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Department of education

Region V

Agdangan national high school




Nanale, Justine Mae

Yanday, Geia

Rebolado, Nikka

Brizuela, Christian

Baudin, Marie France

Bantayan, Mary Florian

A baby theseis

Presented to the faculty of the senior high school

Agdangan national high school

In partial fulfillment for the requirement in

Practical research

March 2019


We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the people who

contribute to give life to study. To the people who have extended their assistant
for the success of the study:

The almighty god, who is the source of life and strength of knowledge and
wisdom .

To Ma’am Joy Chavez, for her genuine apprehension ,encourage, patient

and guidance and whose expertise and knowledge were generously shared;

To the fellow classmate, for sharing their knowledge and idea in helping
the researchers in the construction of the projects;

To the beloved parents and guardians for untiring love for all the support,
for being there in our ups and down ;

To those grade II students who are main respondent of this study, thank
you for the time and effort to answer our question.

And lastly, to the lord and savior jesust Christ, this piece of work was
heartlly offered.

Thank you to all of you.

Table of content

Title ------------------------------------------------------- i

Acknowledgement ------------------------------------------- ii

Table of Contents ------------------------------------------ iii

Chapter I


Background of the study ------------------------------------ 1

Statement of the Problem ----------------------------------- 2

Theorical Framework ----------------------------------- 4

Conceptual Framework ----------------------------------- 5

Significance of the Study ---------------------------------- 5

Scope and Delimitation ---------------------------------- 6

Definition of Terms ---------------------------------- 6

Chapter II

Review of Literature

Related studies --------------------------------------- 7

Chapter III

Research methodology

Locale of the study -------------------------------------- 10

Research design -------------------------------------- 10

The respondent ------------------------------------- 11

Validation of research instrument -------------------------- 11



Back ground of the study

Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior manifested by the use of force or

coercion to affect others, particularly when the behavior is habitual and involve
an imbalance of power. It can include verbal harassment, physical assault or
coercion and may be directed repeatedly towards particular victims, perhaps on
grounds of race, religion, gender, sexuality, or ability. The “imbalance of power”
may be social power and physical power. The victim of bullying is sometimes
referred to as a “target”.

Bullying consist of three basic types of abuse emotional, verbal, and

physical. It typically involves coercion such as intimidation .Bullying can be
defined in may different ways. The UK current has no legal definition of bullying ,
while some U,S states have laws against it.

Bullying ranges from simple one-on-one bullying to more complex bullying

in which the bully may have one or more ‘leotenant’ who was seen to be willing
to assist the primary bully in his or her bullying in school and the workplace is
also referred to as peer abuse . Robert N. Puller has analyzed bullying in the
context of rank.

Bullying can occur in any context in which human being interact with each
other. This includes school, church, family, the work place, home, and
neighborhoods. It is even a common push factors in migration . Bullying can
exist between social groups ,social classes, and even between nations, in both
economic system and in treaty system, are often cited as some of the primary
causes of both world war I and world war II.

The word bully “bully” was first used in the 00000 meaning “sweat heart,”
applied to either sex, from the dutch boel ”lover brother” probably diminutive of
middle high german boule ’’brother,’’ of uncertain origin [compare with the
german buhie ‘’lover’’].The meaning deteriorated through the 17 th century
through ‘’fine fellow,’’ ‘’blusterer’’ to ‘’harasser of the weak’’. This way have been
as a connecting sense between ‘’lover’’ and ‘’ruffian’’ as in ‘’protector of a
prostitute’’, which was one sense of ‘’bully’’(through not specifically attested until
1706).The verb ‘’to bully’’ is first attested in 1710

(zwerdling, 1987).High-level forms of violence such as assault and murder
usually receive most media attention but lower level of violence such as bullying
have only in recent years started to be addressed by researchers, parents and
guardians, authority separate and distinct offence, But there have been well
documented cases that have been recorded over the centuries.The fifth volume
of the New gate Calandia(Complete New gate Calendar Tarlton Lam
Library)contains at least one example where Eton Scholars George Alexander
Wood and Alexander Wellesley leith were charged, at Aylesbury Assizes,with
killing and slaying the Hon. F. Ashley Cooper on February 28, 1825 in an incident
which might today be described as “lethal hazing (George Alexander Wood and
Alexander Wellesley Leith, 2003) The New gate calendar contains several other
examples that, while not as distinct, could be considered indicative of situations
of bullying. Virginia Woolf considered fascism to be a form of bullying, and wrote
of Hitler and the Nazis in 1934 as “these brutal bullies. (Zwerdling, 1987) Bullying
behavior can have negative consequences for both the bully and the victim.

