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Dear Euro Sports Camps,

Nothing was more rewarding than having a room full of children and teenagers you had
supervised over one or two weeks, chanting your name. Coming into the summer, my goal
was to provide an unforgettable experience to the LFC International Academy players. I am
proud to say that I did this while maintaining a position of authority and respect. The
influence I had on the players ranged beyond the camp, as although I do not have
Instagram, the players would in the following weeks after their time at the camp, comment
things like “Oscar best camp leader”

Speaking four languages fluently I was able to speak the native language of people from
South America, Africa, Europe and North America. Whether I was explaining the plan for the
next day to Austrian teenagers, telling players from Uruguay to get ready for football or
playing “Guess the Footballer” with children from Algeria, my language abilities meant that I
was able to make the players feel at home and help them navigate, for some, their first trip
without their parents. This not only helped with the logistics and entertainment side of things
but also was able to comfort in Spanish a player from Chile who wasn’t playing up to his
standards, reassure a German player when he was experiencing feelings of homesickness
and solve conflicts between people from different nationalities.

The biggest challenge I faced was when two players were throwing racist insults at each
other. Once I recognised this was happening, I told them to come with me and sat them both
down, and gave them each a minute to talk, without interruption. They expressed their
feelings and thoughts, and then I asked them to shake hands which they did and then
passed the matter on to my manager. It was a challenge because I think had I ignored the
conflict or not handled it properly, it could have not only affected the two individuals involved
but rather the group of 42 players under our care and supervision.

I am ready to bring my enthusiasm, language abilities and sense of responsibility to provide

another unforgettable experience to players at Nike Camps. I am open to working at the
Liverpool FC camp again, any other football camp, or basketball, hockey etc. After
graduating with a Bachelor of Applied Sports Science from the University of Aberdeen in
June, I am comfortable and looking forward to working in every sporting environment.

Thank you

Yours Sincerely,

Oscar Duval

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