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Department of education

Region v

Agdangan National High School

Baao Camarines, Sur



Bantayan, Mary Florian B.

Baudin, Mary France N.

Brezuela, Christian S.

Nanale, Justine Mae A.

Rebolado, Nikka S.

Yanday, Geia M.

(Grade 12-GAS B Students)

A baby thesis

Presented to the faculty of the senior high school

Agdangan national high school

In partial fulfillment for the requirement in

Practical research 2

March 2020


The thesis entitled, “Factors that triggers bullying in Agdangan National High School General Academic
Strand Students” prepared and submitted by Mary Florian B. Bantayan, Mary France N. Baudin,
Christian S. Brizuela, Justine Mae A. Nanale, Nikka S. Rebolado, Geia M. Yanday in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for practical research ll, has been submitted and is recommended for acceptance and
approval for final oral defense.

Ms. Joy C. Chaves




Member Member


Approved by the panel of the examiners during the Final Oral Defense on________________ with a
grade of_____________________.


Member. Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements in practical research Il

Evelyn B. Fabrigas



Mary Florian B. Bantayan. Justine Mae A. Nanale

Marie France N. Baudin. Nikka S. Rebolado

Christian S. Brizuela. Geia M. Yanday

Factors that Triggers Bullying in Agdangan National High School General Academic Strand Students

Agdangan National High School, Baao, Camarines Sur

No. Of pages:

This study generally determined the factors That trigger bullying in Agdangan National High School

General Academic Stand Student. Specifically, this study aimed to answer the following question (1)

what is socio –demographic profile of grade 11 students? (2) What is the effect of bullying among grade

11 students? (3) what factors may be triggered bullying among grade 11 students? and (4) what

program/intervention may be proposed based on the results of the study?

This study randomly selected (26) girls and (4) boys coming from grade 11 students from the general

academic strand students (GAS). Over all, there are total number of (30) respondents.

The study attempted to test the factors that triggers bullying to the students.

The researcher’s utilized descriptive statistics such as frequency and percentage suited for a quantitative

design and a personal data sheet which includes the personal attributes of the respondents and other

relevant information vital to the study. Based on our research, most of the students they consider that

lack of attention as their primary chosen rather than others. Because they know that as a parents you

need to give also your attention to your children or talk time at least little of time.


We would like to express our gratitude to the people who contribute to the people who
contribute to give life to this study.

First to ma’am Joy Chaves for the patience and effort to teach heartedly on making this

research. The knowledge and learnings that you shared and given with us you have given us a

lot of knowledge and new learnings you inspired us to pursue this research. THANK YOU

To those grade 11 gas students who our main respondents of this study. Thank you for the

time, Effort and cooperation to answer our questionnaires.

To our parents for all the support for being there in our ups and down for giving us a money to

complete our research paper even they don’t have enough money to give that amount of

money but still they did their best thank you for their deep understanding patient and to your

love and trust. THANK YOU and WE LOVE YOU

To our classmate who help us of collecting more ideas and sharing their thoughts and


To the writers were we get the sources of information THANK YOU for the added knowledge to

complete our study. And most of especially to the almighty god who gives us strength as well

us his guidance to become our research better.



Table of contents

Title page……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….… i

Approval sheet………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ii

Abstract…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. iii

Acknowledgement………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… IV

Table of contents………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Background of the study……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….1

Statement of the problem……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3.


Theoretical framework.………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Conceptual framework................................................................................................................

Significance of the study……………………………………………………………………………………………………..…..……

Scope and delimitation……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Definition of terms…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Related literature……………………………………………………………..………………………………………………...

Related studies…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Research method………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Research design……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Research instrument…………………………………………....................................................... :………..

Respondents of the study………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Population and sampling design
Statistical tools
Chapter lV presentation analysis and interpretation of data
Table 1.
Table 2.
Table 3.
Chapter v summary conclusion and recommendation
Objective 1
Objective 2
Objective 3
Chapter 1


Background of the study

Bullying is all about behavior, how a person interacts and behaves. Let us first dig into

the early ideas about behavior.

“From earliest times, people have sought to explain behavior and to find remedies for

behavior disorders. Archeological evidence shows that Stone

According to the new Webster’s dictionary of the English language a bully is “someone who

enjoys oppressing others weaker than himself “.

