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Readings in Philippine History


Philippines as a State vs. Nation Reasons:

• We are archipelago, we are far from each
has the necessary force, power, and authority
(Philippines is a notion-state)
• Corruption
(Philippines as a nation because many supported it)
• The ARMM region
Elements of a state
Three (3) Branches of the Government
1. Sovereignty- political independence
1. Executive- President, Vice President, Cabinet
(its like isolating but you are still giving
(90% of the power is within the president to
2. People- the Filipino citizen
execute the law)
3. Territory- where we live in
2. Legislative- Congress, 24 senators, 250 house
(The territory should accommodate the
of representatives
number of people)
(To create the law)
4. Government
3. Judiciary- Supreme Court
(To make sure that the executive and
(The people should be not all girls for the next
legislative are limit with their powers only)
generation should be sustain it should be both male
and female to have balance)
(There is no hierarchy, the three branches of the
government are all equal power)
State has force exercised in the name of law, force
becomes power, and the recognition of this power
Principle of Checks and Balances
implies our obligation to submit to these rules which
1. Executive- veto power, pardon to set aside the
creates authority
judgment of judiciary, power to appoint
• Democratic government- it’s the will of the
2. Legislative- override the veto of the president,
reject the appointments of the president,
(It is your right to vote, voting is a privilege)
power to impeach, revoke or amend decision
(Choices of person, NOT political dynasty)
of the judiciary by enacting, amending laws
• Republic government
3. Judiciary- SC as the final arbiter may declare
• Presidential- we have president, NOT prime
the acts of both legislature and executive as
unconstitutional as long as there is grave
(the prime minister both holds the executive and
abuse of discretion resulting to a lack or
excess in jurisdiction
• National government- 80% of the power is in
Malacañang and 20% to the local
Federal- 80% to local, 20% to Malacañang
(Federal government is great but it is not applicable in
the Philippines)
Philippines’ Constitution 2. Unwritten – consists of rules which have not
Constitution- it refers to that body of rules and been integrated into a single, concrete form
principles in accordance with which the powers of but are scattered in various sources
sovereignty are regularly exercised (Cooley) 3. Rigid or inelastic – one regarded as a
- It is also defined as written instrument by document of special sanctity which cannot be
which the fundamental powers of the amended or altered except by some special
government are established, limited and machinery more cumbrous than the ordinary
defined and by which these powers are legislative process
distributed among the several departments or - (It is compact and hard to change)
branches for their safe and useful exercise for 4. Flexible or elastic – one which possesses no
the benefit of the people. (2011, Hector S. De higher legal authority than ordinary laws and
Leon) which may be altered in the same way as
- Supreme Law of the Land other laws
- (It is flexible)
3 Powers of the Government - (It is connected to cumulative or evolved)
1. Taxation- the tax is proportional to persons
income The Philippine Constitution is WRITTEN,
2. Police power- the rules and regulation CONVENTIONAL, and RIGID
3. Eminent domain- the power to take away
property 3 Ways to change the constitution
1. Constitutional Assembly (Con Ass)
(Those power are established since the 1987 • Legislative will draft a proposal
Constitution to prevent abuse of power) • All will vote
• Its like a national election
Kinds of Constitution • 3 months to decide for the people
1. Conventional or enacted – formally struck off 2. Constitutional Convention (Con Con)
at a definite time and place following a • The members of the congress only
conscious or deliberate effort taken by a 3. Referendum
constituent body or ruler • The people will directly propose
- (It is established, what is written cannot be
changed) Revisions- broadly implies a change that alters a
2. Cumulative or evolved – results from a political basic principle in the constitution, like altering the
evolution, not inaugurated at any specific time principle of separation of powers or the system of
but changing by accretion rather than by a checks-and-balances. There is also a revision if the
systematic method change alters the substantial entirety of the
- (On the contrary, the constitution is changing) constitution, as when the change affects substantial
provisions of the constitution
As to their Form - (the change is greater, altering the principle[le
1. Written – one which has been given definite and almost the whole paper)
written form at a particular time, usually by a
special constituted authority. Precepts are Amendment- broadly refers to aa change that adds,
embodied in one document or set of reduces, or deletes without altering the basic
documents principle involved. It generally affects the specific
- (Having document is the best evidence) provision being amended
- (Physical and hardbound) - (it just simply add or delete without altering
the principle)
3 ways of Interpretation of the Constitution Purpose of Constitution
1. Verba Legis- whenever possible, the words According to Heywood, “the objective of constitutions
used in the Constitution must be given their is to lay down certain meta-rules for the political
ordinary meaning, except where technical
system… The purpose of a constitution is to bring
terms are employed
- (what you see is what you get)
stability, predictability, and order to the actions of
- (ordinary words and meanings) government.” In other words, a constitution is a code
of rules that provides guidance for the conduct of
2. Ratio legisest anima- where there is government.
ambiguity, the words of the Constitution 1. Meta- most supreme, highest
should be interpreted in accordance with the - Meta-rules
intent of the framers
2. Stability- the constitution is not changing
- (when there is not clear provisions)
- (REMEMBER: there is no perfect law but there 3. Predictability- since the constitution is stable
is good law) you can predict it

