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August 2022

Student Name: Darron Lee Jia En

Student ID: 0354845
Tutor: Ar. Axxu Hoi Jung Wai & Dr. Siti Norzaini

1.0 Site & Project Introduction

1.1 Site Background
1.2 Building Purpose Group
1.3 Project Approach
2.0 Site Analysis
2.1 Sun and Shadow Analysis
2.2 Wind Direction & Wind Speed Analysis
2.3 Temperature & Humidity Analysis
3.0 Proposed Building Massing
3.1 Massing Strategy – Orientation (Program Based)
3.2 Massing Strategy – Floor Massing (Levels & Floor to Floor Height)
3.3 Massing Strategy – Core Placement (Fire Access & Evacuation)
3.4 Design General Arrangement
4.0 Fire Requirements Compliance
4.1 Passive Containment
4.2 Means of Escape
4.2.1 Limitations for Maximum Travel Distance and Dead-End Limit
4.2.2 Occupancy Load & Escape Provision Computation
4.3 Fire Appliance Access and Rescue
4.3.1 Fire Appliance Access
4.3.2 Fire Hydrants
5.0 Building Core Design
5.1 Core Design Considerations
5.1.1 Escape Direction of Staircase
5.1.2 Building Required M&E Components
6.0 Sustainable Features & Construction System
6.1 Environment Sustainable Strategy
6.1.1 Building Materials
6.2 Construction System
6.2.1 Structural Frame & Columns
1.0 Site & Project Introduction
1.1 Site Background
Kuantan is a city and the state capital of Pahang, Malaysia. It is located near the mouth of the
Kuantan River. Kuantan is the 18th largest city in Malaysia based on 2010 population, and is the
largest city in the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. The proposed site is situated along the
street of Jalan Dato Lim Hoe Lek which is next to Stadium Darul Makmur.

Figure 1: Macro SIte

Figure 2: Proposed Site

1.2 Building Purpose Group
The brief of Urban Design Studio insisted the building to be a training center for resilience which
will integrate multiple programs and function to promote resilience. The purpose group of the
building as shown in the table below will be referred for the calculation of fire related
requirements from UBBL 1984.

Number of Purpose Group Descriptive Title Purposes for which compartment is

intended to be used
II Institutional Hospital, school or other similar
establishment used as living
accommodation for, or for treatment, care
or maintenance of, persons suffering from
disabilities due to illness or old age or
other physical or mental disability or
under the age of 5 years, where such
persons sleeps in the premises.
IV Office Office, or premises used for office
purposes, meaning thereby the purposes
of administration, clerical work (including
writing, book-keeping, sorting papers,
filing, typing, duplicating, machine-
calculating, drawing and the editorial
preparation of matter for publication),
handling money and telephone and
telegraph operating.
V Shop Shop, or shop premises not being a shop
but used for the carrying on there of retail
trade or business (including the sale to
members of the public of food or drink for
the immediate consumption, retail sales
by auction, the business of lending books
or periodicals for the purpose of gain, and
the business of a barber or hairdresser)
and premises to which members of the
public are invited to resort for the purpose
of delivering their goods for repair or other
treatment of themselves carrying out
repairs to or other treatment of goods.
VII Place of assembly Place, whether public or private, used for
the attendance of persons for or in
connection with their social, recreational,
educational, business, or other activities,
and not comprised within group I to VI.
VIII Storage and Place for the storage, deposits or parking
General of goods and materials (including
vehicles), and other premises not
comprised in groups I to VII.
Figure 3: Fifth Schedule, Designation of Purpose Groups (UBBL, 1984)
1.3 Project Approach
Kuantan is frequently affected by the annual flooding event caused by the seasonal monsoon
which accounts for significant losses. Flood risk, exposure and damage potential are increasing,
causing the level of poverty and vulnerability to rise. The annual occurrence of the flood hazard
has forced residents to prepare beforehand to help them spring back to their daily life faster.

