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Shiela Balingasa
Mary Rose Austria
Marife Besinio
Andrew Joseph Nacario
John Robert Sinfuego
Jennifer Ibardo
(Grade 11 GAS-B Students)

A Baby thesis
Presented to the Faculty of the Senior High School
Agdangan National High School

In partial fulfilment for the requirement in

Practical Research 2

March 2019


The thesis entitled, “The Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media Sites to
the Academic Performance of Grade 11 students at Agdangan National High
School” prepared and submitted by shiela V. Balingasa, Mary Rose Austria, Marife
Bisenio, Jennifer Ibardo, Andrew Joseph Nacario, and John Robert Sinfuego in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for Practical Research II has been submitted and is
recommended for acceptance and approval for Final Oral Defense







Member Member


Approved by the panel of the examiners during the final oral defense on _____________
with a grade of __________________




Member Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirement in Practical Research




Sheila V. Balingasa Mary rose Austria

Marife Bisenio Jennifer Ibardo

Andrew joseph Nacario John Robert Sinfuego

The Advantage and disadvantage of using Social Media site to the academic
performance of grade 11 students at Agdangan National High School.

Agdangan National High School, Baao Camarines Sur.

No of page: 21

This Study generally determined the advantage and dis advantage of using social
media site to the academic performance of grade 11 students at Agdangan National High
School. Specifically, This study aimed to answer the following question: (1.) what are the
advantages and disadvantages of using social media sites to the academic performance of
grade 11 students?, (2) what ate the reason why some students in grade 11 became
addicted in social media sites? , (2) what possible solutions to cope up with being
addicted on social media?,(4) what program/project maybe proposed to students? This
study randomly selected (10) students coming from each section. The total number of
sections in grade 11 were two over all, There total number of (20) respondents.

This study attempted to test that there is significant difference between the
advantages and disadvantages of using social media site to academic performance of the

The researcher’s utilized descriptions statistics such as frequency and percentage

suited for a quantitative design and a personal data sheet which includes the personal
attributes of the respondents and other relevant information vital to the study.

Based on our research, most of the student – respondent are now using the different
platform that famous now a days and by using social media, there have advantage and
disadvantage for the student particularly when they use social media and their academic


We would like to express our gratitude to the people who contributed their ideas or
thoughts to gives life to this study.

To our parents, for all the support specifically to the financial thank you, for being
there in time, for giving patience, when we’re making this study THANK YOU SO MUCH and

To our classmate, who gives some idea, suggestion and of course advice of what
accurate words are we going to put in our research paper. THANK YOU

To the student in grade 11 who our main respondents of this study, thank you for the
time and effort for giving your ideas, suggestions and recommendation for the improvement
of the study.

To Ma’am Joy Chavez, for helping us to make this study thank you for the patience, and
effort to teach heartedly on making this. The advice that you gave as well as for
understanding teacher and for being our second mother to guide us in this study. THANK

And especial thanks to the experts who evaluated this study to make our study worthy.

And of course lastly, we would want to say thank you to the Almighty God who give
strength to overcome those problem , for the blessing as well as his guidance.



Mary Rose



Andrew Joseph

John Robert

Table of Contents


Tittle i

Approval Sheet ii

Abstract iii

Acknowledgement iv

Table of Content v

Chapter I Introduction

Background of the Study 1

Statement of the Problem 4

Hypothesis 4

Theoretical Framework 5

Conceptual Framework 6

Significance of the Study 8

Scope and Delimitation 8

Definition of Terms 9

CHAPTER II Review and Related Literature

Related literature/studies 10

Synthesis 14

CHAPTER III Research Methodology

Locale of the Study 15

Research Design 15

Instrument of the Study 15

Respondents of the Study 16

Population and Sampling 16

Validation of Research Instruments 16

Data Analysis 16

Statistical Tool 17

Chapter IV Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Table 1. Determined the Advantages of using Social Media Sites to 18

