SPEECH Writing

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A speech is an effective way of communicating a message to a large audience. It is one of the

ways of spreading awareness regarding social issues or giving information regarding other
important issues.

Points to remember

 Read the question carefully.

 Focus on the part of the question/ title that needs to be highlighted or addessed.
 Use a conversational style of writing.
 Introduction and conclusion must be eye-catchy.
 Use grammatically accurate and polite language.
 Avoid making derogatorty remarks.
 Present facts, figures, instances, examples, arguments, report reviews etc to justify
 Add variety of vocabulary/ expressions.
 Make a concluding remark in enforcing manner with a take home message.

In a debate also include the following points-

 In introduction whether you are writing FOR OR AGAINST the topic.

 Arguments should be logical and based on facts, figures and data..
 Sarcastically contradict the views of other opponents without being impolite.
 Reiterate your viewpoint in conclusion with conviction.

Respected Madam Principal (in case of assembly speech)/ Respected Chief guest, distingished
Guests -------------------------------(continue introductory paragraph)-----------------------------------

------------------------------------------2nd paragraph----------------------------------------------------------

------------------------------------------3rd paragraph--------------------------------------------------------

Thank you


Respected Chairperson, members of the jury, audience and my worthy opponents --------------
---------------------(continue introduction)----------------------------------------------------------------

------------------------------------------------------2nd paragraph------------------------------------------

-------------------------------------------------------3rd paragraph-----------------------------------------

------------------------------------------------------4th paragraph-----------------------------------------

Thank you


Paragraph 1

 Address the guests and audience

 Introduce the topic arousing interest in the audience.
 Announce your stand ( for or against the topic/ motion)
Paragraph 2 and 3

 Develop and expose the topic.

 Present your ideas/ arguments.
 Support your arguments by presenting facts, figures, instances, examples, logical
arguments, report reviews, references to news items etc.
 Sarcastically contradict the views of other opponents without being impolite.


 Present concluding remark.

 Strike a warning, doubt/fear.
 Leave a strong take home message.
 Reiterate your viewpoint in conclusion with conviction.

Few opening phrases for lines in a debate-

I support the contention that....

My argument is that....

I register my disagreement...

May I submit...

May I ask...

I strongly condemn....

On the contrary....

My view is this....

I fail to understand how....

I am surprised to behold/ hear that...

I would like to draw...

How can my knowledgeable opponents be so ignorant...

I would like to raise the point that...

I wholeheartedly support / oppose...

I thoroughly reject the contention...

I am surprised to note that...

I call upon my worthy opponents...

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