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Bilingual Education: Effect on Language Proficiency of Grade-7 Students of

Agdangan National High School









A Baby Thesis

Presented to the Faculty of the Senior High School

Agdangan National High School

In partial fulfillment for the requirement in Practical Research 2

March 2019
Table of Contents


Title page i

Approval Sheet ii

Abstract iii

Acknowledgment iv

Table of Contents v


Background of the study

Statement of the Problem

Research Hypothesis

Theoretical Framework

Conceptual Framework

Significance of the Study

Scope and Delimitation of the study

Definition of Terms


Related Literature

Related Studies


Research Method

Research Design

Research Instruments

Respondents of the Study

Population and Sampling Design

Statistical Tools

The thesis entitled “Bilingual Education: Effect on Language Proficiency

of Grade-7 Students of Agdangan National High School” prepared and submitted by
Joshua S. Baliber, Jojet S. Bolalin, Mary Joy B. Bejeras, Cyril B. Badilla, Mary Joy L. Barrameda,
Angel Fame C. Botor, Justine Borela in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Practical
Research II, has been submitted and is recommended for acceptance and approval for Final
Oral Defense.







Member Member


Approve by the panel of the examiners during the Final Oral Defense on

With a grade of .




Member Member

Accepted and Approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements in Practical Research II.



Joshua S. Baliber Mary Joy L. Barrameda

Jojet S. Bolalin Angel Fame C. Botor

Mary Joy B. Bejeras Justin Borela

Cyril B. Badilla

Bilingual Education: Effect on Language Proficiency of Grade-7 Students of

Agdangan National High School

Agdangan National High School, Baao, Camarines Sur

No. of Pages.

This study generally determined the effects of Bilingual Education on the Language

Proficiency of Grade -7 Students at Agdangan National High School. Specially, this study aimed

to answer the following Questions: (1) What is the profile of the respondents in terms of: Age,

Gender, Dominant Language. (2) What is the effect of Bilingual Education to the Language

Proficiencies of Grade-7 Students? (3) Are there significant differences of Bilingual Education

to the Language Proficiencies of Grade-7 Students? (4) What program/ project may be

proposed to improve to students Language Proficiencies?

This study randomly selected (8) students coming from each section. The total number of

sections in Grade-7 were five. Over all, there are total number of (40) respondents. The study

attempted to test that there is significant difference of Bilingual education to the Language

Proficiencies of Grade-7 Students.

The researcher’s utilized descriptive statistics such as frequency and percentage suited for a

quantitative design and a personal data sheet which includes the personal attributes of the

respondents and other relevant information vital to the study.

Based on the research,


From the bottom of our hearts we would like to express our gratitude to the

Following persons behind this study.

First and fore most the Lord Jesus Christ that gave us light, knowledge and

Wisdom that we use in order to attain this kind of research.

To our teacher in Practical Research ma’am Joy C. Chavez that gave us

Opportunity to conduct this research and for unending support and patient to edit this


To our loving parents for the moral and financial support and for understanding

in making this research.

To our Respondents for their cooperation on sharing their opinion on different


Chapter I

The Problem and its Background


Language is the method of human communications, either spoken or written,

consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way, (Dictionary). This is

also the way of exchanging ideas and thoughts being utilized by people who are doing

conversation. It helps to people live in a way that they are able to express what they want to

imply or to utter with others. It can also a bridge of gaining good relationship enacting through

interaction. But not all aspects, language is classified as multifarious and ever since it is not

distinguished as homogenous or of the same kind. This causes people understanding subverts

and can bring a tremendous harm to people themselves as well as on their living situation.

While times keeps on rolling by, multiplicity of changes also ascended and one of

these is in the field of language alliteration. Many discoveries or findings appears and even its

name and definition. Bilingual Education is one of the results gathered from these changes and

being is utilized as the new teaching method used by Educator here in the Philippines and even

at foreign countries. According to Michelle Mano, 2013, Bilingual Education is a broad term

that can encompass a variety of educational approaches. It also “refers to approaches in the

classroom that use the native language learners (EILS) for instruction, (NABE). And even this

kind of result gained from those discoveries has also its different approaches.

Bilingual program are essential to the academic success of non-native English Speaker.

(National Lation Children’s Institute [NLCI]). Another, NLCI also states that preserving students

native languages while they become proficient in English can also give them an advantages

in life. “Being bilingual and multilingual is an asset when it comes to gaining employment’’,

they added. And in part of drawbacks towards bilingual education, not everyone agrees with
its bilingual approaches’ efficiency. From an article at the Atlantic by Rosalie Pedalino porter,

she argues that children immersed in regular English specking classroom do not have lower

self-esteem or higher stress than students in bilingual programs. Also ” The rise of bilingual

education program since the ‘60s has also not corresponded to a significantly lower dropout

rate among children of immigrant.