3. Utmagisvaleat quam pereat- the Constitution Importance of a Constitution

has to be interpreted 1. The constitution empowers the state.
- (it must be presented as whole)
- (The country must first define as state)
2. The constitution establishes value and goals.
Framers- the 50 persons who make the constitutions
- (The law is the reflection of the whole Filipinos)
- Not contextualize by your interpretation
3. The constitution provides a government
Nature and Purpose
4. The constitution protects freedom.
1. Serves as the supreme or fundamental law of
- (We don’t have unlimited freedom)
the land – it is the charter creating the
- (Be cautious)
government. It is binding on all individual
- (Have empathy toward others)
citizens and all organs of the government. It is
5. The constitution legitimizes the regime
the law to which all other laws must conform.
2. Establishes basic framework and underlying
principles of government – the purpose of a
constitution is to prescribe the permanent
Constitutions of the Republic of the
framework of the system of government and to
assign to the different departments their
Malolos Constitution of 1899
respective powers and duties and to establish
- June 12, 1898- Philippine Independence
certain basic principles on which the
- January 20, 1899-freedom from Spaniards
government is founded. It is primarily
and gaining independence through having
designed to preserve and protect the rights of
our own constitution enacted by the Malolos
individuals against arbitrary actions of those
Congress held in Malolos, Bulacan
in authority. Likewise, it limits the actions of
- First democratic constitution ever to be
every individual citizen.
promulgated in whole of Asia
- Known as Constitucion Politica- this was the
first important Filipino document produced by
people’s representatives. Reflected the (We have the three branches of the government)
aspirations of educated Filipinos to create a (Legislature separate into 2 (Bicameral legislature))
polity as enlightened as any in the world -upper house (senate), lower house (house of

(This is the first ever Constitution of the Philippines)

(The president that time was EMILIO AGUINALDO)
• JONES LAW or Philippine Autonomy Act which
established a Philippine Legislature
Important Provisions
consisting of Senate and HOR. Quezon and
o The sovereignty resided exclusively in the
Osmena were elected President and Speaker,
(Political independence- we are democratic)
o Stated basic civil rights
• Jones Law continued until 1935, when it was
o Separated the church and state
supplanted by the Tydings-Mcduffie Act,
(The state should not discriminate and
which authorized the establishment of the
deprived the religion, gender, people)
Commonwealth of the Philippines. A
o Called for the creation of Assembly of
constitutional convention framed the
constitution of 1935, which was ratified on
(The Filipino citizen are the one who made the
May 14 of that year and led to inauguration of
law for the first time)
the Commonwealth Government on November
o Called for parliamentary republic as the form
15, 1935. Quezon was the first President, with
of government
Osmena as vice-president.
(There is no three branches of the
government, its all in the president)
(We have commonwealth)
o Majority of the assembly elected the president
(Tydings Mcduffie Act- 10 years—then the Philippines
for a term of 4 years
is free, the promise of US)