the students, performances

Table 2. Determined the Disadvantages of using Social Media Sites to 19

the students, performances

Chapter V Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

Objective 1. Determined the Advantages of using Social Media Sites to 22

the student, performances

Objective 2. Determined the Disadvantages of using Social Media Sites to 23

the students, performances



Survey Questionnaire

Letter Request



Chapter I

Background of the Study

Social media are interactive computer-mediated that facilitate the creation and the
sharing of their information, thoughts or ideas. Everything can make easy. In 1840’s the
history of social media may have been influenced by the introduction of the telegraph in us.
The first online came in the country (1967) is called the “ARPANET”. It enhanced a rich
cultural exchange of ideas and also to enhance the communication of one person to another.

Social media consist of Various user-driven channels which is Facebook, Twitter, Blogs,
You tube. That platform is very popular now a day for youth especially for students. In social
media there are advantages and disadvantages in using it. They have been several
advantages for the student. Based from Francisco Branna, it can make easily to contact each
other with regards to their school project, assignment and etc….by using social media,
students can build their confidence to participate in class because they can get information
when regards to their homework. In social media you will become connected to each other
because connectivity is the main advantages of social media. Like in school, the teacher
must have connectivity to the parents of their student to informed them about the progress
of their children and student from anywhere can connect with anyone. The good of it is
social media can connect anyone to learn more and to share their ideas or thoughts.
However, social media also have there several disadvantages for student. According to
Francisco Branna, social media can be distraction for some student. Distraction that can
result of not doing their responsibilities as student some students are not interested to learn,
to give their attention to their teacher that’s why there’s a possibility that some students are
not use social media for their educational purpose. They may use social media for their
personal communication or interest.

Therefore, when social media regularly used particularly to the student. There’s a
possibility to lose the enhancement of the ability of those student to engage in face to face
communication even though the world is turning to technology. Student should be known
how to interact each other they must know how to communicate in this world. Like in their

academic student are now addicted to the different platform especially the facebook.
Recently facebook has lost the trust of millions of its user by allowing 3 rd parties to access
over 87 million user’s personal data. Because of this famous app some students are not
totally give their whole attention to their teacher and they not doing their responsibilities.
Addictions one of the problem that facing of those student in grade 11.

According to Bryan Eisenberg, we are still trying to come to terms with the definition
of social media. To start I think we should look at what it is not. The biggest problem they
have with the term “SOCIAL MEDIA” is that it isn’t media in the traditional sense. Twitter,
facebook, and etc…they don’t have for the word count to mention are not media. Another,
according to Lee oden, with social media, researcher think there’s a literal definition
concerning the media that people create and share online. But, there’s also the notion that
social media is about the technology that facilities individuals and groups of people to
connect and interact create and share. Based in Mark W. Schaefer. There are hall marks of
social media; the evolution, Revolution and Contribution. First it is an evolution of how they
communicate replacing email in many cases. Next revolution for the first time in history they
have access to free, instantaneous, and global communication. And lastly, social media is
distinguished by the ability of everybody to share and contribute as a publisher.

We the researcher conduct this study about the advantage and disadvantage of social
media it’s because this study may know that by using social media they have a positive and
negative effect for the school youth specifically to the students in grade 11. As we observe
that some students in grade 11 are using social media for their personal interest like, playing
online games that affect the academic performance of the students. And also some students
are using social media for their educational purpose like, searching about their homework,
projects and etc…Beside social media is very effective in the stakeholders which is teacher,
parents, and especially to the students. In using social media you just need to balanced it,
manage your time in doing your responsibilities as a students before you do a nonsense
things in social media.

The researcher believed that social media is life. If without social media, it may be
difficult to them to find information to communicate in one person to a new one, as of now,
it is hard to live in this world of without technology, without social media. There’s a lot of

advantages and disadvantages of social media.Were just need to do is to balanced it,
manage it in the right way because social media make your life better to have a lot of
opportunity and a better future someday.

With this study the main objective of the researcher is to determine the advantages and
disadvantages of social media to the academic performance of grade 11 students of
Agdangan National High School. Therefore it will be the basis of the Agdangan National High
School, the parents, student and also the future researcher.