Opposing the overwhelming abstraction of architectural ideas and the encroachment of

neoliberalism, experimental architecture prototypes are subversive, resisting control,
componentization and mechanization. (Rachel Armstrong, 2020)

1. Exceeds the human scale, embracing the ephemeral and material realms.
2. Engaging in continual negotiation with contexts, people and materials,
participate in the formation of ecosystems and resource cycles.
3. Rendering indistinct its disciplinary ontology, ecological architecture embracing
its radical transdisciplinary nature.
4. Experimental architecture embracing hybrids, exceptions, monsters,”
interlacing of opposites and of all contradictions and inconsistencies: (Tzara,
2.0 Site Analysis
2.1 Sun and Shadow Analysis

Figure 4: Sun orientation and shadow casting on site

The site is located right in frontage of Stadium Darul Makmur, where considerably provide
shadings and protection from the sun in the morning. With less tall buildings and structure
nearby to provide shading, the site is constantly receiving direct sun penetration compare to its
neighbors such as the commercials area up on the adjacent road.
2.2 Wind Direction & Wind Speed Analysis

Figure 5: Windrose annual

Figure 6: Windspeed dec-feb Figure 7: Windspeed mar-may

Figure 8: Windspeed jun-aug Figure 9: Windspeed sep-nov

According to the figures above, the wind in Kuantan site is more prevalent at North side and
Figure 10: Average Wind Speed (Weather Atlas, 2022)

The Monsoon Seasons in Malaysia can be categorised into the Northeast Monsoon and
the Southeast Monsoon. Northeast Monsoon usually happens between October to the
April in the following year and approaches the region from the Northeast & East Northeast
direction. It also brings along monsoon rain and wind that could possibly cause water
ingress into buildings Southeast Monsoon occurs between April to October of the same year
and approaches the region from the West to the South direction.
2.3 Temperature & Humidity Analysis

Figure 11: Climate in Kuantan (Weather Atlas, 2022)

Figure 12: Kuantan Annual Climate (Meteoblue, 2022)

Figure 13: Average Monthly Rainfall (Weather Atlas, 2022)

As generally the case in Peninsular Malaysia, Pahang is warm and humid throughout the year
with temperatures ranging from 21 degrees to 33 degrees Celsius. The highlands are cooler
with temperatures falling down to 16 degrees Celsius at night. (rarely exceeds 23 degrees
Celsius at night and during the day). The rainy seasons in the coastal areas are caused by the
monsoons that usually occur between November to February. Annual rainfall is high, averaging
over 200 centimeters. In the monsoon Season specifically, the tropical storms of the monsoon
season: End of October - Beginning of March every year.
3.0 Proposed Building Massing
3.1 Massing Strategy – Orientation (Programmatic)

Figure 14: Massing Strategy

With clearer understanding of contexts and climatic conditions of the site, the building is aligned
to face the west sun. Thus, this allows more daylight to penetrate into the central space, also
diffusing internal natural light to both side of the connecting spaces from the center. Apart from
that, since the prevailing wind are more dominant on the southwest and north, providing void in
between of the spaces helps to allow cross ventilation into the center.

As a respond to the stadium next to the site, the building would provide a new frontage for the
stadium with configurable spaces for certain event.
3.2 Massing Strategy – Floor Massing (Leveling)

Figure 15: Front view

The intention of the composition is to promote voids without view obstruction, instead by
stacking the spaces on top of each other, the spaces are cascading to the ground which
allowing more green roof spaces. The height from one floor to another of the building is
maintained at 3.5m.

Figure 16: Right view

The two cores are located on both side of the building which easily accessible within the
setback and floors, this also eases the access of technicians accessing the services for
3.3 Massing Strategy – Core Placement (Fire Access & Evacuation)

Figure 17: Core Placement

Figure 18: Assembly Point

3.4 Design General Arrangement

Figure 19: Ground Floor Plan

Figure 20: First Floor Plan Figure 21: Second Floor Pla
4.0 Fire Requirements Compliance
4.1 Passive Containment
The requirements for compartmentation in the proposed building was referred to the 9th
Schedule in UBBL 1984 to understand the limitations of dimensions for the institutional Purpose

The proposed building design is not required to be compartmented due to the purpose group IV
and VII are excluded as there are no limits applicable under by-law 138 Other walls and floor to
be constructed as compartment walls and compartment floors.

