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The stock market is an important factor of the country’s economic growth and has a significant
impact on how the people all over the world live their lives. The stock market is so significant
that it has served as the inspiration for some of the most watched TV series in history.
But since last year, Pakistan’s financial condition has been significantly worse. The financial
markets, as well as other investment markets, are suffering as a result of political and financial
instability because buyers and investors in longer have an interest in the market.
This could be a great opportunity to make a big investment, while there is a danger that Pakistan
could go into default in the following days.
In addition to these situations, short day trades are another option. So, I executed a short to
medium term trade on 6 to 7 companies based on where they were trading.

The stocks that I invested in:

 Atlas Battery (ATBA)
 Chashma Sugar (CHAS)
 Engro Fertilizer Ltd. (EFERT)
 Kohinoor Energy (KOHE)
 Murree Brewery (MUREB)
 Colgate Palmolive (COLG)
 Habib Bank Limited (HBL)

 Atlas battery has achieved a record-breaking sale, as of May 2022, and their
production was working under full capacity. As they got in to the year 2023 their
share price went down because they cutoff their production as their inventories were
low on the raw material which the import because the government and other banks
were not opening their Letter of Credit’s (LC’s), and as the government solved that
problem their share prices went up again. I invested in the Atlas battery because their
sales are increasing day by day as power outages are also increasing in the interior
area of Pakistan so the people are buying batteries and solar.
 Chashma Sugar Mills limited one of the oldest companies incorporated in Pakistan in
1988. As per their previous chart and report of market they had a good growth except
last year because of flood and rain in Sindh and different area of Pakistan many crops
were wasted. Still in this year sugar mills are purchasing and haven’t started their
production and sales of Sugar. That’s why I purchased the shares of Chashma Sugar
 Engro Fertilizers Ltd sales have been grown from last year after flood hit the land and
damaged them. As the agriculture of Pakistan is heavily depends upon fertilizer and in
past month because of Pakistan financial disturbances some of the fertilizer company
shut down their productions but Engro was the one whose production was on and
sells were going on, So I thought to invest in Engro Fertilizers Ltd.
 Colgate-Palmolive (Pakistan) Ltd was incorporated in Pakistan in 1977 as National
Detergents Ltd and changed their name in 1990 when company partnered with USA
based company Colgate-Palmolive. The company has a vast variety of products that
we use in our daily life without any noticing like oral care, Hair, skin, Surface care
and many more, they also own different brands like Max, Brite, Bonus, Express etc. It
covers a large market cap in our society. So I thought it would be a good investment.
 Habib Bank Ltd (HBL) is one the best and has largest banking branch network of
Pakistan with over 1650+ branches globally, HBL is a subsidiary of Agha Khan Fund
for economic Development which is based in Geneva, Switzerland. It has best rating
among most of the bank and HBL has a total asset size of USD 24 billion (by 2020).
As per its market presence and network, I invested in this company.
 Murree Brewery Company Ltd (MUREB) is a Pakistani multinational manufacturer
of Alcoholic and Non-alcoholic beverages. It’s Pakistan’s largest and oldest producer
of alcoholic products. It’s best alcoholic product producing company and it has a
really good growth in sales and profit of the company. So that’s why I invested in this

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