(The president that time is MANUEL QUEZON)

- Treaty of Paris - payment of $20 million from
1935 Constitution was amended three times:
United States to Spain on December 10, 1898
1. 3 branches of government was given formal
- Organic Law - source of Philippine laws
during the American regime which involves: definition
- 1. instruction of President William McKinley to 2. bicameral form of legislature: 1.senate 2. House of
the 2nd Philippine Commission- took over all representatives
the legislative powers and some of the 3. Judicial power was exercised by Supreme court
executive and judicial powers of the military 4. Allowing the re-eligibility of the President and the
Vice- president for a second four-year term of office
- 2.Philippine Bill of July 1,1902
5. Creating a separate Commission on Elections
- 3.Jones law of August 26, 1916 – the Philippine
Assembly was created in 1907 to sit with the 6. The so called Parity Amendment which gave to
Philippine Commission in a bicameral American citizens equal right with the Filipino in the
legislature exploitation of the natural resources and the
operation off the public utilities
• With regards to the suffrage/public votation, a detained .Marcos promise a NEW SOCIETY that will
plebiscite was held on April 30, 1937 where solve insurgency, criminality, and poverty
447, 725 voted yes and 44, 307 voted no. In
compliance, the National Assembly passed a (Enacted during President MARCOS)
law which extended the right of women to (Ferdinand Marcos abuse his power from executive to
votation. Back in 1935, there was no popular judiciary)
demand for women’s right to suffrage for it (He also extends his presidency)
was believed that it would disrupt family unity
as the woman actually engaged in politics Constitutional Authoritarianism- means authority,
martial law
• Also, JONES LAW EXTENDED a. the bill of
rights, b. defined Filipino citizenship, and c. - September 21, 1972, President Marcos issued
provided for other safeguard and restrictions Proclamation No. 1081 placing the Philippines
under Martial Law
- Presidential decree 86 of 1972- creating
1943 Constitution citizens assembly in each barrio
- Japanese sponsored government municipalities and in each district in
- 2-year effect during Japanese war occupation chartered cities throughout the country.
from 1943-1945 Objective: to broaden the base of citizen’s
- 1935 Constitution came back into effect after participation in the democratic process, and
WW2, the Philippines remained unicameral to afford ample opportunities for the citizenry
until 1947 because of post-war reason effects to express their views on important matters of
local or national concern
(Shortest constitution) - -under this same decree, the barangays were
(The president that time is JOSE P. LAUREL) to conduct a referendum on national issues
(The puppet government of the Philippines) between January 10 and 15, 1973 with these
following questions:
- 1. Do you approve of the new constitution?
1973 Constitution - 2. Do you want a plebiscite to be called to
President Marcos, what he called “Constitutional ratify the new constitution?
Authoritarianism”, extended his presidency that
lasted twenty years or two decades – the longest in (The constitution said that the martial law should only
Philippine history. With Martial rule, the 1971 extend only for 60 days)
Constitutional Convention ended with the
promulgation of the 1973 Constitution that provided Robber stock government
for a transitory form of government. Under it, the term 1. Marcos governs the legislative- the Congress
of office of all officials, starting with the president, was was padlock
extended. To effectively silence the opposition, the 2. The media was shut down
Congress was padlocked, media was shut down, and 3. The Marcos critics and rivals was detained
Marcos’s critics and rivals were arrested and
(The 1973 was still patterned by 1935 Constitution)
- Ratification by Presidential Proclamation: (The politicians should have terms, because
according to Proclamation No. 1102 issued on this is too much power, violation of
January 17, 1973, there were 14, 976, 561 democracy)
members of all the barangays (citizen b. Granting concurrent law-making powers to
assemblies) voted for the adoption of the the President
proposed constitution, as against 743, 869 (The law-making power should be to the
who voted for its rejection. legislative)
- On the question as to whether or not people c. Establishing a modified parliamentary form of
would still like a plebiscite to be called to ratify government
the new constitution, 14, 298, 814 answered d. Permitting natural-born citizens who have lost
that there was no need for a plebiscite their citizenship to transferees of private land,
- With these above results “purposively” for use by them as residence
showing that more than 95% were in favour of e. Allowing the “grant” of lands of the public
the ratification of constitution, Proclamation domain to qualified citizens
No. 1102 on January 17, 1973 proclaimed that f. Providing for urban land reform and social
