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Background of the Study

With the advancements in technology, teaching strategies are changing every

day. consequently, the greatest struggle of teachers is how to attract the attention of their

students, when they are learning. Students do have a short attention span and they are not

fond of listening to lectures. Moreover, inspiring students to learn sets them on a path to

becoming their best selves. Teachers are looking forward to something to open more

ways for them to learn and develop the skills they need to succeed and tap into their

unique capabilities. Learning should not be limited to typical class discussions.

Integrating smart television promotes better academic performance and learning among


Great advances have been spread worldwide in forging inventive applications.

Subsequently, a smart television is designed to be able to work as teaching material and

has this following features low production cost since it can be manufactured by placing

the 35 USD COMPUTER in the interior of the television sets which are already in use in

the classrooms all over the world. It is also lined up with the most recent information and

telecommunication trends in education. Lastly, it would propose to use applications as

subject of study. However, the model that uses a television for national development have

emerged in widely separation of fame and places but never had determined human effort

been made in a single locale to realize anything, approaching the full scope and impact of

television in it is capacity to teach, illuminate and empower stated by Ed Palmer.


Moreover, the integration of technology in the delivery of education is considered vital in

the implementation of students’ centered approach of teaching method. But due to

inadequate financial resources of third world countries in Asia the government could

hardly provide it. These were the greatest challenges of ASEAN states that are in the

lower stages of technology development. RangubTook(2016) states that many Thai

graduates lack essential working skills. Many of them do have enough skills to respond to

the country’s needs. This might be the consequence of educational system, curricular

administrator, stakeholder involvement and teachers. The educational system involves

low levels of development on technology competitiveness and has low collaboration

between the education institutes, business, and industry. World Economic Forum report

(2014) also emphasized that Thailand had education system with only ordinary quality at

all levels and low level of technological readiness. Consequently, the education system

needs to be reformed using an open educational system approach among students and

smart television could be one. However, ASEAN ICT plan masters (2015) presents that

Singapore, is a perfect leader in all aspects among ASEAN countries who made their

best. Singapore taps the table when it comes to competitiveness and Malaysia got a high

placed developing rest of the countries like Vietnam, Brunei, Myanmar, and other Asian

countries has still long way to go.

Philippines still falls within the category of emerging third-world nations in Asia,

mirroring this problem. It follows that the Philippines is not exempt from this problem,

just as other nations are. The Philippines archipelago is still fighting the issue of so-called

inadequate technology education preparation. Speaking of the Filipino educational

system, this would be a significant and important subject in the nation. Government

attention to education is insufficient, which leads to various issues that prevent instructors

from assisting pupils in learning more effectively since there aren't enough facilities and

tools available. Filipino kids behave similarly to pupils from other countries who were

raised in a digital environment in every way. This was the reasons why educators use

smart tv as a teaching tools to attract students’ attention. Many of the schools in

Philippines implemented such tool for they have realized that if television content in the

house in order to get the attention of young ones and they keep interested to bring

televisions in the discussion inside the classroom.

The Philippines is divided into several localities. Northwestern Agusan Colleges is never

excused on this problem, to make it clearer and simpler. Throughout the morning until

the afternoon, students are constantly being barraged with schedules for various classes.

They get compressed by spending the entire day in front of teachers' visual aids that are

packed with writing and are less likely to comprehend dialogues. While teachers do their

best to keep the class entertaining, there still seems to be a void that must be filled. After

learning that 21st-century kids learn best visually. Thus, the teachers are seeking an

efficient disseminator of knowledge, shaper of attention and will serve as motivational

recommended action to have better understanding on the discussion among the students.

Indeed, across the world, in Asia, in Philippines and even in Northwestern Agusan

Colleges goes with these lines: successful learners are considered as active learners.

Active learners are aware that they are learning that means recognizing one’s strength

and weaknesses in having the ability to monitor one understands of the content. It also

means constantly making adjustment to support comprehension during the learning

process. Learning through watching maybe a key ingredient in a students’ development


(Bandura, 1994) as cited by Deborah (2006). The only way to get out in this big issue on

education is integrating the modern-day teaching tool to develop students’

comprehension on classroom skills as basis of work-based skills. This is when the

educational technology, the Smart TV, shows perfect illustration of teachers and students

having fruitful discussions and sharing of knowledge and values using appropriate

modern-day instructional material. The Northwestern Agusan Colleges had implemented

this teaching tool. However, students just enhance the classroom performance as well

academically. This is the reason why the researchers wanted to pursue this study to

investigate the impact of smart television integration on the academic performance of

Grade 6 pupils in Northwestern Agusan Colleges.

Theoretical Framework

Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences (1979) introduces the theory that all students

have different ways of learning. There is the spatial intelligence (visual) learner, who

learns best using his or her sight; the linguistic intelligence (auditory) learner, who learns

best while listening; and the kinesthetic intelligence (movement) learner, who learns best

when moving. There are eight different learning styles, according to Gardner (1979).

