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Alikhan Bokeikhan University

5th week ESSAY

Reported: Abdygalieva A. D
Teacher: Zholdykhanova A.S.
My thoughts on the current system of education
Currently, changes are taking place in the education of the whole
world. This is due to the progress of all mankind. How can we influence
Kazakhstan to become one of the leading countries in the world? How
will we prepare a student of the 21st century? After all, the world is
changing rapidly and dynamically. Technologies are changing,
sustainable development is underway, demographic changes in society,
security in the world – all these factors are global in nature. The
movement of time is also felt in education. Therefore, functioning
education systems must also change. In the modern era of intensive
integration and modernization processes, each country is trying to adapt,
to find its own way of development in the world community. Our state is
also mastering new technologies every year, participates in the activities
of international organizations and makes significant progress.
The 21st Century skills model is the Project "Identification and
Selection of Key Competencies" developed by the Organization for
Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). According to the
project, the student should be able to think critically. Critical thinking
skills have been components for many centuries and they have been
universally recognized around the world. Who should be entrusted with
this task? Of course, for school.
I think at the same time it is impossible to overload children, and
that is exactly what is happening now. At the initial level, the foundations
of those disciplines that students will study further, general academic
skills are laid, interest in learning in general is formed. But often children
lose the desire to study by the end of the fourth grade. Why? But because
it is difficult! No one says that learning should be easy, but when children
have five lessons every day in primary school, and on some days six
lessons ... Yes, the world becomes more complicated, more mobile, but
children remain children. They get tired of excessive loads, they want to
play, move, do "their" business. But when they come home, they sit down
at the table again to do their homework. However, these are the most
responsible or those who are controlled by parents. Others are in no hurry
to open a textbook, but simply give free rein to their energy and disappear
on the street or plunge headlong into computer games.
Another obstacle on the way to quality education is an obviously
outdated concept of education. To date, Kazakhstan is actively studying
and beginning to apply foreign methods. Only here, too, you need to
think carefully about everything. It is necessary to take into account the
national, cultural, historical features of Kazakhstan. This will help in
creating your own, Kazakh model of education. Now we are gradually
coming to understand that it is impossible to complicate the program
more and more by introducing more and more new information. All the
same, at the current pace of global development, it is not possible to
assimilate and remember everything.
School graduates should know Kazakh, Russian and English. The
result of teaching students should be their mastery of critical thinking
skills, independent search and in-depth analysis of information.
In conclusion, I would like to say that the future education system
requires an influx of fresh, young forces. After all, those who cбome from
universities to schools will not have to break themselves or change. They
are already different, they are closer to the current students in age, which
means that they understand their mood, views, problems very well.
Ultimately, all of us - the recipients of services, schools and the
government have one common goal – that every citizen receives a quality
education and the skills he needs in the changing world of the 21st
century, since the basis of any civilized and economically sustainable
society is human capital.

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