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Assessment task 3: Assignment:

Topic Question:

You are working late as you are preparing for a promotional interview
tomorrow. The selection process has been a very gruelling one. Aside from
your work performance the organization had also met the partners of all
applicants at a recent function. The organization prides itself as promoting
family values and there has not been a scandal there since the “water
cooler incident” in 2005. This promotion is what you have been working
towards for three years and it is between you and a colleague and you are
both equally suited to the position. You hear some giggling up the corridor
…. You investigate …. It is the other applicant semi naked with an individual
who is not their partner. What do you do? Discuss the rationale for your
decision using an ethical framework.

After personally witnessing an act of infidelity in the workplace, factors such as

religious beliefs as well as work ethics affect the rationale deciding my response
to the situation. Christianity. The first topic of discussion would be my response
to particular actions of fellow work colleagues. Then I will be discussing on the
aspects of the company promotion and lastly the company’s reputation.

The actions of the colleague challenge the basis of my ethical framework

regarding Christianity, as their actions contradict many biblical teachings and
values. The first example that comes to mind regarding Christianity’s view upon
affairs is this biblical verse (The bible, Leviticus 19:15) `You shall do no injustice
in judgment; you shall not be partial to the poor nor defer to the great, but you
are to judge your neighbor fairly’. This quote in the bible gives a foundation for
my actions on this issue. Even though others lives’ have no concern of mine, but
in this scenario the actions outweigh my decision to turn a blind eye. I have seen
too much to just leave this situation alone. Therefore I would approach both of
my colleagues and just politely suggest that to them both about what I have seen
and how this is not ethically right for the image of the organization but most of
all its not right on their personal relationship with their own partners that they
have dedicated their lives to. Christianity holds a very firm view on dishonesty
and unfaithfulness in marriage. When someone has sexual relationships outside
of marriage, they are not only sinning against God or against their spouse, but
they are actually sinning against their own body. This is also one of the 10
commandments that have been stated in the bible, (The bible, Exodus 20) ‘thou
shall not commit adultery’. Not honoring this commandment you will be living in
sin but also you have excluded your self in to the kingdom of heaven unless you
repent your sins. Christianity strongly upholds honesty and faithfulness, as the
kingdom of heaven is not available to those with sinful qualities.

Reinforcing my reasoning for not condoning towards this type of action, another
passage from the bible (The bible, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10) referring to Paul asking
a very serious question: “Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not
inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral,
nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality,  nor thieves,
nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the
kingdom of God.” In essences what ever a person sows they are sure to reap
whatever the consequences, this will include being casted out of the Kingdom of
Heaven when Christ returns. No believer in Christ would live in sexual
immorality. If you are a believer in Christ and believe that you would still be
about to come in to the Kingdom of heaven. (Clarke, D. 1994)

Christianity promotes a way of life in which teaches us to ‘trust in the Lord', in

which resulting outcomes should be respected as the decision of a greater power
we must accept as God's will. Entrust in the Lord with my life decisions and not
harm others and he has a plan to prosper and give me hope for the future’. (The
bible, Proverbs 3: 5-6) states “trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not
on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make
your path straight. This passage means if we completely trust God with all that is
in us, that we rely not on anything that we can do on our own strength, and that
we give all of the strength we possess, both physically and mentally, to the will of
the Holy Spirit. Then God can fulfil his perfect will through us and bring glory to
himself. We do not seek our own gain but desire God to receive all the glory. We
get to enjoy what God does for himself. Then the passage says “To lean not on our
own understanding”, dictating that we should not pass final judgement based on
only what we know, as the situation may be more than what meets the eye, and
one should keep an open mind. However, judgement is not for us to pass as
individuals under this faith. If God is truly accepted as the centre of our lives, we
live for him and him alone. Then we should also believe that we can trust him
with all our hearts. The result is the blessing of GOD falling on the obedient
vessel, the vessel that was used to fulfil GOD’S perfect will. “In all your ways
acknowledge him” – this is to fear GOD in all we do. To fear the Lord is to be wise.
We should fear God when we get up in the morning, we should fear GOD when
we start to talk, think, eat, listen, and act. When we are around people we should
fear God. This keeps us wise, and most importantly keeps us from sinning
(Proverbs 1:7; Exodus 20:20). Now referring back to this situation, just by
trusting in the Lord and his plans, I will let the situation unfold itself and won't
speak of it to others. I have already expressed my concern and have spread the
word of the Lord to my colleagues.