In spring broad of learning, bilingual education together its implemented MTBMLE

method, Grade 7 students are the most commonly affected. Thus, this research study will

focus on the stated community of target population. Most of Agdangan National High School

students are facing difficulties on understanding their lesson because of their low understanding
on English language especially grade 7 students. Sometimes they cannot answer or join on
class discussion because they cannot understand or speak English but when the teacher
translated it on tagalog or Filipino they are active that’s why the researchers conducted this
kind of study to know the impact of Bilingual Education and how to balances their dominance
language to their least language proficiency.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to assess the Effect of Bilingual Education to the Language Proficiencies
of Grade-7 Students of 2019-2020 Agdangan National High School

Specifically, this study aims to answer this following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

 Age
 Gender
 Dominant Language (Filipino, English, Bicol and others)
 Grade and Section

2. What is the Effect of Bilingual Education to the Language Proficiencies of Grade 7

3. Are there significant differences of Bilingual Education to the Language
Proficiencies of Grade 7 Students?

4. What program/project may be proposed to improved students Language


Null Hypothesis

There is no significant difference in mean Language proficiency of the respondents

in the researcher-made test.

There is no significant difference in mean Language proficiency of the respondents when

grouped according to profile: sex, dominant language and section.

Scope and Delimitation

This study will focus on the assessment on the Effect of Bilingual Education on the
Grade 7 students of Agdangan National High School of Baao Camarines Sur, Philippines s/y

This will evaluate the mean Language proficiency of the students in their first and
second language through the researcher-made test.

This current study is composed of 40 respondents gathered out of 201 accessible

Population of the Grade 7 students. Thirty-nine (39) Grade 7 students and sections chives,

Forty-one (41) Students turmeric, Forty-one (41) students in section Aloe Vera, Thirty-nine
(39) Students in eucalyptus, Forty-one (41) students in sections Blumeia with the total of two
hundred one (201) students who enrolled during S/Y 2019-2020.



This chapter present the review of related literature and studies which have relevance to the

present study. It summarizes the professional literature and studies previously undertaken

which were analytically reviewed to provide more information and insights in the pursue of this


Bilingual Education: It’s Effect to the Language Proficiency of the Grade 7 Students

According to Lorna Rivera (2002), this review of research studies presents a more complex

picture. First, bilingual education comes in many forms and development of program models

depends upon the timing of transition to English, and how much instruction should place in

language. Second, most research examines specific bilingual education models focusing on the
correlation between language of instruction and performance of bilingual students in academic

subject areas. A number of studies also examine the specific instructional practices used in

bilingual education program. In sum, studies suggest that bilingual education is effective in

teaching both English and content-area knowledge. Researcher argue that oral proficiency in

English takes three to five years to develop and academic proficiency takes from four to seven

years. Also, researcher have found that reading skills acquired in one’s native language are

transferable to reading skills in English. In addition, studies have documented shortage of

qualified bilingual education teachers and other important resources, such as books. On the

whole, researcher do not measure the success of bilingual education solely in terms of how

quickly students are mainstreamed. The various studies cited in this report consider the effects
of other factor, such as the age of the students, native- language proficiency and socio-
economic status.
According to Orsula et al., (2010). A number of students have documented the cognitive

Outcomes associated with bilingualism. To gain a clear understanding of the extent and

Diversity of these cognitive outcomes, the author conducted meta-analysis of studies that

Examines the cognitive correlates of bilingualism. Data from 63 studies (involving 6,022

participants) were extracted and analyzed established protocols and procedure for conducting

systematic reviews and guidelines for meta-analysis. Results indicate that bilingualism reliably

associated with several outcomes, including increased intentional control, working memory,

metalinguistic awareness, and abstract and symbolic representation skills. Overall mean effect

sizes varied from small to large, depending on the cognitive outcomes measured, and were

moderated by methodological features of the studies.

According to Stacie Berdan (2010), proficiency is the ability to use language in real world

situation in a spontaneous interaction and non-rehearsed context and in manner acceptable and

appropriate to native speakers of the language. Proficiency demonstrates what a language user

is able to do regardless of, where when or how the language was acquired. The demonstration

is independent of how the language was learned; The evaluation of proficiency is not limited to

the content of a particular curriculum that has been taught or learned.

According to Pro English Organization (2000). Bilingual education is the practice of teaching

non- speaking children in their native language, while they are learning English: Development in

the 1070’s, The basic idea was to teach the school-math, science, social studies, and child’s first

language so the language, child would not fall behind his English-speaking classmates. English

lesson were also provided. Bilingual children were schooled apart from English speakers for

most of the school day for several years, is substantially separate and costly education.

