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The Principles of Guidance are:

1. Guidance is a life-long process: Guidance is a continuous process, which starts from childhood and continuous till death. 2. Guidance lays emphasis on individualization: It emphasizes that each individual should be given freedom to shape his or her personality. 3. Guidance gives importance to self-direction: The main idea of Guidance is to develop the individual so that she no longer finds unnecessary to seek guidance. 4. Guidance is based on co-operation: Guidance depend on mutual cooperation of individuals. No one can force to seek guidance without the consent of the individual her/himself. 5. Guidance is for all: Guidance looks towards the development in each individuals potentialities. 6. Guidance is an organized activity: Guidance is not incidental activity. In spite of being broad based programmed, it has a definite to achieve. 7. Guidance workers need special preparation: It is generally agreed that in addition to general survey course of guidance, which should certainly regarded as a minimum essential in the preparation of all the teachers. 8. Guidance gives respect to individual differences: No two individual are alike. Guidance understands this individual difference among students and concerned with the uniqueness, problems, and developmental characteristics. 9. Guidance take consideration reference to salient facts: The most dangerous of all guidance practices is to counsel without at hand pertinent data. Guidance in the absence of data is quackery. 10. Guidance is flexible: An organized guidance program should be flexible according to the individual and continuity needs. 11. Guidance is an interrelated activity: Effective guidance needs complete information about the individual because it is difficult to see any problem in isolation with the total-relating it with the problem. 12. Guidance emphasizes on code of ethics: The ethical applications of guidance include respect for the personality of the individuals being counseled.

CHRONOLOGICAL PRESENTATION OF SOME BASIC PRINCIPLES OF GUIDANCE 1. Guidance is based on a true concept of the client. 2. Guidance is designed to provide assistance to a person in crisis in solving it through selfdiscovery and self-direction. 3. Guidance is a learning process. 4. Guidance is helping client understand himself. 5. Guidance leads one to make intelligent choice, move on to a decision or adjust to any situation at hand. PRINCIPLES INVOLVED IN GUIDANCE

By Crow and Crow: 1. Every aspect of an individuals complex personality patterns constitutes significant factors of his total display of attitude and behaviors. 2. Although all human beings are similar in many ways, individual differences recognized. 3. The function of guidance is to help a person: (a) formulate and accept stimulating worthwhile , and attainable goals of behavior (b) apply these objectives in conducting his affairs 4. Existing social, economic and political unrest is giving rise to many maladjustive factors that require the cooperation experienced guidance workers. 5. Guidance is continuous process. 6. Guidance is not limited to a few. must be

7. Guidance is education, but not all education is guidance. 8. Generally accepted areas of guidance include concern with the extent to which an individuals physical and mental health interferes with his adjustment to home, school, and vocational demands. 9. Guidance is fundamentally the responsibility of parents in the home of teachers in the school. 10. Specific guidance problems in any age level should be referred to persons with particular areas of adjustments. 11. Programs of individual evaluation and research should be conducted, and achievement made accessible to guidance workers 11. Programs of individual evaluation and research should be conducted, and achievement made accessible to guidance workers. trained to deal

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12. The guidance program should be flexible in terms of individual and community needs or else it will lose its value. 13. Responsibility for the management of a guidance program should appear in the attitudes toward the program of all who are associated with it. 14. Continuous or periodic appraisals should be made. 15. Guidance is preventive rather than curative. 16. Tests have their place in guidance. 17. The phase is an individual's development history does not exhibit a unitary problem. 18. Individuals tend to be different or like one another. Franciscan College of the Immaculate Conception

Baybay, Leyte

GRADUATE SCHOOL Guidance 101 (Foundation of Guidance and Counseling)





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