In exclusion, the requirement for compartmentation is needed for protected shafts with fire-rated
walls of a minimum 1Hr of Fire resistance period under by-law 150, Protected shafts are
required to be completely enclosed with protecting structures of one or more FRP.

Figure 22: Protected Fire Escape Staircase.

4.2 Means of Escape
4.2.1 Limitations for Maximum Travel Distance and Dead-End Limit
According to the 7th Schedule of UBBL 1984, the limit of “Maximum Travel Distance” alternative
exits for the proposed building is highlighted as below. The schedule is referred with reference
to by-law 134 Designation of purpose groups. The building comprises of place of assembly,
shops, storage, and institutional spaces and therefore is referred to in the 7th schedule.

The following section will be evaluated for the compliance of the proposed design with by-law
165 Measurement of travel distance to exits. The maximum travel distances and dead-end limits
of the General Arrangement of Building Design will decide if the building needs to be sprinkled
or un-sprinkled. Together to be evaluated with the compliance of the dead-end limit of the

Purpose Group Dead End Limit (m) Un-sprinklered Sprinklered

Institutional NR 30 45
Shops 15 30 45
Place of Assembly NR 45 60
Storage and General 15 30+ 45+
(Parking Garage)

The measurement of travel distance to an exit will be measured as follows:

1. Along the center line of the natural path of travel, starting from the most remote

point subject to occupancy [305mm from walls]

2. Curving around any corners or obstructions, with 305mm clearance therefrom

3. Terminating at one of the following

4. Centre of the doorway

5. Other points at which the exit begins

UBBL (1984) Page 77, By - law Clause 165. Measurement of travel distance to exists.

1. The travel distance to an exit shall be measured on the floor or other walking surface along
the centre line of the natural path of travel, starting 0.300 metre from the most remote point of
occupancy, carving around any corners or obstructions with 0.300 metre clearance therefrom
and ending at the storey exit. Where measurement includes stairs, it shall be taken in the plane
of the trend noising.

2. In the case of individual rooms which are subject to occupancy of not more than six persons,
the travel distance shall be measured from the doors of such rooms: Provided that the travel
distance from any point in the room to the room door doesn't not exceed 15 metres.

3. The maximum travel distances to exists and dead - end limits shall be as specified in the
Seventh Schedule of these

By – laws. UBBL (1984) Page 77. By - law Clause 166. Exists to be accessible at all times.

1. Except as permitted by by - law 167 not less than two separate exits shall be provided from
each storey together with such additional exists as may be necessary.

2. The exists shall be sited and the exits access shall be so arranged that the exits are within
the limits of travel distance as specified in the Seventh Schedule to these By - laws and are
readily accessible at all times.

UBBL (1984) Page 78, By - law Clause 170. Egress through unenclosed openings.

Where unenclosed openings are permitted between floors and for a mezzanine floor, egress
may be by way of an open staircase to an adjacent floor, and thence to a story exit:

a. The layout is such that a fire originating anywhere within the compartment will be obvious to
the occupants of all communicating levels or areas.

b. The travel distances specified in the Seventh Schedule to these By - laws are not exceeded

c. Only 50 % of the occupants of a floor are assumed to use the open staircase and storey -
exits are provided at every level to accommodate the other 50 % of the occupants of that level
in accordance with the provisions of the Seventh Schedule to these by - laws; and
d. The storey exit on the principles floor through which other levels discharge are designed to
handle the occupants of that floor plus 50 % of the occupants from the adjacent levels
discharging through it.