Statement of the Problem

This study aim to determine the advantages and disadvantages of social media sites to
the Academic Performance of grade 11 at Agdangan National High School, Agdangan Baao
Cam Sur.

This study answered the following question:

1. What is the advantages and disadvantages of using social media sites to the Academic
performance of grade 11 students?
2. What is the reason why some students in Grade 11 become addicted in Social Media
3. Why students used social media move on personal purpose than educational
4. What possible solution to cope up with that kind of being addicted on social media?


H0: Using social media they not affect the performance in academic of the student.

H1: Using social media they affect the performance in academic of the student.

Theoretical Framework

Signaling Theory

Signaling theory is one framework used to understand how Individual disclose

information on their SNS profiles. Observes that “ either face to face or online much of what
people want to know is not directly observable (Donald 2007).

The researcher in this theory contends that much of human interaction consists of signal
that communicate the status and characteristics of an individual.

This theory examined how one’s self- presentation in SNS develops, identity and trust
with others. For example, when a user displays a contact as a friend he or she is in an
indirect way vetting that person is in fact who they claim to be. thus, members who
discriminately add any and all friend requests in an effort to seem popular may instead
damage their credibility and trust-worthness to others.

In this part, we the researcher explained that signaling theory is related on our topic
because it tells us that everyone need to communicate in others or let say all of us need to
have connection in each other to have more learning particularly in communicating by using
social media.

Warranting Theory

Warranting theory suggests that human being is do in fact judge others based on cues in
SNS profiles. Walthers and colleagues have shown that an individual (on facebook)is
Consistently rated as physically , and socially attractive when his or her friends are also
attractive.(Walther , Van Der Heide , Kim, Westerman ,& Tong , 2008).

We the researcher believed that everyone need to interact to one person to a new one
specifically by using social media. Social media is very effective to the teacher, parents, and
student to have conversation in other person.

Signaling theory and Warranting theory also propose that people assess other generated
statements as more credible compared to self – generated information. In academic social
media is very effective to student, parents, and teachers and by using of different platform
like facebook, the school youth are most attracted in this kind of platform. However, it may
have a good and bad effect for the student. But, Social Media is essential for the people
especially to the student.

In signalling theory, it relates on our study because it tells us what individual learned
and How to communicate in one person to a new one. We as researcher or individuals can
get a lot of learning about how to communicate in other by using social media.

And also another theory that related to our study is the warranting theory. This study
had relation to our topic because of relation in interacting to different people and by
attracting to his or her friends. Attracting in the famous platform like facebook by using of it,
there’s a lot of interaction between one person to another and can attract everything to
anyone users of social media. this two theory of signalling and warranting theory is very
important for this study because it’s help them to understand easily the importance of this

Conceptual Framework

The researcher use research paradigm that an outline that guides the researcher in
conceptualizing and conducting this kind of research study.

This outline made the study easy to understand and to conceptualizing this ideas of the
researcher. This research paradigm model had Input, Process, and Output that describe the
main point of this study.

IPO Model (Input, Process, Output)

* Analysis of the Data .
- The researcher used
asurvey questionnaires,
* Profile of the it will help them to get
Respondents. theneeded information
and make the research
a.) 16-18 years old paper *Proposal
b.) Male and Female clearly. -This study will help
c.) Grade 11 Students them to improve their
- In computing the thingking skills by
dateof the sutdy, the
social media
* Role of the researcher use
respondent. statistical treatment
which is given by a
formulas to compute
the total population of
the respondents.

Figure 1
Research Paradigm of the study
Significance of the Study

The Students are the most beneficiaries of this study because it may help them
to enhanced their thinking skill and creativity in doing their school project and etc…
The Parents, are also benefited in this study. It realized them to give support their
children especially in financial, school project and etc. They will realize that social media are
needed in educational purposes and to informed them to guide their children in using this
kinds of social media for the possible effect of it even though positive or negative. it’s give
more learners to their child.