Studies have shown that boys identified as bullies in middle school were
four times as likely as their peers to have more than one criminal conviction by
age twenty-four. Children who bully are more likely to engage in other criminal
and anti-social behaviors, such as: Fighting, Vandalism, Truancy, Dropping out of
school. Stealing Smoking and Alcohol/and or drug abuse.

Effects on the victim

The stress from being bullied can create problems for children at school.
Students may be fearful of attending school, raiding the bus, using the bathroom
or being alone in the hallway.

This fear and anxiety can make it difficult for the child to focus and
engage in the classroom, making learning that much more difficult. Bullying can
cause children to experience fear, depression, loneliness, anxiety, low self-
esteem, physical illness, and in some cases, even suicidal thoughts. The Kids

Manual to Overcoming Bullying and Gain Self Confidence E-Book-This e-book is

among the best and easily applicable strategies that exist in the world today. Not
only is it written for children, in their unique language, you as the parent can
learn with them and guide them with the techniques to conquere bullies.

There are many theories on what causes violent and social behavior of children.
Increases exposure to victims through mass media, video games, and the
internet.Suffering as victims of abuse or neglect themselves, or a generally more
permissive society with corresponding lack of discipline.

While certainly each of these theories has merit, there is no single cause
of bullying behavior in children. There are however certain generalized
characteristics displayed by children who engage in such behavior.

Children who are impulsive, socially dominant, confrontational, or easily

frustrated may tend towards bullying behavior. Other characteristics of children
who bully may include a lack of empathy, a propensity to question authority and
push limits or break rules, idealization of violence, and the ability to talk their
way out of difficult altuations.

It is commonly believed that children who bully are “loners” or are socially
isolated. Research, however, shows this is not the case. Children who bully
generally do not have a difficult time making friends and generally maintain at
least a small group of friends who support their bullying behavior. Some bullies
may even be popular although the popularity of a bully tends to decrease at
higher grade level. Also contrary to popular belief, research shows that children
who bully do not lack self-esteem. While boys are more likely to be bullies than
girls, both boys and girls may bully and both may become victims. Boy bullies are
match more likely to engage in physical bullying. Bullying between girls is more
likely to involve social exclusion, which is harder to discover, but no less painful
for the victim.

Statement of the problem

This study discussed the effects of bullying among grade 30 student of

agdangan national high school it’s implication to behavior.Specifically, the
following question will be answered;

1.What is the socio-demographic profile of General Academic Strand


a. Age
b. Gender
c. Parent’s occupation
d. Address

2.what are the types of bullying involved by the GAS students?
3.what are the factors that trigger bullying in GAS of agdangan national high




Bullying is a complex social dynamic that can best be understood by

using various theoretical frameworks. The current article uses social capital
theory of humiliation, and organizational culture theory to better understand the
motivations behind bullying behavior, Bullying’s negative effects on victims, and
how school culture and climate play a role in the prevalence of bullying.
Specifically, the acquisition and maintenance of social capital and the desire for
dominance are prime motivating factors for the initiation and continuation of
bullying perpetration. The lack of social capital experienced by victims serves to
maintain victims in their current role and prevents them from gaining social

Further, the domination used by bullies to subjugate victims results

in intense humiliation that has lasting negative effects on victims, such as anger
and depression. The overall culture and climate of the school setting impacts the
prevalence and severity of bullying behavior, highlighting the need for whole
school bullying interventions. Implications for social work practice are discussed.

