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Domne} ds team 1 preliminary eek ne Oxf QW. Prmary hearmenh ——* shit 4. Sevondary neatment eee ic ware water Freaded tn Atageh, he follorsing Hager WW Biven bo dowmayic Wark water wt —7 Substances hich interfere why, Bop removal At yernaed ak Aik Ak Mcludes Preliminary Astafmens ad well. S4Heable YGaric Ld, at emer tn addi Har Go SubGantes, yOMWtA At Prcliminary trectmenk: ad Bio deg ynda the organic mater ie BOD emued pray be ArSpdre te Jeriviany tetotmen} —>r 40 veeyca & WOK Ayeated eb blUenk this 1% employed 5 Sludge Heatment ——* Shadge from primary 1 serdary Agcotment made Snax} CAA) PRY be AsPoda ab this Aroae Pocli minay 4% pomary Aveoment Ware wodty Lk Tnbluent > [Sexten}-o| Gri 7 f Hien || nats I> Effluent to L chavo ce Marie eran ae 4 Soar Grpt pavkely tl ay TOA Serpe totap mer i Prt inary tecabnen A k-—-_ Primary doecay ment "I * Screen” es BD Screen 8 a fiysk Unit operaten employe to remove Large Heating byes suck a cloth, Paper bani GRE, pled LorHles , plastic bottles, cove, Expy Cocenctt aves Che. Oh et vernaed Hey cK @ Clog PPS PHPPPS ts tee plany and Cana operational Problems . Saen i a dwice pwvidA with anifovin Aigtd opening’ made up numbey A parallel bars WW) rods. This Awie Kepr dn a Atréen channel of an angie Tel 3 & Ae te tne Aheryonjol (Gor). 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OBE IM ITH GOKED Ny OF mee « - O3u> . mY dota gf Seven Ae 1 BHR 2 » OEE ese rm we yy widin 4, semen devia B O36 . 0 365 5.25 ™m asxto3m go: lomm = bor Oy 0-365 + H*O5*OD + (Ht) Cox 103) ni loth s W nod burs KA fx SON Ai nti? Wel ID = BR. nest cnt) > , OBAt © 04 gC nase BD ted Te 8 cae Simbo o_o vee Y, pate \ Wee “NSS ee (09% COA 4 1 G-024R Mm - 4 nee pa a oF a” Grit Chamber” ~~~ Galt chamber i& aimed bo Capture gut particles from WOrsKe Water How. I not removed rh Anoraxe Wear 4 Kay abrarion & mechanical equipment anclucting pips 4 pumps Coit Settle very fort th not removed 41 occupy He Space Neg Fix otey paricles oF pubsequenl stages f treatment and Po handling pyvblems - Gat} iA Entry parvicle and ib 8 Compo¥d ob inotganic 4 organic Cron biodegradable) supsfane Inorganic seri Sigg < OLMMm 4% Spe ic esravity 7265 CA: Gand, Silks clay, glyah, Buoker glaws pieced Metal fragments et organic Tr Cron biodegvadatle) Sig wy 2mm 4H speaic ap avi * oh OI] CA: Coffer qoourds , Tea Grounds. 299 Shells, Seeds dh Hue Seis ae bone chips, Gr} chamber i§ a Long harrow yetrangular Channel with Unaeartd Co AecHonel dimendrion4 Aeccelerate Stow velouty and allow get particles bo Reryle down. 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Imin Vy s OPS MIKE ae) Le Wet: OK RI GO s ay ¥ Fe ~— Skimming tank! [ Floatation chamber’) é SKimming fan separate otl 4 TWeaye from warte water Glow b not remaed oil | grcaxe interfer with Bod removal of Atuondoyy Ataf mer. with ot] 4, Grease Waste watty E6GIUENH ave Hot allowed Aispoe - cil | Treane recatyed a% bipyoducr- Speufic gravity do oil 4 qreay & loys than Speake Travity Of Wabye Later Thercfine Hey cant Sele down by gravity ol | Fea granuly art Arpayated Som flow by blootation by applying Comprerstd aiv Som boon. hen oil 4 qreaye