the Constitution proposed by the 1971 housing program
Constitutional convention had been ratified by (The letter d, e, f was an counteract or the
the Filipino people and thereby come into benefits for the people for them to approve the
effect constitution)
- Plebiscite was a fraud (source: javellana vs. g. Legislative became unilateral through
executive secretary) Batasang Pambansa parliamentary type of
government (should be executive, however,
The results were “purposively” and “allegedly” Marcos fused legislative branch to it that led
1. There is no single ballot ‘ to Marcos’ one man type of ruling
2. The registered voter should be 18 years old
above (but just random people who attend the The law is important
assembly) - The law will not choose any particular political
3. The COMELEC should handle the election (but color
the executive handle it instead) - The law should not bend
4. It needs to circulate to the media for the
people to know the content of the constitution
1986 Constitution
(The 1973 Constitution also called as the “Siopao - 1986 Freedom Constitution/ Provisional
Constitution”) Government of 1986
- On February 25, 1986, as a result of the people
• 1973 Constitution was Declared null and void power upheaval that deposed Marcos, the
Cory Aquino proclaimed a Freedom
AMENDMENTS Constitution to be effective pending the
a. Making the incumbent president, the regular adoption of a permanent Constitution aimed
president and regular prime minister at correcting the shortcomings of the previous
constitutions and specially eliminating all the and humane society, and establish a
iniquitous vestiges of the past regime Government that shall embody our ideals and
(this is the temporary constitution before the 1987 aspirations, promote the common good,
constitution) conserve and develop our patrimony, and
secure to ourselves and our posterity, the
Revolutionary government- government was instituted blessings of independence and democracy
not in accordance with the procedure provided in an under the rule of law and a regime of truth,
existing constitution having been installed by direct justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace, do
action of the people or by “people power” deriving its ordain and promulgate this Constitution.
power and existence and authority directly from the
people themselves and not from the 1973 constitution (The preamble is the first statement in the
De jure- constituted or founded in accordance with
the existing constitution of the state (according to law) - This was drafted by the Constitutional
(it is founded by the law wherein we voted for a Commission, Objective: to organize, to provide
President) for the detail of its operation and establish the
procedure for the ratification or rejection of
De facto- not constituted or founded in the the proposed new constitution
constitution but has the general support of the people - President Aquino, in Proclamation No. 9,
and effective control of the territory over which it created a Constitutional Commission
exercises its powers composed of fifty members appointed by her
(Cory Aquino type of government, because Aquino and charged it to frame a new charter not
was not elected by voting instead she is elected later than September 2, 1986. Under the
because of the people power) leadership of Justice Cecilia Munoz Palma,
members came from various sectors and
represented diverse persuasions, the reason
Democratic- the provisional government was claimed why the final draft was only approved on
to be democratic because it was installed by direct October 15, 1986.
action of the people as a direct expression or - The plebiscite for its approval was scheduled
manifestation of their sovereign will, and therefore it within three months and not within 60 days to
was based on the consent of the government or the give the people more opportunity to study it.
approval of the people Opposition to the draft, was largely
The Provisional Constitution self-destruct upon the disorganized and consequently ineffective.
ratification and effectivity of the new constitution on Many people while doubtful about some of its
February 2, 1987 provisions and its length, which made it seem
like it’s a codification, nevertheless approved
the proposed constitution for they felt that it
1987 Constitution would provide the stability of the country
Preamble sorely needed at the time. 76. 29% of the
• We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring electorate approved for its ratification, with
the aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just only 2.74% against.
- “it would seem that every one of the members Important Principles and Provisions
of the Constitutional Commission wanted to The 1987 Constitution preserved many of the 1935
put in his two centavos worth and Constitution. Among its important and new
unfortunately succeeded, thereby ballooning provisions include the following: 1) a single fixed
the Constitution to unseemly dimensions.” term of six years for the President; 2) the
