they provide. Will they charge us more on the services? I am
afraid that some of us cannot afford it.

H:I have spoken to the restaurant manager; the extra services are complimentary
to the catering. On top of that, we are ordering in bulk therefore, they gave us

XJ: Good idea from Halimatul, we will follow your idea. Next, we discuss the activities to be
done at noon because the weather is relatively hot at that time. Do you guys have any indoor
places to introduce, so that everyone does not need to bask in the sun.

HY: I suggest that we can go to the city gallery because it has air conditioned there! What
do you all think?

Eza:City gallery? Hmm… where is this? I never hear about it.

HY: From my childhood memory, City gallery is a place full of famous landmarks,
paintings and photos of old KL and it also gives some historical information of old KL.
Could anyone help to provide more information, I can’t remember more.

H: City gallery is located on Dataran Merdeka which is in the heart of KL's tourism zone, it is
also one of KL's busiest tourist attractions. Thus, It is very suitable for our participants who want
to Experience a 360° view of Kuala Lumpur!

JW: City gallery is fine, but do we have any other activities to do there besides learning about
history? I’m fine with enjoying history lessons, but I’m just worried we might finish the whole tour
in half an hour and there’s nothing left for us to do there. So that might be an issue for us.

HY: No worries, Jun Wen, if we finished the trip then we can check in to the hotel and let
them take a rest or prepare for the gathering in the evening.

XJ: Yes, my plan is exactly like this. So, at noon we will bring all our alumni to the City gallery to
walk around and Halimatul remember to prepare enough room for them to rest. After the walk.

JW: Oh ya, as a reminder, make sure to book at least a few months in advance, I’m worried they
might not have enough rooms to accommodate all of us in one go. That would cause a lot of

H: No problem, Xue Jing and Jun Wen, that was my plan in the first place.

Eza: Halimatul, is it the distance between the ballroom and hotel nearly?

H : Coincidentally, Eza, the ballroom is located at the upstairs of our

accommodation hotel that I mentioned just now, they are in the same building.
Eza:Wow, very good! So, do we need to prepare some activities, because if we just
have dinner as usual it might be boring.

H: Uhmm, I would like to suggest that we can invite a band to join our dinner
party。I have a friend who is in a band。

Eza: Wow really?Which band ? Does the price is reasonable?

HY:What I am worrying about is, the higher fees for this one-day trip will
affect the number of people willing to join us.

XJ: Halimatul since the band is your friend, can you negotiate the price with them? If possible,
be cheaper so that our budget will not be too high. Besides, I have a friend working as an
emcee, so I plan to invite him to host the dinner. What do you guys think?

H: If everyone agrees with me, I can help to bargain the performance fee.

JW:Hiring an emcee is fine, but instead of a band, why not have a karaoke machine
where we can sing ourselves. Isn't that much more fun. At the same time, we can
also save up on the cost of hiring the band. Why waste the money there when we
can spend it on something else?

XJ: Because the type of music we choose to play at this dinner can set the tone of the entire
party. Most times it's one of the aspects that the guests will remember the most. Why not give
them something special to remember by hiring a live band?

H:Yes, I agree with Xue Jing, I am very annoyed that some people think that their
singing is very good. However, they don't notice that their singing is noise pollution
to other people.

JW: How can you say that Halimatul? These are all our friends you are talking about. The whole
point of gathering is supposed to bring everyone together and have fun. This might be out of
context but what you just said was really rude just so you know. >:(

H: Jun Wen, I believe that there must be someone who will agree with me, do you want to
challenge me? Let’s vote to decide.

HY: Regardless of hiring a band or renting a karaoke machine, both ideas are good to
entertain us. Calm down my friends, it is not worth it to keep arguing and let it affect our
friendship, right? So how about we listen to what the others think of this?
Eza: Okay Jun Wen. I have one question, if you want to rent a karaoke machine it also needs a
PA system to support it. Does the ballroom have such equipment?

JW: I’m sure 99% of the hotels around should have a PA system. I feel like it’s a must have item
for a hotel. Like, how would they operate if someone wants to host a wedding dinner there
without a PA system. It doesn’t make sense.