The teachers, will benefited by this study, its help them to know or to improved their
knowledge and strategies by communicating in people surrounding. effect of it even though
positive or negative. it’s give more learners to their child.

The school Principal should be benefited of his study because he is the one who
are like a leader. He is the one responsible to lead the control youth specifically the student
to how he can help them about the advantages and disadvantages of social media.

The Future researchers this study will benefited every student for this will give
additional information about the advantages and disadvantages of social media the finding of
the study can also serve as related studies considering the updated data that the study will

Scope and Delimitation

This study focus only to the advantages and disadvantages of social media sites to
the academic performance of grade 11 student. These study conducted at Agdangan
National High School. Our respondent in the research is the student in grade 11 that needed
to participate to able to do or make this kind of study. In grade 11, our respondent is the
student in that batch. They have two strand and that is the General Academic Strand (GAS)
and the Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL). The section of gas divided in to two section
because there too much so that the section in grade 11 are have three section. All of this
strand are using social media for their educational Purposes and some of student are using
for their personal interest. Although social media is very effective way for those student in
grade 11 because it can make easy everything they need.

Definition of Terms

To avoid misconceptions on the term used in the study in for the benefit to better
understand the operational and contextual definition are given as follows.

Education -The process of receiving or giving systematic instruction especially at a

school or University.

Disadvantages -Unfavorable circumstance that puts one in a favorable or superior

position effectiveness.

Performance -The execution of an action

Academic-Member (such as a professor) of an institution of learning (such as a


Social media -Forms of electronic communication (such as website for social networking
and microblogging) through which user create online communities to share information,
ideas personal messages, and other content (such as video)

Facebook-The largest social networking site in the world and one of the most widely

Internet-A computer network which allow computer users to connect with computer all
over the world and which carries email and having a different platform that have effect to
the youth.

School- An organization that provides instruction such as an institution for teaching of


Student-People who attends at school and who is the main respondent in our study.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Related Literature

Teenagers are among the most profile users of social networking sites (SNS).
Emerging studies find that youth spend a considerable portion of their daily life interacting
through social media. Subsequently, question and controversies emerge about the effects
of SNS have on adolescent development. This review outlines the theoretical framework
researchers have used to understand adolescent and SNS. It brought together work from
desperate fields that examine the relationship between SNS and social capital, privacy,
youth, safety, psychological wellbeing, and education achievement. June published on
26 April 2011.

Adolescent use social media in large number. for examples, a national survey in 2009
finds that 73% of online teenagers use SNS, which is an increase from 55% 3 years
earlier (lenhart, Purcell,smith, & zickurh ,2010). However, that youth are connected to
those global online communities is both a frightening prospect for parents and educators
and intriguing area for social science research for examples, educators and parents in the
united states face difficult quandaries concerning students and SNS. many scholar suggest
that students learn in new ways using social media and that educators should embrace
these kind platforms (Ito et al:, 2009 :Jenkins ,2006). In (lemke, coughlin, Garcia,
reifsneider &baas<2009) while parents remain fearful about safety and effect on their
children’s social development. Teenage youth are a unique population of SNS users. They
are among the first to have grown up entirely. Surrounded by communication
technologies. Teenagers are also in period of rapid development, growth, and maturation.

In i.e, Clark, 1983,1991: Schmidt & Vandewater, 2008, The structure of question
from this perspective is usually in the form of: Do media effect learning? Do video games
make children violent? Or Do SNS affect the psychological well-being of adolescents?

effect is more complex. Very rarely, if ever is there a direct casual relationship between
technology and a social outcome such as learning.

In early media studies often used technological framework or object centered

approach by (Fulk & Desantic,1999: Nass & Mason,1990). Such a perspective assumes
and tests whether a technology itself casually affect a social outcome for example, a
common question in youth research is whether media affects learning. Education
researchers now formly conclude that a media tool itself does not affect learning

Bernard et al.,2004; clark,1983,1991. Numerous study showed that the media tool
neither improves our negative impacts learning when compared to the same teaching
strategy in the classroom. Social media counter to the technological determinism seen in
previous media affects research, theorical orientations that combine technology
affordances with social adoption come with various name such as an emergent
perspective or social informatics (Fulk & desantic, 1999) and (Kling,2007).