Television teaches to two of the multiple intelligences. It involves listening and watching.

A teacher could add movements and make it kinesthetic by having students dance while

listening to songs on School House Rocks. I use Armstrong’s interpretation (Armstrong,

2000) of Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Stages

is also relevant (Piaget, 1972). Piaget’s theory (1972) explains how the mind processes

new information. The stage 6th grade students fall under is the formal operations stage, in

which a child no longer needs to have objects to manipulate to understand a concept. In


this stage, it begins at approximately age 12 and lasts into adulthood. In the formal

operational stage, children's thinking becomes much more sophisticated and advanced.

Kids can think about abstract and theoretical concepts and use logic to come up with

creative solutions to problems. Skills such as logical thought, deductive reasoning, and

systematic planning also emerge during this stage. By applying Piaget’s theory (1972), a

teacher can create lessons incorporating TV that will take advantage of a student’s stage

of cognitive development: when students no longer need to physically manipulate

material and starting think about abstract and theoretical concepts to come up with

creative solutions, they can begin to understand by watching someone else manipulate the

material and create creative solutions on their own e.g. on a video. According to Piaget, a

child is at the formal operations stage from ages 12 up to adult. These are the ages of

sixth grade upihtr. This is the stage at which teachers should look towards educational

television to have more effective lessons using a variety of materials. Assumptions

Television is a big part of students’ everyday life and thus familiar and enjoyable to them.

Therefore, bringing television into the classroom may enhance students’ excitement

about the general curriculum in the 6th grade. For students who become bored listening to

the same person every day, watching an educational video may maintain interest and

excitement about a subject. Once students become excited about a subject and want to

learn more there will a great impact for their classroom performance as well as

academically. By finding out which aspects of a certain subject interest the students the

teacher can create lessons that will continue to keep the students engaged. Once the

excitement about a subject is generated for a student, a teacher can then assign textbook

and other readings. It can serve the purpose for students in the 6th grade classroom.

Using educational videos may help in optimizing teachers’ use of class time. Teachers are

busy trying to meet educational standards within the limited timeframe of any given year.

Finally, each student is an individual, and using educational television may help teachers

address different learning styles. Background and Need Anderson (1998) explores

educational television and whether it is truly educational. He uses the case of Sesame

Street to explore educational television and its impact on children. Anderson (1998) finds

that claims against the use of educational television have not been supported by the

research. Instead, he finds that there are both long-term and short-term benefits to

educational television.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the Integration of Smart Television and its impact to the

academic performance of Grade 6 pupils in Northwestern Agusan Colleges

Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions.

1. What is the profile of the respondent in terms of




2. How smart television affect the study in terms of

• Behaviour

•Study Habits

•Academic Performance

3. What are the perceptions and attitudes of Grade 6 pupils towards the use of smart

television technology in the classroom, and how do these affect their learning outcomes?


There is no significant relationship of the respondent profile with that Smart

Television and its impact on academic performance of Grade 6 students in Northwestern

Agusan Colleges.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study will be focus on Integration of Smart Television and its impact to the

academic performance of Grade 6 pupils in Northwestern Agusan Colleges.

Significance of the Study

The integration of technology in education has become increasingly important in recent

years, with many educational institutions exploring the use of various digital tools and

devices to enhance teaching and learning. Smart television technology is one such tool

that has shown potential to improve student engagement, motivation, and academic

performance, particularly in the context of primary education.


This study aims to investigate the impact of smart television integration on the academic

performance of Grade 6 pupils in Northwestern Agusan Colleges. Specifically, the study

seeks to examine the effects of smart television technology on student engagement,

motivation, and learning outcomes in various subject areas, such as science, mathematics,

and language arts.

Grade 6 pupils - The study focuses on the impact of smart television integration on the

academic performance of Grade 6 pupils in Northwestern Agusan Colleges. The findings

of the study may have direct implications for their learning outcomes and academic


Teachers - The study also examines how teachers integrate smart television technology

into their lesson plans and teaching strategies. The results of the study can provide

insights into effective pedagogical practices for teachers and help them better leverage

smart television technology to improve student learning outcomes.

Educators and policymakers - The findings of the study can be used to inform the

development of evidence-based policies and practices for integrating smart television

technology into primary education. This can benefit not only the Grade 6 pupils of

Northwestern Agusan Colleges but also other primary schools across the country.

Technology developers and manufacturers - The study can also provide feedback and

insights for technology developers and manufacturers to better design and develop smart

television technology for educational purposes.


Definition of Terms

Smart Television- Smart TVs are a technological convergence of computers, televisions,

and digital media players. It is designed to be able to work as teaching material and has

this following features low production cost since it can be manufactured by placing the

35 USD COMPUTER in the interior of the television sets which are already in use in the

classrooms all over the world.

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