Based on the study of unknown (2008). The result show that the respondents prepared in

both English and mother tongue (MT) were not positively disposed to the used of only one of

them. It is also interesting that a majority of the respondent wanted the use of the MT beyond
the first three years of primary education.

The study of Diego Vege and Cindy Kronauge (2006). Finding suggests consistent support

for the two-way immersion Program over matched control students across all three

areas. It appears the greatest effect for native English speakers maybe in reading, while native

Spanish speakers may benefit more in writing and mathematics.

Synthesis of the State-of-art

The review of related literature and studies provided insights on the impact of

Bilingual Education of Grade 7 Students. The studies conducted by foreign and local authors

enriched the knowledge of the researchers particularly on the language proficiency. The study

of Lorna Rivera (2002), Orsula et al., (2010). Stacie Berdan (2010). Pro English Organization

(2000), Unknown (2008) Diego Vege and Cindy Kronauge (2006), benefited to the present

study because they Provided valuable information and significant contribution to the

researchers in conducting the study.

Research Gap

Obviously, no research has yet been conducted to assess the impact of Bilingual

to the language proficiency of the grade 7 students of Agdangan National High School. This is

in the research field that the author of this study hopes to bridge. In general, some of the

studies will have tangible relevance on the study. Others will have some disparity and analogy,

but not a single study focused on the language of grade 7 students.



The distinction of BICS/CALP was proposed in the late 70’s, by Jim Cummins in consideration in

constitutes sufficient linguistic skills to do well in the classroom. BICS- Basic Interpersonal

communicative skill- may be demonstrated by language minority students in the majority

when talking with peers on the playground and other social/non-academic setting.

misappropriate this as sufficient language to handle academic language that they may not have

conditioned with. CALP- Cognitive/Academic Language Proficiency- tends to be the language of

school and of specific content areas. Cummins introduce the distinction to note that language

students are expected to learn two language while in the classroom (secondary and academic)

thus it will take time for the students to at the same time level as monolingual

students, though they will get there (baker,2001, p. 170

This distinction is supportive strong bilingual education programs, where the secondary and

language s are learned in ”context embedded” programs instead of abstraction (pg. 170). This

also supportive in bilingual education because it is still holds the students to the same

demanding education that is standard for monolingual students, which cummins believers

learners (pg. 173).

Threshold Theory

This theory discusses the levels of language competence needed to avoid cognitive effects

to attain cognitive advantages. The threshold theory discussed that a student’s language
in both of their developing language is low. It is important to develop first the first language

living to the second language to perform cognitive well.

Cultural deprivation Theory

The cultural deprivation theory develop in the 1960’s “the academic failure among some

and racial minorities to the failure of some student’s families to transmit the cultural values and

necessary for the students to achieve in mainstream academic institution”. In other words,

schools operate under cultural frameworks that may not be consistent with what is taught in

minority household thus minority students may not be able to relate the concepts taught in

Theoretical Paradigm

Threshold Deprivation

Learning Languages


Figure 2 provides the conceptual paradigm of the study. The conceptual paradigm of the study

was based on the system approach which shows the interplay of the three elements:

INPUTS. It includes the mean language proficiency score the respondents. Profile of the


PROCESS. The respondents gathered data via distribution of questionare. Analysis and

interpretation of data using statistical tools.

OUTPUT. The impact of Bilingual Education on Grade 7 Students will be determined.




 Distribution of
questionares  SUB
 Analysis and
of data (Story-Understanding
 Profile of the
through Booster)
statistical tool
 Mean language  The Impact of
 Significant
proficiency of Bilingual
difference in
the respondents Education On
grade 7
Students will
when grouped
be determined.


This chapter discusses the research method used in gathering and interpreting the data

needed for the present investigation. It emphasized the description of the method or design,

procedure and statistical tool in the treatment of data.


This study made used of descriptive type of research to determine and acquire

information on the language proficiency based on the given questionare. The sampling

technique used in this study is the stratified random sampling and was employed.


The respondents of the study were composed of thirty-nine (39) grade 7 students in

section Chives, forty-one (41) students in section Turmeric, forty-one (41) students in section

Aloe Vera, thirty-nine (39) students in section Eucalyptus and Forty-one (41) in section of

Blumeia with the total of two hundred one (201) students who enrolled during S/Y 2019-2020.

Section No. of Students Respondents

Chives 39 8

Turmeric 41 8

Aloe Vera 41 8

Eucalyptus 39 8

Blumeia 41 8

Total 201 40
Instrument of the study

The instrument used in this study was test questionnaire. The questionnaire was answered

by the respondents that were involved in this study.

Statistical tools

This study used statistical tools to determine the frequency and percentage.

P= x 100

P= percentage of the sample size

f= frequency of the students

N= total number of respondents

1 ± N e2


n= sample size

N= total population -210

e= sample error

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