*analysis of the
-through the
questionaires,it will *profile and roles of
*profile of the
help to get the respondents are
neededv information determined
a.15-18 and the data enable -in this part,the
b.male and female to make our researchers will
c.grade 11 student research paper determined if social
incredible bullying have a
*role of the
-in computing the affect to the grade
data it will use a 11 student.
statistical treatment
which is given by a

Significance of the study

The finding which this study will reveal, may benefit certain groups and the
benefits they may be able to gain are as follow:

Students- this group may use this study as an example to bear in their mind
they are more luckier than these who are bullied even still send in the school to
learn by their parents, well in class, study harder to upgrade their knowledge and
intelligence so that the difficulties experienced by thire parents in sending them
to alcohol to attain their grain will not be in vain .

To all the parent –so that the parents will be able to know that they should
have a sense of dedication and devotion to duty as parents in implementation of
some strategies for the development of their kids althought they expriented
being bullied or those who committed bullying to bring then in a state that they
can be proud to be the parents even of those who overcome the effects of being

Teachers-this study will help the teachers to have a full understanding of how
they will handle their students in giving some advice and guidance minimize the

Future researchers-the finding of this study will be serving as a good source of

accurate and useful information for them

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses about factors that trigger bullying in agdangan

national high school

The respondent of this study will be the randomly selected 30 students of grade
II (GAS)will be 15 males and15 females.

Definition of Terms

Bully is defined as simply ‘forcing one’s way aggressively or by intimidation,’’the

term may generally apply to any life experience where one is motivated primarily
by intimidation instead of by more positive goals such as mutually shared interest
and benefits.

Students people who make attends at school.

Cyber-bullying is any bullying done through the use of technology .this form of
bullying can easily go undetected because of lack of parental /authoritative

School an organization that provide instruction such as an institution for the

teaching of children a group of scholars and pursuing knowledge together that
with similar groups instituted a medieval university ;an institutional for
specialized higher education often associated with university the process of
teaching or learning specially at school.

Chapter II

Review of related literature and studies


MONA O’CORNELIOS OF THE anti=bullying cantre of pup college in

has written,’’there is a growing body of research which indicates that
individuals,wheter child or adult,who are persistently subjected to abusive
behavior are at risk of stressed related illness which can sometimes lead to
suicide.’’ those who have been the target of bullying can suffer from long term
emotional and behavioral problem. bullying can cause loneliness, depression,
anxiety, lead to low self-confident and increase austceptibility to illness in the
long term it can lead to proustraumatic stress dis order and an inability to form
relationship –even leading to celibacy .

There is evidence that bullying increases the risk of suicide.it is

estimated that between 5585 and 8890 children commit suicide every year in the
U.K alone, because they are being bullied. among the cares of media bullying
suicides following Ryan Balligen, phoebe prince, dawn marie Wesley, Kelly
yeomans, Jessica baffer, hamed nastob ,on april himes

Research indicates that adults who bully have autoritaurian

personalities, combined with a strong need to control or subordinates can be a
particularly strong risk factor, some have argued that a bully reflects the
environment of his home, repeating the model learned from his parent.

Purther studies have shoen that envy and resentment may be

notives for bullying. Research on the self –esteem of bullies has produced
equivocal result. while some bullies are arrogant and narcissistic,others can use
bullying as a tool to conceal shame or anxiety or to boost self
esteem ;bydemening others,the abuser feels empowered.

Researchers have identified other risk factors such as depression

and personality disorders. As well as quickness to anger and use of force,
addiction to aggressive behaviors, mistaking others action as hostile, concern
with preserving self image, and engaging in abbssessive or rigid action. A
combination of these factors may also be causes of this behavior. In one recent
study of youth a combination of anti social traits and depression was found to be
the best predictor of youth violence, where is Vedio game violence and television
violence exposure were not predictive of these behavior.

It is often suggested that bullying behavior has its origin in

childhood. As a child who is inclined so act as a bully ages his or her related
behavior pattern will oftenal so become more sophisticated. Schoolyard pranks
and ‘rough-housing ‘may develop into more subtle, yet equally effective adult-
level activities such as administrative end-runs, well-planned and orchestrated
attempts at character assassination, or other less obvious ,yet equally force full
forms of coercion.