The use of social media tools to facilitate knowledge sharing broadly throughout an
organization is growing (kane, Majchrzak & Ires,2010,Treem & Leonardi,2012).Knowledge
workers are not simply users of their tools, but creator of content for their organizations
including publishing ratings of products or services, commenting on someone action and
the technological capability as a unit of analysis, the affordance perspective provides a
language for beginning to exam social media and its role in affecting the process of
online knowledge sharing(Fajar & Azad,2012). Our use of term affordance is in line with
earl and imports (2011) focus on the contextualized action that a technology makes
qualitively easier.

Yet, tittle is known about how these social media technology may change the way
Individuals are engaged in the way knowledge is share across the organization ,i.e., in the
behavioral actions that individuals take to make their knowledge public visible throughout
the organization (Kane et al, forthcoming).We specifically focus on engagement since,
with social media tools, knowledge workers are able to make their knowledge public
visible not simply in terms or with known others, but more over importantly with unknown
others that is according to (Majchrzak, Wagner, and yates, forthcoming) moreover, with
social media tools, knowledge is make public visible not necessarily, through a premise
communication, but rather by posting knowledge in a collection good such as a tweet or
blog (Fulk & Yuan,2003).

Related Study

Mensah & Nizam concluded in their study that social media platforms has a significant
impact on students’ academic performance in Malaysia tertiary institutions. Nevertheless,
among the six variables used in their study, time appropriateness and health addiction has a
stronger significant influence on students’ academic performance. This is because time
management plays an essential role in determining the success and failure of an individual.
Thus students who lack time management can easily fall prey to the negative impact of
social media. Likewise, health and addiction, students who are engrossed with social media
platforms ends up skipping meals which has health impact.

Based on the study of Alwagait, Shazad and Alim , it was found that social media usage on weekly
basis displayed a positive skew where most students do not use social media excessively.
Respondents in their study felt that time management and giving attention in other things that
contributed towards negative academic performance besides excessive social media use.

According to Kolan and Dzadza , the nature of social media as a useful servant but a dangerous
master and a two-edge sword has been revealed in the findings of the study. Despite the benefits
that students can harness from social media networks such as sharing of information, building
relationship, partaking in group discussion, there is to some extent addiction and distraction of
attention caused by the use of social media which could have serious consequences on the academic
life of students.One of the negative effect of social media is priracy.

According to Landry ,social media a tool that could be used for good or bad, it all depends on the
person. Social media has its layers of good and bad.Yes, it is easier to remember the bad rather than
the good but, social media sites have created opportunities for people all over the world especially

According to the study of Owusu-Acheaw& Larson , it was revealed that the use of social media
had affected the academic performance of their respondents negatively and further International
Journal of Advanced Information Technology (IJAIT) Vol. 8, No.4/5, October 2018 29 confirmed that
there was a strong positive relationship between the use of social media and academic performance.
Their study further revealed that most of their respondents use social media sites to chat rather than
for academic purpose.

Another students’ academic life has moved to a different dimension since the introduction of
these social media networks and several studies have affirmed that social media plays an important
role on students in higher education including the study conducted by Wheeler, Yeomans and
Wheeler,(2008); Rifkin, Longnecker, Leach and Ortia,(2009). In their study, they recognized four (4)
major advantages of social media usage by students in higher education which included; enhancing
relationship, improving learning motivation, offering personalized course material, and developing
collaborative abilities. Indeed, social media has contributed greatly to facilitating learning in the 21st
century. It is shown that a greater percentage of students including those at the PhD level commonly
use social media to ameliorate their studies (Khan, 2010).

