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Brave New Word In the book Brave New Word Aldous Huxley manages to draw several parallels to the

real world. The most dramatic of these are those of the genetic modifications that World Controllers give to the cloned humans. In Brave New World, reproduction is achieved through technology, whereas in modern life reproduction is still a result of natural conception. These parallels run primarily through the actions of a mother during pregnancy. In several ways, the modifications of the humans are similar to those caused by the actions of pregnant mothers during pregnancy and the early stages of a childs upbringing.

In the opening chapters of the book, the director of the Loudon cloning center describes several details about how scientists change humans to conform them to society. One such way is that alcohol is put into the bloodstream of a large batch of clones. This causes the human to have lesser intelligence which hinders their ability to do higher intelligence work. Thus there types of clones are destined to be a breed of semi-morons as they are described by the director; this draws several conclusions in the real world. One such is pregnant mothers drinking, this is almost the exact same effect as in the book; the alcohol hinders the ability of the conceived to have much growth and development. Known as fetal alcohol syndrome, this causes the offspring to have lesser intelligence quotients as a result of a lack of oxygen while in the embryo

Another action the Controllers took is rotating the containers in which maturing clones are held. It produces the effect on the clone that he/she is already used to tumbling around and will be more adaptable to quick and sudden movements. This manipulation breeds humans easily adaptable to space travel and to help on rocket repairs. These clones do not have their intelligence hindered but are able to survive in harsher environments. This draws several parallels. More athletic moms that move more may produce similar effects on their offspring. This may partially explain why some kids are better suited to certain activities than others, such as swimming rock climbing etc.

Lastly, Controllers used several methods to expose and to conform children to their intended place in their utopia world. Sleep teaching (hypnopdia) is used to teach several moral values to children. In the utopia, there are several castes which almost all of the clones fall into;

these range from alpha plus clones that possess the most intelligence and are soon destined to control the cloning centers, to epsilon minors, who are destined to a life of mere menial labor. Some of the programs repeat messages about different castes hundreds of time while the clones sleep. The use of technology such as educational television programs draws several parallels. In addition, in several tests, the Controllers brought out a batch of clones, exposed them to flowers and books, and promptly electrocuted them, after this test was repeated several times, then the childrens mind would be forever imprinted with an intense fear and hatred for all literature and botany. The result of this methods is that the clones are uninterested and have a lack of hobbies; thus making them more obedient and willing to work longer hours.

Overall, such alterations draw several parallels to the modern world. Parents exposing their children to similar actions and dangers during their pregnancies may end up with children not unlike those depicted in Brave New World. These actions may lead to stunted growth both mentally and physically. While such action are still extremely limited now, they may very quickly become within the grasps of human science, and when such happens, it is imperative that action be taken to prevent alterations that harm offspring or replace human reproduction methods.

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