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Conditional Statements

Please write Python Programs for all the problems .

1. Take a variable ‘age’ which is of positive value and check the following:
a. If age is less than 10, print “Children”.
b. If age is more than 60 , print ‘senior citizens’
c. If it is in between 10 and 60, print ‘normal citizen’

Person_Age=int(input("Enter the age :- "))

if Person_Age<=10:


elif Person_Age>=60:

print('senior citizens')

elif Person_Age>10 and Person_Age<60:

print('normal citizen')


print('enter age')

2. Find the final train ticket price with the following conditions.
a. If male and sr.citizen, 70% of fare is applicable
b. If female and sr.citizen, 50% of fare is applicable.
c. If female and normal citizen, 70% of fare is applicable
d. If male and normal citizen, 100% of fare is applicable

[Hint: First check for the gender, then calculate the fare based on age factor.. For both
Male and Female ,consider them as sr.citizens if their age >=60]

Passenger_Gender=input('Enter your Gender:- ')

Passenger_Age=int(input('Enter your Age:- '))








if Passenger_Gender == 'M' and Passenger_Age>=60:

print('Original Fare:-', Tkt_price)

print('Your Ticket fare is :- ', Senior_Male_Fare)

print('You are a Male senior citizen and only 70% fare is applicable')

elif Passenger_Gender == 'F' and Passenger_Age>=60:

print('Original Fare:-', Tkt_price)

print('Your Ticket fare is :- ', Senior_Female_Fare)

print('You are a Female senior citizen and only 50% fare is applicable')

elif Passenger_Gender == 'F' and Passenger_Age<=60:

print('Original Fare:-', Tkt_price)

print('Your Ticket fare is :- ', Female_Fare)

print('You are a Female Normal citizen and only 70% fare is applicable')


print('Original Fare:-', Tkt_price)

print('Your Ticket fare is :- ', Tkt_price)

print('You are a Male Normal citizen and 100% fare is applicable, No Discount !')
3. Check whether the given number is positive and divisible by 5 or not.

Num1=int(input("Enter a number:- " ))

if Num1>=0 and Num1%5==0:

print('Number is Positive and divisible by 5')

elif Num1>=0 and Num1%5!=0:

print('Number is Positive but not divisible by 5')


print('It is a Negative Number')

Conditional Statements

Please implement Python coding for all the problems.

1. A) list1=[1,5.5,(10+20j),’data science’].. Print default functions and parameters exists in

B) How do we create a sequence of numbers in Python.
C) Read the input from keyboard and print a sequence of numbers up to that number

2. Create 2 lists.. one list contains 10 numbers (list1=[0,1,2,3....9]) and other

list contains words of those 10 numbers (list2=['zero','one','two',.... ,'nine']).
Create a dictionary such that list2 are keys and list 1 are values..

3. Consider a list1 [3,4,5,6,7,8]. Create a new list2 such that Add 10 to the even number
and multiply with 5 if it is odd number in the list1..

4. Write a simple user defined function that greets a person in such a way that :

i) It should accept both name of person and message you want to deliver.

ii) If no message is provided, it should greet a default message ‘How are you’

Ex: Hello ---xxxx---, How are you - default message.

Ex: Hello ---xxxx---, --xx your message xx---

seq_numbers=int(input('Enter a Number:-'))


print("sequential Numbers are:- ")

for i in range(seq_numbers,100):






print("dictionary: ", dictionary)




def greet(Name):

greet('Ram, How are You')

greet('Bhim ,How do you do')

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