In fact as an educational tool, social media enriches learning by giving both students and teachers
the opportunity to connect in new and very exciting ways thereby encouraging flexible mode of
learning. It is stated that flexible learning expands the choice on what, when and how people learn. It
supports different styles of learning including E-learning which is highly patronized across the globe
(Pappas, 2013). Other scholars; O’keeffe and Clake-pearson (2011), in their study also revealed that
social media benefits students by connecting them to one another on assignments and class projects.


(Jume Ahn published on 26 april 2011.), (lenhart, Purcell, Smith, & Zickuhr,

2010), (Ito et Al:,2009:Jenkins ,2006) , (Lemke,Coughlin,Garcia,Reifsneider,&baas,2009),

(i.e., Clark,1983,1991: Scdmidt & Vandewater,2008 ) ,(Bernard et
al.,2004;clark,1983,1991), (Fulk & Desantic,1999) and (Kling,2007), (Kane, majchrzak &
ires,2010,Treem & Leonardi,2012 ),(Faraj & Azad,2012),(ear and kimports (2011) ) ,(kane
et al, forthcoming),(Majchrzak, Wagner, and yates, forthcoming), (Fulk & Yuan,2003)
Mensah & Nizam, Alwagait, Shazad and Alim, Kolan and Dzadza, Landry, Owusu-Acheaw&
Larson, Wheeler, Yeomans and Wheeler,(2008); Rifkin, Longnecker, Leach and Ortia,(2009), (Khan,
2010), (Pappas, 2013), O’keeffe and Clake-pearson (2011).

In this study it has a relation on the given related literature and studies. It’s tackle
about the advantages and disadvantages of social media to the academic performance of
the student and why it is in demand on the youths. In the first paragraph in the synthesis,
it’s show the name of the writers who also make a study relation but it can use on
guidance and references.

Chapter III

Research methodology

This chapter will discuss the research methods. that the researcher used in
conducting the research procedure of the research, and specially for the gathering of
information. It explains the research procedure, the data gathering tolls used, and
statistical treatment used to determine the validity and consisting on the data.

Locale of the study

The study will be conducted particularly in Agdangan National High School, extension
campus. Agdangan National High School is located in Agdangan Baao Camarines Sur.

Agdangan National High School extension campus is composed of 29 classrooms

including the canteen, TLE room, Faculty room, and computer room also including the
senior high school building.

Research design

This study will be used descriptive survey methods of research design for
gathering the needed information with the use of survey questionnaires. Well, there have
4 question to be answered of the respondents which is the randomly selected in grade 11
students at Agdangan National High School extension campus. This type of method can
ensure the validity of the information.

Instrument of the study

The research instrument on the study is presented through the use of

questionnaire. the questionnaires will mainly compose of 4 questions to be answered by
the respondents. The questionnaire will be help them to able to find out the opinion
regarding on the academic performance of selected grade 11 students. this will also help
on gathering the data that needed for the analysis and interpretation. The questionnaire
is composed of two (2) part: the respondents profile and perception of the students
regarding social media.

Respondents of the study

The respondents of the study we’re the selected grade 11 students in Agdangan
National High School. In grade 11, there have 2 section where we will be selected 10
students per sections at the total of 20 students or let say respondents that needed in our
study. We choose grade 11 as the respondents of this study it is because it’s where the
use of social media is rampant.

Population and Sampling

This study will employ complete enumeration the means that the choosing 20 students
of grade 11 in Agdangan National High School, school year 2019-2020.

Validation of the Research Instrument

The questionnaire need a validation enable for the researchers to know if it is ready for
tasted or take by the respondents. The researchers will submit the instrument to the
experts for checking and validating and will be tested or take by the grade 11 students.

Data Analysis

In this study the researcher will be use a survey questionnaire in gathering the needed
data and information. In interpreting our respondent which is the randomly selected
grade 11 students will be answering 4 questions.

Statistical Tools

In this study the research used the numerical data that will show in this. Where it can be
used in presenting the data needed in the next chapter.