Bullying is a big problem now in our society and what’s alarming is the breeding

ground of this plague is our School. Our very own second home is the ground for bullies. But

before we trigger into the problem let us first define what a bully is. There are many factors

that may affect a person behavior it may be caused by its environment history and the other

related matters and one of the main factors of his change is caused by bullying it may depress

someone thus making her self-esteem degrades nowadays we must not seem to notice event

such as bullying but some incidents we can’t just identify if it is already an act of bullying or

just another forms. The meaning deteriorated through the 17 th century through “Fine fellow”

blusterer to “harasser of weak”. This way been as a connecting sense between “lover”

and ruffian “as in the protector of a prostitute” which was one sense of “bully” (through not

specifically attested in 1706). The verb “to bully is first attested in 1710. (swerlling,1987).

There are many theories on what causes violent and social behavior of children.

Increases exposure to victims through mass media, video games, and the internet. Suffering as

victims of abuse or neglect themselves or a generally more permissive society with

corresponding lack of discipline.

While certainly each of these theories has merit, there is no single cause of bullying

behavior in children. There are however certain generalized characteristics displayed by children

who engaged in such behavior. Children who are impulsive, socially dominant, confrontational,

or easily frustrated children may tend towards bullying behavior. Other characteristics of children.

who bully may include a lack of empathy, a propensity to Question authority and push limits or

break rules, idealization of violence, and the ability to talk their way out of difficult actuation.

It is commonly believed that children who bully are “loners” or are socially isolated.

Research, however, shows this is not the case. Children who bully generally do not have a

difficult time making friends and generally maintain at least a small group of friends who support

their bullying behavior. Some bullies may even be popular although the popularity of a bully

tends to decrease at a higher grade level. Also contrary to popular brie, research shows that

children who bully do not lack self-esteem. While boys are more likely to be bullies than girls,

both boys and girls may bully and both may become victims. Boy bullies are match more likely

to engage in physical bullying. Bullying between girls is more likely to involve social exclusion,

which is harder to discover but no less painful for the victims. We as a student undergo same

challenges in our daily lives and experienced bullying at the same time bullying must be stop but


School is said to be the place where children learns and molds themselves into someone

they wanted to be but that is not the only luxury some may seem where the famous and

beautiful are honored and respected while the poor little once are bullied.

How can we overcome bullying? These questions are the main reasons of our study. And

the answers are soon to be found.

Statement of the problem

This study aims to discuss the effects of bullying, among to their behavioral aspect grade

11 students of Agdangan National High School.

Specifically, the following question will be answered

1.what is the social-demographic profile of grade 11 students?

A. Age

B. Gender

C. Parents occupation

2. What is the effects of bullying to the students! Behavioral aspects?

3. What factors may be triggered bullying among grade 11 students?

4. What program /intervention may be proposed based on the results of the study?


Ho: There are some risk factors affecting bullying.

H1: There is a significant effect to of being bully to the students.


Bullying is a complex social dynamic that can best be understood by using various

theoretical frameworks. the current article uses social capital theory humiliation. And

organizational culture theory to better understand the motivations behind bullying behavior,

negative effects on and how school culture and climate play a role in the prevalence of bullying.

Specifically, the acquisition and maintenance of social capital and the desire for dominance are

prime motivating factors for the initiation and continuation of bullying perpetration. The lack of

social capital experienced by victims serves to maintain victims in their current role and prevents

them from gaining social status.

Further, the domination used by bullies to subjugate victims results in intense

humiliation that has lasting negative effects on victims, such as anger and depression. The

overall culture and climate of the school setting impacts the prevalence and severity of bullying

behavior, highlighting the need for whole school bullying interventions. Implications for social

work practice are discussed.

Conceptual Framework

This outline make this study easy to understand and to conceptualizing this ideas of the researcher. This

research paradigm model have input process and output that describe the main point of the study.

*analysis of the data

*profile of the respondents Through the questioners, it *profile and roles of
will help to get the needed respondents are determined
information and the data In this part, the researchers
b. male and female enable to make our research will determined if factors
paper incredible that triggers bullying have a
grade 11 students
In computing the Data it will affect to the grade 11
*role of the respondentS. students.
use a statistical treatment
which is given by a formulas.


Students nowadays are emotionally imbalanced; they lend to be easily by the people around them.

We are teenager and we are still in a process of ‘’metamorphosis’’. We are affected by several matters,

this matters serves to greatly affect our growth.

The importance of this study is for us to understand the collected information on the main

of why students most especially trees bully each other. We are also looking all the big picture of how

great this bullying thing affects the attitude of the student and affect to their whole emotional growth.