The actions of the colleague potentially jeopardizes the reputation of the

organization, as well as the lives of the partners of involved colleagues in the
affair. Primarily involving the promiscuous couple, the event witnessed suggests
that there may exist a potential affair within the organization. Due to the family
oriented nature of the company, the last scandal was recognized to be the “water
cooler incident” in 2005. The boasting integrity of the organization contrasts
with the actions of the colleague.

To the promotional aspect of this situation, this has placed me in two mindsets; I
can either use what I have seen to my advantage or I can also keep this
information to my self and let fate decide whether I will be deserving of this
promotion. Understanding the circumstance that has been presented has given
me a better chance in receiving this promotion rather than my colleague. By
informing mangers or any personnel involved in the promotion about the
promiscuous interactions between these colleagues within the workplace, my
colleague would be at a disadvantage because the organizations' work ethics,
morals and values have been compromised through their actions. Though myself
and my colleague have both been recognized as candidates for the upcoming
position, the pride of the organization is foundational upon honesty, in which my
colleague has boldly challenged potentially jeopardizing the pride and reputation
of the entire organization.

Regardless of workplace environment, integrity, responsibility, discipline and

teamwork are all very important characteristics that demonstrate good ethics.
Integrity stretches to all aspects of an employee job( Clake. D, 1994) . An
employee with integrity can foresters a trusting relationship with clients,
coworker’s and supervisors. Supervisors need to trust on their employee’s high
moral standards, trusting that he or she will keep the company’s image but also
entrusting the person to not create any problems in the work place. Accepting
employment under the organization means not only to accept the values that the
organization promotes, but also to honor them and represent them. It is the
employees responsibility to uphold these values accepting that compramise may
prove to be a liability. ( Simon . D, etel, 1999) DisciplineIt takes a certain level of
commitment to finish your tasks every day. An employee with good discipline
stays focused on his goals and is determined to complete his assignments. These
employees show a high level of dedication to the company, always ensuring they
do their part. Lastly, teamwork, most employees have to work together to meet a
company's objectives. An employee with a high sense of teamwork helps a team
meet its goals and deliver quality work. These employees respect their peers and
help where they can, making collaborations go smoother.Ferrell, O. C. etal, 1985)

(Gwen. E Jones et el, 1996) Has found that when these five characteristics of
good work ethics were meet an overall improvement was seen in the work place,
productivity, moral of the work place, deadlines were met. When these
characteristics are not present, generally prominent in companies with low
productivity results, relates to poor work ethics. This is a problem in most
workplaces where people can negatively affect their ability to advance in any
working process. If you find yourself putting off everything possible until
tomorrow, your work ethic may need some serious revising. Having a good work
ethic is critical to moving ahead in the working world. A good work ethic leads to
doing each job well, regardless the size or the importance of the job. If the task at
had has been completedwith a higherstandards it would have a positive results
in not just the efficiency of the work place but also have a positive effect all over
the work place. Kuhn, W. E.: 1963,

With these work characteristics in mind the right thing to do would to make the
right people more aware about the situation at hand. Not to benefit myself but in
the interest of the company, knowingly what has happened in the past with the
“water cooler incident”. The two colleagues didn’t uphold these qualities that you
would find in person with good work ethics. Firstly they have placed their own
selfish gain in front of the company. Secondly they both have not shown
discipline in the work place, there is always a time and place for things. Even
though there isn’t sufficient information about their own personal situation and
there might be a reasonable answer in their behaviour but a work place is not a
tolerant place for promiscuity and unsuitable actions.

Overall this paper has given me a deeper understanding of how much I refer to
my own ethical framework in my own decision making process, also this made
me more aware on where my ethical values lay and how much I depend on it.
Even though this situation was just hypothetical, it’s not so far fetched and it
would be something that would actually happen in a working environment.
Christianity is simple but complex at the same time. Its based on a set of rules
and the main goal of life is to keep the Lord in the center of your life, repent your
sins and when the time comes you will enter un to the kingdom of heaven.


Ostervald, J. 1770. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments.
Leviticus 19:15 Edinburgh: Printed by Colin Macfarquhar.

Ostervald, J. 1770. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments. The
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Ostervald, J. 1770. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments. The
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Ostervald, J. 1770. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments. The
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