XJ : Since there is a disagreement again, we will have another voting section to

decide whether we want to hire a live band or prepare the ktv set for the guest. In
my opinion I think a band is more suitable for the environment of the day.

H: I vote for the band not KTV thank you.

HY: I have the same opinion as Halimatul, so I will vote for the band.

Eza: I also vote for band, sorry Jun Wen

JW: Haizz, since everyone has voted to hire a band. Let’s just follow the majority and hire the
band then.

HY: Don't be sad, Jun Wen. Your idea is good, but the band will be more suitable for this
gathering. I know you have no problem singing in front of everyone, however the others
might not have the courage to sing in front of people. If nobody wants to sing during the
gathering, it might cause awkwardness in the crowd. Therefore, to prevent this kind of
awkward incident from happening, it is better for us to hire a band.

JW: Understandable. Let's proceed then :)

HY: Thanks for your understanding, Jun Wen

XJ :Besides singing and eating, I think we need more activities during the night 。
Do you guys have any ideas?

HY:Maybe we can have a lucky draw event after dinner?

XJ: Good, this can be one of the activities during the night !

Eza:Great idea, Hui Yin. Oh ya we have not decided on our dinner yet !

HY: I think the dinner will be settled by hotel, right?

Eza: And how about the menu?

JW: I think this fall to Halimatul since she will be the one handling almost everything about the
hotels and stuff. Oh ya, make sure to include halal and vegetarian options for dinner as well

H: Sure, of course, no worries guys, I’ll handle it.

Eza: Okay, then back to the lucky draw, what gift should we buy and how much is the quantity?

HY: hmmm so sorry Eza, I have no idea.

XJ: For Lucky draw, I think we can buy some electronic products or artwork as our gift to the
lucky draw winner.

JW: That is fine, but make sure not to go overboard on the price of the lucky draw gifts. We
should maximize the number of guests that will be able to get something from the lucky draw.
That way we can end on a strong note.

H: Then I suggest that we can search for the wholesaler to get more wholesale electrical
appliances, such as hair dryers and so on. We can get the cheaper wholesale price if we order
certain quantities at one time.

Eza: Hmm… So, I think we should prepare a budget for a lucky draw session to make sure we
will not over budget. By the way, who can be the person in charge of buying the gift?

HY : Just leave the lucky draw to me! I hope that most of the guests can
receive presents from the lucky draw session, however I know that this
might increase our budget. Therefore, I can handle it as I have some
friends that are working in retail businesses, so I can try to negotiate the
prices with them.

Eza: Thank you so much Hui Yin. Oh, i totally forget it, how much the guests should
pay for the one day trip?since it covers many ~ expenses.

XJ : Regarding this issue, I estimate one person might need to pay RM200. If the
budget is exceeded, we will discuss it at the next meeting. Because we are still not
sure how many alumni will attend the reunion.

H:No problem, please allow me to conclude my responsive part with you guys. First
of all, I think the accommodation hotel and ballroom will cost about RM10k. The
participant’s beverage can only be determined based on the number of participants.
Basically, RM100 per person a day should be enough. For the Band part, my friend’s
normal price is RM500 per hour. I will talk to them for a discount and try to lower the
price down to RM300 per hour.
XJ: For me I will handle the breakfast when we are at Kanching Waterfall and I will find the
emcee to host the dinner.

HY: The cost of a present is around RM30 per piece, and I plan to order 100 pieces. So,
the approximate cost for our lucky draw session should be around RM3000.

JW: Seems to me it's a bit pricey just for a lucky draw session. I think we should continue
lowering the price of the items. Another thing is the contacts for the lecturers, Halimatul
whenever you’re free, send the list of contacts to me as well.

H:Okay, no problem, Jun Wen, I’ll send you by tomorrow.

Eza:Oh Jun Wen I can also contact the lecturers and alumni as well, so me and Jun
Wen will be the person in charge of contacting the guests. Is it okay?

JW: Sure, thing Eza! We can split the list in half then.

XJ : Okay, I think we've covered everything on the list. I will calculate all the
expenses and list out the final budget of this reunion. Again, I want to thank you all
for taking time out to plan this reunion today. If anyone has any questions about
anything we discussed today, feel free to call me. See you :)

ALL: thanks bye sees u next meeting

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