At the same times we are aiming to know how to stop or lessen this plague – in school and soon in the


The finding of this study will reveal may benefit certain groups and the benefits they may be

able to gain are as follow:

Students- this group may use this study as an example to bear in their mind they are luckier

than these who are bullied even still send in the school to learn by their parents, well in class,

study harder to upgrade their knowledge and intelligence so that he difficulties experienced by

their parents in sending them to alcohol to attain their grain will not in vain.

To all the parents- so that the parents will be able to know that they should have sense of

dedication and devotion to duty as a parents in implementation of some strategies for the

development of their kids although they experienced being bullied or those who committed of

Ed their bullying to bring them in the state that they can be proud to be the parents even of those

who overcome the effects of being bullied.

Teachers-This study will help the teachers to have a full understanding of how they will handle of their

students in giving some advice and guidance minimize the bullying.

Future researchers-the findings of this study will be serve as a good source of accurate and useful

information for them.



Bullying is a big problem in our country – especially school. In fact, the rate of students being

in school is getting higher every year. They just don’t notice it but their jokes and the way they speak is

kind of another way of bullying-verbal bullying.

This study focuses about factors that trigger bullying in Agdangan National High School. This

study aims to deepen our knowledge on why and how bullies act the way. This will help us to

them and in the same time, help them as well through giving care, love and attention. The research

surveyed 30 students (senior high school gas student) of Agdangan National High School to know how

many students have been bullied and is presently being bullied.

Definition of term

Bully-is defined as simply ‘forcing one’s way aggressively or by intimidation,’’ the term may generally

apply to any life experience where one is motivated primarily by intimidation instead of by more

positive goals such as mutually shared interest and benefits.

Bullying-the process of intimidates or mistreating somebody weaker or in a more vulnerable

situation.Grade 11 students-the respondents of the study.

Verbal bullying-using words or language, especially to opposed someone.

Cyber-bullying-is any bullying done through the use of technology. This form of bullying can easily go u

detected because of lack of parental and authoritative supervision.

Students-people who makes attends at school.

School-an organization that provide instruction such as an institution for the teaching of

children a group of scholars and pursuing knowledge together that with similar groups

instituted a medieval university; an institutional for specialized higher education often

associated with university the process of teaching or learning specially at school.

Survey questioner-is a research instrument consisting of series of question for the purposed of

gathering information from the respondents.

Behavior-the way in which somebody behaves.

Factors-a circumstance, fact, or influence that contributes to a result or outcome


Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and studies

Bullying and harassment are not new issues that students and schools face. In fact, over the

it has been viewed as being so common place in schools that it has been overlooked as a threat to

students and reduced to a belief that bullying in a development stage the most youth will experience

then get over (Ross,2002p.107)

This harassment is not isolated to schools alone. But schools are the best place to actively

intervene. Teachers, administrators, counselors, and even students have the greatest access to the

students through a school system. It is here that school staff can intervene, support and educate

about ending bullying behaviors directly and indirectly: breaking the bullying cycle. This paper will

bullying in general at all grade levels, but its intervention focus will be at the high school level. (Harris


According also to Harris and Hathorn, “Because adolescence is a difficult time in child’s

maturation, bullying exacerbates these this times by forming barriers to positive connections

with others.

Researchers have identified other risk factors such as depression and personality disorders. As

as quickness to anger and use of force, addiction to aggressive behaviors, mistaking others action as

hostile, concern with preserving self-image, and engaging in obsessive or rigid action. A combination of
these factors may also be causes of this behavior. In one recent study of youth a combination of

traits and depression was found to be the best predictor of youth violence, where is Video game

and television violence exposure were not predictive of these behavior.

Bullying is defined in different ways. There is an imbalanced of power among the people

involved (Banks, 1997; Dietrich,1997 Espelage & swearer, 2003; Nansel et AL.., 2001). In addition, it was

found that many students who bully their peers in school also bully their siblings at home (Espelage &

Swearer, 2003)

Some trephined skulls show growth over the wound indicating that some people miraculously

survived this treatment” (Rayland, R, G invitation to psychology,2002). In facts over the years it has

viewed as being so common place in school that it has been overlooked as a threat to students and

reduced to a belief that bullying in a development stage that most youth will experience then get

over (Ross, 2002, p.107) This paper will address bullying in general at all grade levels, but its invention

focus will be at senior high school level. (Harris and Hathorn, 2002, p.50)

It is often suggested that bullying behavior has its origin in childhood. As a child who is inclined

so act as a bully ages his or her related behavior pattern will often so become more sophisticated.

