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I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. The Richter scale is used to determine the _____.
a. the damage caused by an earthquake b. the total monetary damage caused by an earthquake.
c. the intensity of an earthquake d. magnitude of an earthquake
2. A person who studies earthquakes is called a _____.
a. Seismologist b. Paleontologist c. Faultologist d. Tectonic Specialist
3. The point on the Earth’s interior where rupture or breaking FIRST breaks.
a. Epicenter b. Focus c. Fault d. Fold
4. It is the vibration of the earth due to the sudden release of energy.
a. Tsunami b. Storm surge c. Volcanic eruption d. Earthquake
5. A type of fault wherein it moves the crust in a forward and backward motion.
a. Reverse Fault b. Strike-slip Fault c. Normal Fault d. Thrust Fault
6. A normal fault is associated with a type of stress called_________.
a. Tension b. Compression c. Shear d. Smear
7. The focus is found______________.
a. Directly above the ocean b. Directly above the epicenter
c. Directly below the epicenter d. Directly below the ocean
8. The wall that moves upward and downward is called_________.
a. Foot Wall b. Hanging Wall c. Normal Wall d. Reverse Wall
9. Which of the following can be triggered by an earthquake?
a. Tsunami b. Intense ground shaking c. Landslide d. All of these
10. The breaking of rocks due to stress is called_________.
a. Folding b. Fault c. Tension d. Uplift
11. What is the asteroid belt?
a. An area between the orbits of mars and Jupiter b. A belt of rocks across a planet
c. A belt of rocks crossing the sun d. A belt of rocks found in the earth
12. A scale used to measure the intensity of an earthquake.
a. Mercalli Scale b. Richter Scale c. Weighing Scale d. Biological Scale
13. A method using three seismic stations to determine the epicenter of the earthquake.
a. Triangulation b. Expansion c. Contraction d. Syncline
14. This occurs when meteoroids’ orbit intersect with that of the Earth’s orbit.
a. Asteroid b. Meteors c. Meteor Shower d. Meteorites
15. A tropical cyclone found in the Northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean
a. Hurricane b. Tropical depression c. Supertyphoon d. Typhoon

II. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE: Write TRUE if the underlined word is correct and FALSE if the
underlined word is wrong.

1. People are interviewed to determine intensity.

2. Intensity IX is described as devastating wherein people are forcibly thrown to the ground.
3. Oort Cloud is a region found beyond the orbit of Neptune.
4. A Mercalli Scale is used to describe the intensity of an earthquake.
5. Epicenter is the point on the interior of the earth where rupture first occurs.
6. PAGASA is an institution tasked in monitoring earthquakes and volcanic activities.
7. ITCZ is a signal issued by PAGASA that describe wind speed, rainfall and amount of time before the tropical
cyclone hits the area.
8. A stress found in a reverse fault is called compression.
9. A big wave produced by heavy rains and supertyphoons is called tsunami.
10. Taepung is the name given by Chinese people to typhoons.
11. The eye is the center of a typhoon.
12. A space rock fragment that survives burning in the atmosphere and makes it to the ground is called meteoroid.
13. A comet is an icy object found in space.
14. The famous comet which takes 76-79 years to orbit the sun is Halley’s Comet.
15. The asteroid belt is found between Mars and Earth.
16. Tropical Storm is a tropical cyclone that has a wind speed of about 64 kph.
17. Mesosphere is the layer of the atmosphere where weather disturbances occurs.
18. Warm air and ocean water are the two components needed for the tropical cyclone to develop.
19. Hanging Amihan is also called as Southwest Monsoon.
20. Eyewall is the area where North and South trade winds converge.
III. MATCHING TYPE: Match Column A to Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer.

Column A Column B
1. A fault wherein the hanging wall moves downward. a. Tai Fung
2. These are celestial objects that are made from icy or b. Typhoon
frozen material. c. Taepung
3. A type of stress that moves the rocks in a forward or d. Comet
backward motion. e. Asteroid
4. A tropical cyclone which has a wind speed of f. Reverse Fault
118kph. g. Normal Fault
5. A part of a comet wherein most of the comet’s light h. Shearing
came from. i. Tension
6. The force that adds energy to the rocks until it j. Tropical Depression
breaks. k. Tropical Storm
7. A fold in a rock that arcs upward. l. Tail
8. Force that opposes the motion of an object. m. Coma
9. A stress that pulls or stretches the rocks until it n. Stress
becomes thinner in the middle. o. Friction
10. It refers to the breaking of rocks or crust. p. Anticline
11. It is the sudden vibration of the earth due to the rapid q. Syncline
release of energy. r. Fault
12. The wall that moves upward or downward. s. Earthquake
13. An institution that monitors earthquakes, volcanic t. Tsunami
eruption and tsunamis in the Philippines. u. Hanging Wall
14. Is also called a typhoon or hurricane depending on v. Footwall
what specific region this stormy system occurs. w. PHIVOLCS
15. A typhoon in Korea x. PAGASA
y. Tropical Cyclone

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Subject Teacher

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