P= X 100


P = Percentage

F = Frequency

N = No. of respondent (sample size)


Chapter IV

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter present, analysis and interprets the data gathered from grade 11
student-respondents of Agdangan National High School in determining the Advantages
and Disadvantages of using Social Media Sites to the Academic Performances.

In this chapter, show the result of our survey and interview questionnaire to the
student at grade 11.

Table 1. The Advantages of using Social media Sites to the students


Advantages of using Social Media to Frequency Percentage Rank

the students

1. Easy to communicate 19 95% 1

2. Everything can make fast 10 50% 6

3. Can find information 17 85% 2

4. Having a higher grade 4 20% 7

5. Sharing your thought and 12 60% 5


6. Having connectivity 13 65% 4

7. Help us in case of emergency 15 75% 3


Table 1. Show the Advantages of using social Media to the student. First got with the
highest percentage of 95% in easy to communicate with the frequency of 19, Second to the
highest percentage got 85% in can find information with the frequency of 17, Next , Third to
the highest percentage got 75% in help us in case of emergency with a frequency of 15, The
fourth one got 65% in having a connectivity with the frequency of 13, Fifth on the
percentage of 60% in sharing your thought and feelings with a frequency of 12, Another the
rank six got a percentage of 50% in everything can make fast with a Frequency of 10 and
lastly, seven got a percentage of 20% in Having a Higher grade with a Frequency of 4.
Among this advantages I suggest that in using social media, They must be know the
limitation of it particularly when it’s come to the academic performances of the student.

Table 2. The Disadvantages of using Social Media Sites to the students


Disadvantages of using Frequency Percentage Rank

social media to the student.

1. Being addicted 19 95% 1

2. Used social media for 7 35% 6


3. Plagiarism 9 45% 5

4. Cyber bullying 11 55% 3

5. Depression 11 50% 4

6. Unhealthy sleep pattern 16 80% 2


In table 2. show the disadvantages of using social media to the student. First got the
highest percentage of 95% in being addicted with a frequency of 19, The second one got
a percentage of 80% in unhealthy sleep pattern with a frequency of 16, the third one got
a percentage of 55% in cyber bullying with a frequency of 11, Next fourth got the
percentage of 45% in plagiarism with a frequency of 9, and lastly the six one got a
percentage of 35% in used social media for hacking with a percentage of 7. Among of
this Disadvantages I suggest that when they used social media of course they need to
know the limitation and just focused in other things liked reading books or doing some
sport to avoid scum or bad effects in their health like the radiation that can affect the eye
sight of the student that’s why they really need to know the limitation of using social
media in their academic performances of the student.

Interview Questionnaire

In qualitative part of the study, It covers the interview question of the

researcher and the response of the respondent.

Reason Solution

As a student , what would be the reason Among the reason that given to us, what
that may affect the addiction of the would be the possible solution to be
students in using social media site? adapted or implemented to solved the
addiction of students in terms of using
social media?

According to a student in grade 11 GAS, she said that the reason of being addicted
in social media are the different famous platform like face book and her solution for being
addicted in social media are instead of doing face book. Let’s just do something that good
like reading book.

Another according to a grade 11 GAS student, she said that the reason of being
addicted in social media are because of apps, that makes some student addicted and
become late in school in sometimes are not attending their class that cause in lack of

learning. Based on her the solution of being addicted are know the limitation of using
social media to avoid being addicted.

Next, according to a student in grade 11 GAS, he said that the reason why student is
now addicted in social media it is because of the changes of technology of social media
and his solution are you should understand or to know the side effect of using media and
their physical like radiation it can cause loose of your eye sight. That its according to him.

According to a student in grade 11 TVL. The reason why student is being addicted in
social media are, she said that social media are famous all the people in the whole world
are now using the product of technology, because of the different platform that now
fame, student are not using it in a right way. Her solution in her reason are use social
media in right things and know to manage the time that use social media because social
media are also harmful for the health of the student not only for them.
And last in our interview according to a student in grade 11 TVL, she said that the
reason of being addicted are depression because of the problem they encountered that
become addicted because they give their attention in social media that’s why there’s a lot
of the students that now being addicted in social media, and also same student are
mostly have time in social media than to the school project, Her solution are manage the
time and know the limitation of it.