Schoolyard pranks and rough housing may develop into more subject, yet equally effective adult-level

activities such as administrative end-runs, well-planned and orchestrated attempts at character

assassination, or other less obvious, yet equally force full forms of coercion.

Often bullying takes place in the presence of a large group relatively uninvolved by standers. It

many cases, it is the bully’s ability to create the illusion that he or she has the support of the majority

present that instills the fear of ‘speaking out’ improvements of the bullying activities observe by the

unless the ‘bully mentality’ is effectively challenged in any given group in its early stage, it often
an accepted or supported, norm within the group.

In such groups where the bully mentally has been allowed to become a dominant factor in the

environment, injustice and abuse often become regular and predictable parts of the group experience

standers to bullying activities are often unable or un unwilling to recognize the true cost so that silence

regarding the bullying can have. Both the victim or victims, and to the group.

By stander often unwilling to emphasize with the victim regardless of their feelings towards the

bully. The reversal of a culture of bullying within a group is usually an effort which requires much time,

energy, careful planning, coordination with others, and usually requires some under taking or ‘risk’ by

group member.


It is general unwillingness of bystanders to expend these types of energies and to undertake


of risk that bullies often rely upon and order to maintain their power. Unless action is taken, a culture of

bullying is often perpetuated within group for months, year, or longer. Bystander who have been. Able

to establish their own friendship group or support group have been found to the far more likely to op to

speak out against bullying behavior than those who have not.

The bullying cycle must include both an act of aggression on the part of potential target that

is perceive by both as a certain sign of submission. The cycle is only set in motion when both of these

elements manifest themselves, the bullying cycle often proceeds to feed on itself over time, and may

for months, year or even decades. The cycle is most easily broken at its initial onset, however, it can

be broken at any later point in the progression by simply removing either one of its two essential

ingredients. While group involvement may seem to complicate bullying activities, the acts is most often
an implied agreement in principle between a chief bully or instigator and the target that the one has

‘’submitted’’ to the other. In the act of bullying the bully attempt to make a public statement to the

of see me and fear me, I am so power full that I have the ability to inflict pain upon the intended target

at the time and manner of many choices without having to pay any consequences should an intended

target exhibit a defeated attitude in response to chronic bullying, then the bullying is likely to continue.

In circumstance where a bullying patterns has not yet fully established itself, should the intended target

respond with a clear attitude of self-confidence that somehow demonstrate that the bully’s attempt to

dominate is futile, then the bullying attempts well often quickly diminish or and all together. Established

patterns of bullying may require greater and more persistent effort to reverse. Institution and organ of

society often by implying to or telling targets of bullies that they are responsible for defending

themselves, and then punishing victims if they right back


Chapter 3

Research methodology

This chapter discussed the methods used by the researchers in conducting the research, the

instrument used and the chosen respondents of the study. Also, the researchers explain the procedure

of the research and the gathering of data tools that was used.

Research method

This study utilized descriptive Analytic method of research using survey design especially a

questionnaire. A survey questionnaire was answered by the respondents coming from general
academic strand (gas) grade 11 students.

Research design

The research design that the researchers have used is quantitative design together with the

descriptive method in which it gathers the data or information through distributing a survey


Research instrument

The study that was conducted used the most common and applicable process for an analytic
design. This was done through conducting a survey questioner as the primary research instrument.

Respondent of the study

The respondent of the study the thirty (30) senior high school student coming from general

strand(gas). These respondents were chosen as the focused of the research regarding their answer

the following questions which talks on the factors that triggers bullying.


Population sampling

This study selected grade 11 students coming from general academic strand (gas). Over all

,there are total number of (30) respondents

Statistical Tools

This study utilized descriptive statistics such as frequency and percentage

P= x 100

f=frequency of the students

n=total number of respondents


Chapter 4

Presentation, and interpretation of data.