UBBL (1984) Page 82, By - law Clause 183. Exit details for places of assembly.

a. Every place of assembly, every tier or balcony and every individual room used as a place of
assembly shall have exits sufficient to provide for the total capacity thereof as determined in
accordance with by - law 180 and as follows.

b. No individual unit of exit width shall serve more than one hundred persons.

c. Doors leading outside the building at ground level or not more than three risers above or
below ground one hundred persons per exit unit.

d. Staircases or other types of exits not specified in by - law 177 above seventy - five persons
per exit unit.

e. Every Class A place of assembly (capacity one thousand persons or more) shall have at least
four separate exits as remote from each other as practicable.

f. Every Class B place of assembly (capacity three hundred to one thousand persons) shall
have at least two separate exits as remote from each other as practicable, and if of a capacity of
over six hundred at least three such exits.

g. Every Class C place of assembly (capacity one hundred to three hundred persons) shall have
at least two means of exit, consisting of separate exits or doors leading to a corridor or other
space giving access to separate exists in different directions.

UBBL (1984) Page 84, By - law Clause 188. Travel distance in place of assembly.

Exits in any place of assembly shall be arranged that the travel distance from any point to reach
an exit shall not exceed 45 metres for unsprinklered buildings and 60 metres for sprinklered
4.2.2 Occupancy Load & Escape Provision Computation

The tabulation and calculation of the space and floor area are guided by the figures from the 7th
Schedule of UBBL regarding Occupancy load to determine the required width of horizontal exits
and staircase exit width. The calculation will evaluate if the provision of staircase and horizontal
exit width is sufficient for to cater for the means of escape. The exit widths will need to be in
compliance with by-law 167 Storey exits & 168 Staircases, where the width of storey exit and
staircase shall be in accordance to the 7th Schedule of UBBL 1984. For staircase they shall be
of such widths accommodating to the floor with the highest occupancy load, to be compliant to
by-law 168 Staircases, section (2) & (4). The staircase provided should also amuseme one of
the staircases to be dysfunctional according to by-law 177 Computing number of staircases and
staircase widths. Therefore, the width shall be compliant despite having the widest staircase
removed temporarily from the total width of escape.

Purpose Occupant Capacity Exits

group Load per Number of persons per unit-exit width
meter Doors Horizontal Ramp Ramp 2nd Escalator Stairs
square outside Exit main exit exit
II 2 net 100 100 60 - 60 -
4.5 net
3.5 net
IV 10 gross 100 100 100 60 60 60
V 3 gross 100 100 100 60 60 60
VII 1.5 net 100 100 100 75 75 75
0.7 net
0.3 net
VIII NR - - - - - -
Occupancy Load For Ground Floor Level

Purpos Occupa Space GFA Total Occupancy Unit &

e group nt load (m²) GFA (total width of
7 GFA/occup horizont
schedul ancy load) al exit
II 2 net Auditorium 169 169 84.5 0.8
V 3 gross Restaurant 169 450 150 1.5
Retails 281
VII 1.5 net Entrance 450 450 300 3
hall /
se hall

Occupancy Load For First Floor Level

Purpos Occupa Space GFA Total Occupancy Unit &

e group nt load (m²) GFA (total width of
7 GFA/occup horizont
schedul ancy load) al exit
II 2 net Auditorium 169 169 84.5 0.8
V 3 gross Restaurant 56 56 28 0.3
IV 10 gross Classroom 113 226 113 1.1
Offices 113
Occupancy Load For Second Floor Level

Purpos Occupa Space GFA Total Occupancy Unit &

e group nt load (m²) GFA (total width of
7 GFA/occup horizont
schedul ancy load) al exit
IV 10 gross Classroom 113 226 113 1.1
Aqualab 113
4.3 Fire Appliance Access and Rescue
4.3.1 Fire Appliance Access

Figure 23: Bomba Access

4.3.2 Fire Hydrants

Figure 24: Fire Hydrant

5.0 Building Core Design
5.1 Core Design Considerations

Figure 19: Ground Floor Plan

Figure 20: First Floor Plan Figure 21: Second Floor Plan
5.1.1 Escape Direction of Staircase

Figure 25: Escape Direction

The fire staircase is connected to the lobby which provide a direct exit of evacuation through the
open space below. With the indication shown above. Smoke lobby are not require for open
spaces with less wall obstruction.
5.1.2 Building Required M&E Components