Chapter V

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

This chapter present the summary of findings, the conclusions made and the
recommendations offered.

Objective 1. The Advantages of using Social Media Sites to the students



The researcher found out that majority of the respondents (95%) are easy to
communicate with the use of social media.


Based on the finding of the study. It was concluded that the most of the student are
easy to communicate of one person to another with the use of social media.


*Know the limitation of using social media or any kind of it.

*Practice how to use social media in right way.

*Make all the things that important first before using social media.

*Don’t be so focused on social media to avoid some issues on social media like
cyberbullying and scum.

*Make sure you think it first properly before posting in social media.

Objective 2. The Disadvantages of Using Social Media site to the students



The researcher found out that majority of the student (95%) in being addicted in
social media.


Based on the findings of the study, It was concluded that most of the student-
respondent are now being addicted in social media.


*Don’t used social media in bad things.

*Practice how to manage your time.

*Give your attention in other things (reading, book, playing sport game, & etc.)
not only in social media.

*Avoid using too much in any gadget that connected to use social media to avoid

*Don’t trust any person that stranger to you when you use social media to avoid

*Don’t trust easily to any information in social media some of them are not accurate
and reliable, you must base on print books.

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Balingasa Shiela V.

Address: Agdangan Baao Camarines Sur

Contact No: 09990124350


Age: 17

Sex: Female

Birthdate: February 20 2002

Birthplace: Agdangan Baaao camarines Sur

Mother’s Name: Balingasa Maricel V.

Father’s Name: Balingasa Samuel V.

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic


Primary: Agdangan Elementary School

Agdangan Baao Camarines Sur

Year Completed: S/Y 2013-2014

Name: Bisenio Marife C.

Address: Sta. Teresita Baao Camarines Sur

Contact No: 09103417101


Age: 18

Sex: Female

Birthdate: May 29 2001

Birthplace: Sta. Teresita Baaao Camarines Sur

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic


Primary: Agdangan Elementary School

Agdangan Baao Camarines Sur

Year Completed: S/Y 2013-2014

Name: Austria Mary Rose B.

Address: Agdangan Baao Camarines Sur

Contact No: 09504389233


Age: 18

Sex: Female

Birthdate: May 29 2001

Birthplace: Agdangan Baaao Camarines Sur

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic


Primary: Agdangan Elementary School

Agdangan Baao Camarines Sur

Year Completed: S/Y 2013-2014

Name: Ibardo Jennifer E.

Address: Agdangan Baao Camarines Sur

Contact No: 09504389233


Age: 18

Sex: Female

Birthdate: February 19 2001

Birthplace: Agdangan Baaao Camarines Sur

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic


Primary: Agdangan Elementary School

Agdangan Baao Camarines Sur

Year Completed: S/Y 2013-2014

Name: Sinfuego John Robert B.

Address: Agdangan Baao Camarines Sur

Contact No: 09504389233


Age: 17

Sex: Male

Birthdate: October 12 2001

Birthplace: Agdangan Baaao Camarines Sur

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic


Primary: Agdangan Elementary School

Agdangan Baao Camarines Sur

Year Completed: S/Y 2013-2014

Name: Nacario Andrew Joseph T.

Address: Sta. Elena Bula Camarines Sur

Contact No: 09764389233


Age: 17

Sex: Male

Birthdate: November 29 2001

Birthplace: Sta. Elena Bula Camarines Sur

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic


Primary: Sta. Elena Elementary School

Agdangan Baao Camarines Sur

Year Completed: S/Y 2013-2014

1 : Letter request signed by the principal.

Figure 2: Reading the letter request to the student or respondent.

Figure 3: Distribution of survey questionnaire.
Figure 4: Answering the survey questionnaire.

Figure 5 : Interviewing the student or respondent.

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