This chapter presents, analyzes and interprets the data gathered from grade 11 student respondents of

Agdangan National High School in determining The factors of bullying to the General academic strand

students (Gas)

Table 1A. Demographic profile of Respondents

Frequency percentage rank

16 16 53.33% 1
17 8 26.66% 2
18 4 13.33% 3
19 1 3.33% 4.5
20 1 3.33% 4.5

Male 4 13.33% 1
Female 26 86.66% 2

Parents occupation
Construction worker 10 33.33% 1
Farmer 8 26.66% 2
Care taker 1 3.33% 4.5
Fisherman 7 23.33% 3
Furniture workers 1 3.33% 4.5
Electrician 1 3.33% 6.5
Fish vendor 1 3.33% 6.5
Overseas Filipino
workers (ofw) 1 3.33% 8

House wife 28 93.33% 1
Pharmacy assistant 1 3.5% 2.5
Vendor 1 3.5% 2.5

Table 1A shows the age of the respondents wherein 53.33% of them ages 16 yrs. old got the

percentage 53.33% and have a 16 frequency followed by 26.66% who ages 17yrs old. And have a 8

frequency while 3.33% of the respondents ages 19 and 20 yrs. old got the same lowest percentage.


shows the gender of the respondents wherein most of them were female with a percentage of 86.66%

and have a 26 frequency while only 13.33% percentage and have a 4 frequency of the respondents

male. Next shows the parents occupation for the father (Male) the item (construction worker) got the

highest percentage 33.33% and have a 10 frequency the second item(farmer) got the percentage of

26.66% and have a 8 frequency the third item that got the highest percentage of 23.33% and have a

7frequency. While the (care taker, furniture workers, electrician, fish vendor and the overseas Filipino

workers) got the lowest percentage of 33.33% and have a 1 frequency.

Table2.Determined what is the effects of bullying to the students! behavioral aspect.

Effect of bullying to the Frequency Percentage Rank

student also
1.Lack of Confidence 21 70 3
2.Fearful 6 20 7
3.Depression 27 90 2
4.Suicide 14 46.66 8
5.Uninterested 10 33.33 9
6.Lack of focused 15 50 6
7.Loneliness 18 60 4.5
8.Stressed 28 93.33 1
9.Truma 18 60 4.5


The Table 2. Show that the effect of bullying to the Students respondents were fond of. The

item (stressed) ranked First that got the highest percentage of 93.33% and have a 28 Frequency the

second item (depression)ranked second that got the highest percentage and have 27 Frequency and

item (lack of confidence) that got the highest percentage 70% and have 21 Frequency while the

item(fearfulness) and the third got the lowest rating with percentage of 20% and have a 6 frequency

next the(suicide)got the 46.66%percentage and have 14frequency the last lowest rating (uninterested)

that have 33.33% of percentage and have a 10 frequency. We determined that the bullying can be

depressed stressed to the students that can cause suicide so we need to think what we do.


Table 3. Determined what factors may be triggered bullying among grade 11 students

Factors that at triggers frequency percentage rank

of bullying among
students outside/inside
the campus
1.lack of attention of 22 73.33% 1
family members
2.insecurities 20 66.66% 2
3.famously 7 23.33% 7.5
4.Defending 53.33% 3
themselves 16
5.boringness 13 43.33% 4
6.happiness 8 26.66% 6 forget your 12 40% 5
8.popularity 7 23.33% 7.5


The table 3 shows that the factors that may be triggered of bullying among students

the school campus. The item (lack of attention of family members) ranked first that got the highest

percentage of 73.33% and have a 22frequency the next item (insecurities) Second that got the highest

percentage of 66.66% and have a 20frequency the next item (defending themselves) third that got the

highest percentage of 53.33% and have the 16 frequency and the item (happiness) third that got lowest

percentage of 26.66% and have a 8 frequency and the item (famously and popularity) that got the same

lowest percentage of 23.33% and have 7frequency. We determined that as a parent we need to do our,

obligation or ask our child in give them sometimes our attentions.




This chapter presents the summary of findings, the conclusions made and recommendations
Objective 1. Identified the social-demographic profile of the respondents


The researchers found out that majority of the respondents (53.33%) ages 16 yrs. Old were

female and also the researchers found out that majority of the respondent parent occupation is

(construction worker and house wife) (33.33% and 93.33%).


Based on the findings of the study, it was concluded that most of the students respondent ages

16 were female and their parent occupation is construction workers and housewife.



Objective.2. Determined the Effects of the bullying to the students.


The researchers found out that (93.33%) of the respondents are getting stressed when they
About (90%) of them answered that bullying also effects them for depression. followed by (70%) of

who answered that when they bullied they do not have a lack of confidence.


Based on the findings of the study, it was concluded that respondents answered that because of

bullying it have a bad effect to them.


Objective2. Identified the factors that may be triggered of bullying among students inside/outside the
school campus.


