Cascayo, Debelyn S. Beed 3-A (Learning Task 4)

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Name: Debelyn S.

Cascayo Course, Year & Section: BEED 3-A

Learning Task 4:
Mind map: Describe how different forces can make objects move.


The wind’s force can push objects The weight of the water displaced by an
by moving or knocking them over. object in water equals the upward
Winds blowing over around objects force, or buoyant force, that acts on it.
can generate pressure changes that Any object in water has some buoyant
cause the object to move. force pushing up against gravity,
resulting in some weight loss.

Forces that make

objects move

Gravity causes items to accelerate as
they descend to the ground. Gravity Magnetic fields exert pressures on
forces an object to fall toward the an object that are sufficient to
ground at a quicker and faster rate oppose gravity’s weight, allowing
as it falls. the object to float off the ground.

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