By-Law Clause 152 - Opening in lift shafts

1. Every opening in a lift shaft or lift entrance shall open into a protected lobby unless other
suitable means of protection to the opening to the satisfaction of the local authority is
provided. These requirements shall not apply to open type industrial and other special
buildings as may be approved by the D.G.F.S.
2. Landing doors shall have a FRP of not less than half the FRP of the hoist way structure
with a minimum FRP of half hour.
3. No glass shall be used for in landing doors except for vision in which case any vision
panel shall or be glazed with wired safety glass, and shall not be more than 0.0161
square meters and the total area of one of more vision panels in any landing door shall
be not more than 0.0156 square meters.
4. Protected lobbies may be omitted if the staircase enclosures are pressurized to meet the
requirements of the by - law 200.
By - law Clause 198. Ventilation of staircase enclosures
1. All staircase enclosures shall be ventilated at each floor or landing level by either
permanent openings or openable windows to the open air having a free are of not less
than 1 square meter per floor.
2. Openable windows shall meet the operational requirements of the D.G.F.S.
3. In buildings not exceeding three floors above ground level, staircase enclosure may be
unventilated provided that access to them at all levels except the top floor is through
ventilated lobbies.
6.0 Sustainable Features & Construction System
6.1 Environment Sustainable Strategy
6.1.1 Building Materials

Figure 26: Sustainable Concrete

Green Concrete
Green concrete is a form of eco-friendly concrete that is manufactured using waste or residual
materials from different industries, and requires less amount of energy for production.
Compared to traditional concrete, it produces less carbon dioxide, and is considered cheap and
more durable.
The aim of using green concrete is to lessen the burden on natural resources, and increase
dependency on recyclable materials. Of the multiple strategies being utilized to achieve
sustainability through eco-friendly concrete, re-using wash water to reduce water consumption
is a good technique.
Partial replacement of energy-consuming cement with reusable materials is among the best
strategies used to achieve eco-friendly construction material. For example, cement can be
replaced with Fly Ash, Silica Fume, and Wood Ash, etc.
6.2 Construction System
6.2.1 Structural Frame & Columns

Figure 27: Structural Integration with Rainwater Harvesting

The intentions of using arches as the primary structure.

Arches can span much wider openings as the voussoirs which often constitute arch structures
are easier to transport to the work-site than a very large beam would be. Arches are able to
carry much greater loads than beams as the different stresses are focused on the supports from
diagonal thrust, instead of within the material. Although the transferal of the dead and live loads
to the supports means that arch bridges need very large supports and/or buttressing, in bridges
with sequential arches, this is not the case bar the arches at the extremities, because the
horizontal forces in the supports of adjacent arches cancel each other out.
Apart from that, while with staining the weight of the roof, this allow freeing more spaces on the
ground floor with lesser column in between which could also reduce the carbon footprint.

Long Museum West Bund / Atelier Deshaus
6.2.2 Roof Structure & Rainwater Harvesting

Figure 30: Roof System Variant 1

Figure 31: Roof System Variant 2

The roofing system are integrated to harvest and storing rainwater, this helps to reduce the
building surface temperature which are made of concrete. Other than that, the collected
rainwater can be use to supply the aquacultural system where it will be feeded to the hydroponic
plant for filtration. This integration of multi discipline could help to achieve a better urban water

Barra da Tijuca

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9. Wolfgang Preiser. 2001. The Evolution of Post-Occupancy Evaluation: Towards Building Performance
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10. Fanger, P. (1970), Thermal Comfort. Danish Technical Press, Copenhagen, Denmark.

11. Cuttle, Christopher. 2003. Lighting by Design. Architectural Press, Oxford8. Gordon, J. E.. 2003 Structures,
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12. Heyman, Jacques. 1998. Structural analysis: a historical approach. Cambridge University Press.

13.Lechner, Norbert. 2000. Heating, Cooling, Lighting: Design Methods for Architects. Wiley & Sons,

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