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I am 18 years old 6 of which I play minecraft.I know everything about this game.

I have a lot of
experience with minecraft channels.I have experience in creating incredible videos (examples will be
below in another question).

I'm not the best builder, but I'm not bad at building. I know command blocks at a sufficient level to
create good videos

I can't choose one. I'm an expert in making minecraft videos so I can make a full video using everything
like building or command blocks

I've been creating minecraft videos for american youtube for 2 years.I worked on such channels:

Some examples of my videos:

I can create videos with more characters with mod BlockBuster and using different 3d models(you can
see in the examples)

I am sure that my knowledge will help to make videos more interesting and diverse.This could increase
the average time viewed, and thereby increase the income from the video

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