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NAME: ____________________________ GRADE 5 DATE: _____________

General Instructions:
This task has two parts: part one has 4 tasks, part two has 8 statements and part 3 has 1 task.
Task: Any day of the school year is a wonderful day for a special event, but it is often said that the during the
school year, “Culture Day” is a perfect time to celebrate. As the Student Advisor, you are asked to assist the
Student President in planning the Culture Day for your school. You are tasked with creating an action plan
giving a clear outline of what will be included throughout the day.
Part 1
The Fidelitas School is having a Cultural Day focussing on the contribution of the different ethnic groups to the
Jamaican Society. Read the sources, make notes where possible and use the information to assist you in
answering the questions that follow.

Source 1
Cultural Heritage the Focus for Jamaica Day – Jamaica Gleaner
Schools across the island joined in the national observation of Jamaica Day on Friday, February 24, under the
theme: ‘Celebrating Jamaica: Exploring Our Legacy”. Senior Education Officer in the Ministry of Education,
Youth and Information, Marlon Williams, who launched Jamaica Day at a recent ceremony at the Herbert
Morrison Technical High School in Montego Bay, St. James, said the mission of the day’s observation is to
encourage an appreciation for the nation’s cultural heritage, especially among students.

“Jamaica Day is an annual event designed to contribute to citizenship education and to enhance the appreciation
for Jamaica’s rich heritage and culture which builds positive identity in our students and, by extension, our
nation,” he explained. Mr. Williams said students and teachers as well as members of the society are expected
to wear the national colours on that day, while schools are expected to be decorated accordingly. “We are
expecting that the Jamaican colours will be worn by everyone in all entities and sectors on that day as a symbol
of our commitment to celebrating the many legacies that have made and are making Jamaica one of the greatest
nations on earth,” he said. Mr. Williams is also encouraging schools to research their history and on Jamaica
Day they should focus the observation on their own legacies.

Jamaica Day, which is part of the Culture in Education Programme, was instituted in the nation’s schools by the
Ministry of Education to celebrate what is called ‘Jamaicanness’ and the country’s contribution to the world.

Source 2
Fun Day, Nay Day!
From the Diary of a Student Leader.
A Fun Day can be many things. It is not just a day for us children to play with no other recourse. You
must consider why you are doing it? How to plan for it? How to communicate to the students, school staff, and
community? How to execute the day?
For me, it was all about what I wanted my friends and I to remember when we think back on Fun Day a
decade from now. I had to think, how do I want the day and the process of planning it to improve our lives and
the community in which we live?
Reflecting on last year’s Fun Day events always made me sweat. What do I remember? I remembered
how much fun I had, the games I played, and spending time with my classmates. The Fun Day was a great
chance for us as students to let loose, get active, and have a good time. And at the end of the day, it was all
about creating a memorable experience.
The day wasn’t all fun and games. There was a whole lot of behind the scenes work done before the big
day. This is what I called, the planning process for Fun Day. I had to ask myself a whole lot of questions before
I put my pen to paper. Should I ask my teachers for help? Should I get booths, tents and more? Should I reach
out to the school community to ask for donations? I even thought about just throwing some activities on a sheet
of paper and drawing a map with a schedule. Do I need to alert the parents that children will get wet if I have
water activities so there are no surprises when they come home with dirty clothes? Or should I assume that they
will know being that it’s a fun day. Take nothing for granted when planning an event!
It was often said that the roadmap to a successful Fun Day comes through four main components: proper
planning, communicating, execution, and follow-up. The level of planning done, and the amount of detail and
communication placed into planning the Fun Day last year had a direct correlation between the kind of
memories that I wanted all my friends to have decades from our primary school years. This could not have been
done in a vacuum or over a couple days of throwing things together. It involved considering all the possible
aspects a Fun Day will entail and working through each at a steady pace over a few months. As a backup plan, I
followed these steps:
1. Plan the Activities
2. Formulate a Budget
3. Recruit Volunteers
4. Create a Rainy-Day Plan
5. Prep for Fun Day (the Day Before)
6. Setup Fun Day
The biggest challenges encountered during the planning stages of the fun day was identifying the ideal
venue then establishing a budget and financial goals. Even though it was a school fun day, I had to consider the
gym, cafeteria and playground as likely options that cost little to nothing to use. I also had to ensure that the
location was safe, and able to accommodate the rides and activities that I had planned. Verifying if there was
enough access to power sources, food facilities, bathrooms and parking was another issue. Thanks to careful
planning, it was a Fun Day to remember!
Source 3
The Jamaican Culture
Symbolic of our heritage and history, 'Jamaica culture', as I shall call it, was fashioned around the
mixture and influences of our many peoples. Our motto "Out of Many one People" perhaps provide the perfect
definition and insight into our culture. We boast a rich blend of African, European, Chinese, Indian and some
middle eastern cultures. Of course, the early Taino settlers played a pivotal role in our culture as well.

Different Ways We Celebrate being a Jamaican!

Part 1
1. According to source 1, what would be the best advice to give to the Student President about preparing
for the Culture Day? Include at least four appropriate suggestions from source one that would be
useful for the Student Present.
1. Encourage students to wear the national colours on Jamaica Day as a symbol of their commitment to
celebrating the nation's cultural heritage.