Often bullying takes place in the presence of a large group of

relatively uninvolved by atanders. it many cases ,it is the bully’s ability to crate
the illusion that be or she has the support of the majority present that instills the
fear of ‘speaking out’ inprotistation of the bullying activities observe by the group
.unless the ‘bully mentality’is effectively challenged in any given group in its early
stages ,it often becomes an accepted .or supported, norm within the group.

In such groups where the bully mentally has been allowed to

become a dominant factor in the group environment ,injustice and abuse often
become regular and predictable parts of the group experience .by standers to
bullying activities are often unable or un unwilling to recognize the true cost so
that silence regarding the bullying can have. Both to the victim or victims ,and to
the group.

By stander often unwilling to emphasize with the victim regardless

of their feelings towards the bully. The reversal of a culture of bullying within a
group is usually a an effort which requires much time, energy, careful planning,
coordination with others, and usually requires some under taking or ‘risk ’by
group members.

It is the general unwillingness of bystanders to expend these types

of energies and to undertake this type of risk that bullies often rely upon and
order to maintain their power. unless action is taken, a culture of bullying is
often perpetuated within a group for months, year ,or longer. Bystander who
have been able to establish their own friendship group or support group have
been found to the far more likely to opt to speak out against bullying behavior
than those who have not.

The bullying cycle must include both an act of aggression on the

part of a potential bully ,and a response by a potential target that is perceive by
both as a certain sign of submission .the cycle is only set in motion when both of
these two elements manifest themselves ,the bullying cycle often proceeds to
feed on itself over time, and may last for months ,years, or even decades .the
cycle is most easily broken at its initial onset , however ,it can also be broken at
any later point in the progression by simply removing either one of its two
essential ingredients. While group involvement may seem to complicate bullying
activities, the act is most often an implied agreement in principle between a chief
bully or instigator and the target that the one has “submitted” to the other.in the
act of bullying the bully attempts to make a public statement to the effect of ‘
see me and fear me ,I am so power ful that I have the ability to inflict pain upon
the intended target at the time and manner of many choice without having to
pay any consequences should an intended target exhibit a ‘defeated attitude ’in
response to chronic bullying ,then the bullying is likely to continue. In
circumstance where a bullying patterns has not yet fully established itself ,should
the intended target respond with a clear attitude of self-confidence that some
how demonstrate that the bully’s attempt to dominate is futile , then the bullying
attempts well often quickly diminish or and all-together. established patterns of
bullying may require greater and more persistent effort to reverse. institution
and organ of society often reinforce bullying, often by implying to or telling
targets of bullies that they are responsible for defending themselves, and then
punishing victims if they right back.

Chapter III

Research methodology

This chapter present the research method,sources or data, data

gathering instruments that used in the investigation.

Locale of the study

The study has conducted particularly in agdangan national high

school, extension campus ,Agdangan National High School located at Agdangan
Baao Camarins Sur. Agdangan national high school extension campus.

Research design

The researchers used the descriptive analytical method of research

for this is the most appropriate means of evaluating the effects of bullying
among children and its implication to behavior.

According to Calderon [ 1953 ] descriptive analytical method of research

certain to prevailing conditions affecting a given group hence, this study calls for
this method. It is a study components to serve as a direction in reaching a goal.
Me pointed out that the descriptive methods tells ‘’what is ; that which leads to a
scientific information about education, and other situation’’. He further described
it as a fact-finding with adequate interpretation usually beyond fact-finding. The
descriptive method of research involves as a certain data gathering process on
prevailing conditions and practice or descriptions of objects, process or persons
as they exist for about a certain educational phenomenon, predicting for
identifying relationship among and between the available described.


The Respondent
The respondent of this study we’red the selected Grade 11
students in Agdangan National High School on which comprises of 30 students.
Where we will be choose 15 males 15 females. We choose Grade 11 students as
the respondent of this study.

Validation of Research Instrument

The questionnaire need a validation enable for the researcher to

know if it isready for tasted by the respondents. The researchers will submit the
instrument to the experts for checking and validation and will be tested by the
grade 11 students.


Statistical tool
In this study, the numerical data will show in this. where it can be used in
presenting the data needed in the next chapter.


P= n x 100


P- Percentage

f- frequency

n- no. of respondents ( sample size )


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