The researchers found out that



Based on the findings of the study it was concluded that the most of the respondent is lack of attention

is the reason why some students bully.


1. As a parents we need to give them an attention and talk to your kids.

2. Try to do something good.



It has been overlooked as a threat to students and reduced to a belief that bullying

in a development stage the most youth will experience then get over ( Ross, 2002p.107).

Address of bullying in general all grades levels, but its intervention focus will be at the high
school level (Harris and Hathorn, 2002 p.50)

Survey questioner

Name of the respondent: __________________________Gender: ___________ Age: ________

Parents occupation: A. mother ________________________B. Father ___________________

Instruction: To understand the factors that trigger bullying. Please check one or more that corresponds
to your answer.

A. Effects of bullying to the students

__________Lack of confidence





__________Lack of focused




____________Others please specify

B. Factors that may triggers of bullying among students inside/outside the school campus.

____________Lack of attention of his family member



____________Lack of attention of friends



____________To forget your problem


____________Others please specify


Curriculum vitae

Name: Brizuela, Christian S.

Address: Zone 5. San Isidro, Baao, Camarines Sur

Contact No:09508366637



Sex: Male

Birthplace: Agdangan Baao Cam,Sur

Civil status: Single

Height: 5.5

Nationality: FILIPINO

Religion: Roman catholic


Secondary: Agdangan National High School

Agdangan Baao Camarines Sur

Year completed S/y 2016-2017

Primary: Agdangan Elementary School

Agdangan Baao, Camarines ,Sur


Name: Mary Florian B. Bantayan

Address: Zone 1 portico Fabrica Bula Camarines Sur

Contact no: 09129649653

Personal data



Birthdate: April 27,2001

Birthplace:Portico Fabrica Bula camarines Sur

Civil status: Single

Height: 5’0

Educational attainment:

Secondary: Agdangan National High School

Agdangan Baao Camarines Sur

Year Completed: S/Y 2016-2017

Primary: Agdangan Elementary School

Agdangan Baao Camarines Sur

Year Completed:S/Y 2013-2014

Name: Marie France N.Baudin

Address: Agdangan Baao, Camarines Sur

Contact no: 09500500092

Personal data:

Age: 18

Sex: Female

Birthdate: September 7,2001

Birthplace: Agdangan Baao , Camarines Sur

Civil status: Single

Height: 5’1

Educational attainment:

Secondary: Agdangan National High School

Agdangan Baao,Camarines Sur

Year Completed: S/Y 2016-2017

Primary: Agdangan Elementary School

Agdangan Baao Camarines Sur

Year Completed: S/Y 2013-2014


Name: Justine Mae A. Nanale.

Address: Sta, Elena, Bula, Camariness Sur

Contact no:09486106750

Personal data



Birthdate: August 1, 2001

Birthplace: Bacoor cavity

Civil status:Single

Height: 5.3

Educational attainment

Secondary: Agdangan National High School

Agdangan, Baao, Camariness, Sur

Year completed:S/y:2016-2017

Primary: Sta Elena Elementary School

Sta Elena Bula Camariness Sur

Year completed:S/y 2013-2014


Name: Nikka S. Rebolado

Address: Zone 6, Sta Elena Bula,Camarines Sur

Contact no: 09486886206

Personal data:


Sex: Female

Birthdate: March 22,2001

Birthplace:Sta Elena , Bula,Camarines Sur

Civil status: Single

Height: 5’5

Educational attainment:

Secondary: Agdangan National High School

Agdangan ,Baao,Camarines Sur

Year Completed : S/Y 2016-2017

Primary: Sta Elena , Elementary School

Sta Elena, Bula , Camarines Sur

Year Completed: S/Y 2013-2014


Name: Geia M.Yanday

Address: Sta Elena , Bula , Camarines Sur

Contact no: 09565261693

Personal data:

Age: 18

Sex: Female

Birthdate: October 27,2000

Birthplace: Sta Elena ,Bula , Camarines Sur

Civil status: Single

Height: 5’2

Educational attainment:

Secondary: Agdangan National High School

Agdangan Baao Camarines Sur

Year Completed: S/Y 2016-2017

Primary: Sta Elena Elementary School

Sta Elena Bula Camarines Sur

Year Completed: S/Y 2013-2014


Figure 1. Letters request signed by the principal

Figure 2. Reading the letter request to the student-respondent

Figure 3. Distributing the survey questioner to the respondents
Figure 4. Respondents answering the survey questioner

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