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We grow when we face challenges

We do not grow when things are easy

But what if the challenges will give you money!

Welcome! To your favorite noon time habit, THE MINUTE TO WIN IT

The rules are as easy as it seems: Participate, play, and win!

Do you have what it takes to win a million dollars?

Let’s hope and see!

Now let us welcome, our very brave and courageous participants, dedicated to win in today’s event!

Who do you think will win? Who do you think will lose?

Aha! Its up to our participants who will prevail.

I am your very charming host, Cyril J Alngog

And without further ado, LET THE GAMES BEGIN!


Goodmorning everyone,

Commission on Appointments hearing heated as Hontiveros, Marcoleta spar over ABS-CBN shutdown on

Hontiveros recalled that Gamaliel Cordoba, the Commission on Audit Chairman, stated under oath that
NTC would issue a provisional authority to ABS-CBN. However, a cease-and-desist was issued instead.

The Senator just want to help the thousands of workers and millions of viewers.

I am Cyril Alngog, reporting



Event …


Players of white and blue, Ateneo de Manila University.


Players of green and white , De LaSalle University.

Proceed to the basketball court..



With the score of



Ateneo de Manila University

Please proceed to the stadium for the awarding


We are not living with fear, we are living with hope. COVID-19 pandemic was a terrifying memory,
that we want to cope. But how can we do so? I believe, Philippine literature is a tool for reliving the past
and embracing the future.

Literature can be used as an effective tool to help children with emotional and social problems.
According to Dr. Shyam Bhat, we look at shapes on a page, and it evokes your mind’s visions and
thoughts, transporting you to a different world; and so coping with isolation. Future generations will
share our sentiments, since they read as well.

To sum it up, literature entertains and educates us. It can teach us to reflect from the past, helps us
in the present, and empower us to create the future.

As I reflect on what I said.

COVID-19 pandemic was a nightmare to me. During the start of lockdown, everything seemed okay. I
was chilling, chatting my friends online, and I was enjoying playing games with them.
But as time passed by, boredomness stroked me. It was hard for my mental capacity to cope up with
it. I had experienced sadness and depression. I couldn’t find anything that interests me and I lost my
energy to do anything. I don’t want to share my problem to my friends, I don’t want to be a burden to
But my friends noticed the change on my behavior, they got worried. I told them how I was feeling,
and fortunately they helped me.
They suggested that I should start reading books.
I was hesitant, I don’t like reading especially when the books are thick, but still I tried. At first, I find it
difficult to read, because my anxiety interferes with my ability to focus and concentrate.
But as more pages I finish, I get more interesed on the story. I just realized, reading is fun. I was able
to imagine the world in the books I was reading.
It was like, I was a character inside the story. It was a wonderful feeling, I got interested on reading more
other books, reading saved me.
By reading many books, I gained knowledge about a lot of things. Every words I read, I learn a lesson,
and with these lessons, I can use it to create solutions. With this learning, I would want to help children
read, because I know, it will help them, the same way it did to me.
I learned that with literature, I can move on from the past, it helped me solve my current problems,
and I can teach other generations with my knowledge as well.

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