2. Decorate the school accordingly to create a festive atmosphere that highlights Jamaica's rich heritage
and culture.

3. Research the school's history and focus the observation of Jamaica Day on their own legacies.

4. Use the day's observation to contribute to citizenship education and enhance students' appreciation for
Jamaica's cultural heritage.

2. Putting on a fun day can be a popular, enjoyable way to raise funds for your school, but it requires a
lot of work to be successful. What are the pros and cons of planning ahead and preparing a budget?
Justify your answer using information garnered from the sources.

Planning ahead and preparing a budget for a school fun day has both pros and cons. The pros include ensuring
that the event runs smoothly and that all necessary resources are available, such as power sources, food
facilities, bathrooms, and parking. By creating a budget, the event organizers can allocate funds appropriately
and avoid overspending. This ensures that there are enough funds to cover the cost of the event and any
unforeseen expenses. Additionally, by planning ahead, the event can be marketed effectively to the school
community, which can lead to increased participation and higher fundraising.

On the other hand, some cons of planning ahead and preparing a budget include the time and effort it takes to
create a detailed plan and budget. It may also limit the creativity and flexibility of the event organizers, who
may need to adjust their plans based on the availability of resources or unforeseen circumstances. However, by
following a structured planning process, the event organizers can mitigate these challenges and create a
successful and memorable fun day for everyone involved.

Identify two ways that Jamaicans celebrate their culture. Provide one detail from Source 1 and one
detail from Source 3 to support your answer. Be sure to identify the source of each piece of
information by title or number.
1. Jamaicans celebrate their culture by wearing the national colors on Jamaica Day. (Source 1: "Jamaica
Day is an annual event designed to contribute to citizenship education and to enhance the appreciation
for Jamaica’s rich heritage and culture which builds positive identity in our students and, by extension,
our nation," he explained. Mr. Williams said students and teachers as well as members of the society are
expected to wear the national colours on that day")
2. Jamaicans celebrate their heroes and their contributions to the country. (Source 3: "Jamaica’s National
Heroes are proud symbols of bravery, resilience, and commitment to the upliftment of the Jamaican
people. They resisted slavery and colonialism, fought for social justice, and paved the way for the
country’s independence. They embody the qualities that Jamaicans admire and aspire to and remain
sources of inspiration for future generations.")

4. Create a mini-poster or flyer advertising your event be sure to mention exciting things to persuade people to
Part 2
For each of the following statements, indicate using a tick whether the information in source 1, source 2, both
sources, and neither source support each statement (you can tick only one box for each statement).

Statement Source 1 Source 2 Both Neither

1. The venue plays a key part in planning for an 
2. Wearing special clothing helps to communicate 
the type of event.
3. Once an event is properly organised, it takes little 
or no time to plan it.
4. You should always have a backup plan to sure that
your event will go well.
5. Communication plays a key part in planning.

6. You can use a Culture Day to remind and educate

the public of years gone by.
7. Jamaica Day is a biannual event.

8. Planning an event should involve everyone effort

to make it a success.

9. Create a program with at least 5 items that can be performed at the Culture Day.
Part 3
1. Using information from the sources, create a timetable of suggested activities for Fun Day to celebrate
Jamaica Day at your school. Your plan should include different ways for the students to explore and
learn about Jamaican culture which would fit within the regular hours of the school day 8a.m. to

8:00 – 9:00 a.m.

9:00 – 10:00 a.m.

10:00 – 10:30 a.m.

10:30 – 11:30 a.m.

11:30 – 12:30 p.m.

12:30 – 1:45p.m.

2. Write a letter to your friend inviting him or her to your school to attend the event. Be sure to give details
of the event, the type of performances as well as a detailed description of the food that will be on sale.
Give your friend three good reasons why event will be beneficial to him/her.

Dear [Friend's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to invite you to a Jamaican cultural event that is happening at my school
next weekend. As a fellow lover of Jamaican culture, I thought you would enjoy it.

The event will showcase various Jamaican cultural activities, such as traditional music, dance performances, and a
variety of Jamaican foods. There will also be stalls selling traditional Jamaican crafts and souvenirs.

Some of the performances that you can expect to see include the lively Jamaican reggae music, ska, mento, and
dancehall. You will also have the opportunity to experience the famous Jamaican dances such as ska, rock steady, and
the reggae dance.

The food stalls will feature some of Jamaica's famous dishes such as jerk chicken, rice and peas, ackee and saltfish, and
callaloo. You will also have a chance to sample the refreshing Jamaican drinks, including coconut water, Ting, and sorrel.

Here are three reasons why attending this event would be beneficial to you:

1. Cultural Immersion - This event is an excellent opportunity to immerse yourself in Jamaican culture and learn
about its customs, food, and music.

2. Networking - You can meet new people and network with like-minded individuals who share your love for
Jamaican culture.

3. Unique Experience - The cultural event is a one-of-a-kind experience that you wouldn't want to miss, featuring
authentic Jamaican food, music, and dance performances.

I hope you can attend the event and enjoy the lively and vibrant Jamaican culture. Please let me know if you can make it.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


[Your Name]

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