Granules ride and bloat top and fem a layer oil 4 TOK ON top Dt I reUseed oS dipredat by skimming, die sop Leger manually @ wandscin Cally vet hare Anew f Fo + Ruy oa ot Peek ley 67% t Skimming tank design is baxtd on Sotlowing empivic horrnala Surfae ante 4 \ ag Cea): Oooo 2 Searmming, dant, vy um) Q » Ware wat glow Ya in w?) dey Vy hiqhid vist Velotity an re) ay LR = L187 DI: Bmin WHEmih S| NV Q * DT Gees A As Pima slastier G Primony, Adimentakmn Fan) Prmary clavificy remove ActHleable o¢ganic sdids of in napure From OOS Watky Glory Gol to FOL of setpenble & 30f BoD YeMwWa big degradable Poimory clarifier vem ve OLg anig poids and 207 algo Ouy i Awepend BoD vem ard Fon ware Waly which antuyn yedue Bod lead Beusncory teatmenp Pxmory clarifier follows Tope B seHtbrs Fype B_Athns 14 known as hindered Seteling, je Parkcles acttle due © particle hindertnle C pavkele nanen Entersena) mre Primary davifer dupgy i4 basta oy 1 SLR ety SOR Vy: 20 bo WP] day |) L vp: V5 bw Th 4 LE. B008 AAty — SOR Vos 35 HH MM/dey cliameley A clevifer Ds) be ? Wau are As: Dp, L Dp, BOOS = a (ari [B25 A 1 o a va f cl Cee De ee WHA S 135 a — a 9 ko MLD SLR Vo » toooee KEL /Aey He 3m BTA Symon tone Ay Bas 7 ‘ ~. @ . Box Lo mY Sa A DB or + 0d me fo 204 vo T0000 Plan ara, bg Lo m¥ 204 . Secndary sscament” Secondary teatment is aimed bo remove Soluble BOD ie BOD present tn colloidal and dlissslyed form tn Wark water Soluble BoD Prercnp ih Wark Wale Fermoved erther by A: Physico- Chemical Areabment ey by 2 Biological treat meny Poy He chemical eaten Physio - Chemical Heakmaent methods sud. as 1 Micro AcEeening =. Qe AdscYpHO =. Fila Hon ye Chemical absorp ry 5: Chomical coagulation G Chemical OXidetion exe are Copete q Kmwing Aduble Bop om any waste But Het methods art eapensive Amy one of Hex, metrods art ubed only udhen Ware Can not be treakte biologically . [ ware water tho Big 2 orb can MOF be tuected biol ogicetty | Biological Ae men | Biologic Aeatment i6 Auitable only bor Wark war hd BOP yet Riglegical ttatment iS Evonomicad. Towwarit wari water ttatcd by biological treatment In Piological treatment war waley tetated by employed by ving organisms T micrvayganiams ] Complex S : Simple q Hable mnt aL Hrerorgentims | DE saat matey Cord? AB: Lag qth Be + Log GIy cp: Stakonery qrowy DEL Endogtneos decay Coedining BPW) classification & mmiaErganianny (with Yeypey be WOK WAY treakmeny) Baned_on food mend Het onganis | 1. putohwphs ¢ Prepart furd om taciy own. They do not Chute Ayophe exports) depend on external Foo} rave ea: Algae : depend on exiernad fore four ie 2, Rederolybis: = Absa ST (rte -hophic orgen ims) ear Rackenia Barta on otyatn veqrrivemenh J rgpnisny, { Peobic HGaniams = OVQanisrns SUYVIVE En Hae prota of aiy Noays depend on etn) Ob IY Q Anaerobic oiqoniding » organisnn> Buyyive only th the abtente dj aiy. Derive ound oxygen $v Aurvivel 3 Faculaive vganisms . SHWE bot, th Hee Prone { ay ee Ee CW) avena Ff ar Baned_on Tem p_reqseiremenss of organs 1. PSyehwephihe arganisms « sunive @ Temp 2 10C 2 Merephikc eanisrm — = Sayuie @ Temp: 106 bode % Theymophikc Ovganismy . Survive @ femp Hee. be bt.

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