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An article is a piece of writing written for a large audience. The main motive
behind writing an article is that it should be published in either newspapers or magazines or
journals so as to make some difference to the world. It may be the topics of interest of
the writer or it may be related to some current issues.


 The article brings out the topics or the matter of interest in the limelight.

 It provides information on the topics.

 It offers suggestions and pieces of advice.

 It influences the readers and urges them to think.

 It discusses various rising-issues and developments.


 Provide a suitable title to the article. ( eye-catchy, short, clear,encompassing the issue,

 Write in three paragraphs. ( Introduction, body, conclusion)

 Use proper grammar, spellings and punctuations.

 Present the content uniquely and unambiguously.

 Use facts, figures, report findings or quotes.

 The use of language should be standardized and formal.

 First person pronouns should not be used.(I,


 Discuss the opinion and the matter in an organized , logical and descriptive manner.

By Xyz

--------------------------------------(paragraph 1)-------------------------------------------

--------------------------------------( paragraph 2)-------------------------------------------


---------------------------------------(paragraph 3)-------------------------------------------

Paragraph 1- Introduction

• Begin with an eye-catching line, quote etc.

• present overview of article

• limit and control what you plan to discuss

• Be clear and precise

Paragraph 2- Exposition of the topic

• Details of present scenario

• state the causes for the above mentioned scenario

• present cause and effect relationship

• use facts, data, report reviews, figures etc.

• give examples

• present logical arguments

• compare and contrast your opinion with that of others

Paragraph 3- Conclusion

• sum up the idea

• offer suggestions/ measures for improvement

• give implications

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