- “the new Constitutions sounds like a political President’s power to appoint cabinet members,
speech rather than a formal document stating ambassadors and consuls, the Armed Forces
only basic precepts preventing the legislature (from the rank of colonel and up)subject to
from gaining more leeway in their confirmation by the Commission on Appointments
implementation” in Congress; 3) the power of the President to
- “The sheer length of the document has declare martial law that needs the approval of
deterred people from reading it, much less Congress and that the President reports on
trying to understand its contents and his/her action within fourty-eight (48) hours; 4) the
motivations.” Senator’s term is limited to two (2) terms, the
Representative to three (3) terms and; 5) members
of the judiciary, although to be appointed by the
Merits and Demerits of an appointive framing President, should be recommended by a Judicial
body and Bar Council
a. CONCON was not expensive and not time
consuming, it was practical because the Rule of the majority- the wishes of the majority
country could not afford the cost of electing prevail over those the minority however, it does
delegates because of lack of funds, to which not mean that the minority is left without rights. It
time was the essence because of the is given certain fundamental rights , like the rights
instability inherent in a revolutionary to express their opinions or to protest the acts of
government and the need to accelerate the the majority although it is bound to abide by the
restoration to full constitutional democracy decision of the latter
b. However, an appointive body is susceptible
and vulnerable to the charge of lack of Device of majority practicable rule of law: based
independence and the suspicion of pressure on reason and experience, democracy assumes
and even the manipulation of the appointing that in a society of rational beings, the judgment
power, entrusting these people who were only and experience of the many, in most cases, is
directly elected and empowered go against superior to the judgment and experience of the
the ideals and aspirations of democracy few, hence, verdict of the many will more likely be
c. Need to cure defect in the constitution- to correct
have a truly democratic and constitutional
government, it is absolutely necessary that the Government of law and not men: same importance
Constitution should be initially drafted by duly as rule of law, is meant that no man in this country,
elected members of a representative not even the government, is above or beyond the
constituent assembly or constitutional law. Every man, however high and mighty his
convention and later on approved by the station may be, possesses no greater rights than
people through plebiscite
every other man in the eyes of the law Provisions of the 1987 Constitution
Article I – National Territory
Exercise of government powers: a government of Article II – Declaration of Principles and State
laws, as contrasted with a government of men, is Policies
a limited government. It has only the powers given Article III – Bill of Rights
it by the Constitution and laws, and it may not go Article IV - Citizenship
beyond the grants and limitations set forth to Article V – Suffrage
therein Its authority continues only with the Article VI – Legislative Department
consent of people in whom sovereignty resides Article VII – Executive Department
(safeguard against the arbitrary government) Article VIII – Judicial Department
Article IX – Constitutional Commissions
A government that fails to enforce the law, in Article X – Local Government
effect, fails to govern Article XI – Accountability of Public Officers
Article XII – National Economy and Patrimony
Observance of the law- the same is true of private Article XIII – Social Justice and Human Rights
individual in the community, to which they are also Article XIV – Education, Science & Technology,
bound to respect the sovereignty of the law. A Culture, Arts and Sports
person may not agree with the wisdom and Article XV – The Family
expediency of the law but it his/her duty to follow Article XVI – General Provisions
the law so long as it remains in the statute books. Article XVII – Amendments/Revisions
Article XVIII – Transitory Provisions
One cannot take the law into his own hands by
resorting to violence or physical force to enforce
his rights or achieve his ends without being civilly
and criminally held liable for his action

Significance of the principle: it is basic that the

law must be obeyed by all and applies to
everyone, rich or poor, lowly or powerful, without
fear or favor. The observance of the supremacy of
the rule of law by officials, individuals, and the
people as a whole is what will sustain our
democracy and assure the existence of a truly
free, orderly, and equitable society

Dura Lex Sed Lex- the law is harsh, but it is the

Salus Populi Suprema Lex Esto- the good of the
people shall be the supreme law

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