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Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Presented by:
Yash Rajput
What is Artificial
Artificial Intelligence is the development of
computer systems that are able to
perform tasks that would require human

Examples of these tasks are visual

perception, speech recognition,
decision-making, and translation between
History of AI

Year 1956: The word "Artificial Intelligence" first

adopted by American Computer scientist John
McCarthy at the Dartmouth Conference. For the first
time, AI coined as an academic field.

Year 1969: Shakey was the first general-purpose

mobile robot built. It is now able to do things with a
purpose vs. just a list of instructions.

Year 1997: Supercomputer ‘Deep Blue’ was

designed, and it defeated the world champion chess
player in a match. It was a massive milestone by IBM
to create this large computer.
Types of AI
1) Purely Reactive:- 2) Limited Memory:-
These machines do not These machines collect
have any memory or data to work with, previous data and continue adding it to their
specializing in just one field of work. memory. They have enough memory or
experience to make proper decisions, but
memory is minimal.

3) Theory of Mind:- 4) Self-Aware:-

This kind of AI can Self-aware machines are the
understand thoughts and emotions, as well future generation of these new technologies.
as interact socially.

An application of
Artificial Intelligence
that gives machines the
ability to learn and
improve without the
help of humans or new
Weak A.I.
Machines with weak Artificial Intelligence
are made to respond to specific situations,
but can not think for themselves
Strong A.I.
A machine with strong A.I. is
able to think and act just like a
human. It is able to learn from

Since there are no real life

examples of strong A.I. yet,
the best representation would
be how Hollywood portrays
Intelligence in

In movies, robots are able to talk,

think, and make decisions just
like humans.
Real Life A.I.

❏ Self Driving Cars

❏ Digital Assistants
❏ Navigation
❏ Chatbots
❏ Human vs
Computer Games
❏ Many More!
Benefits of A.I.
The most important purpose of
A.I. is to reduce human
casualties in
➔ Wars
➔ Dangerous Workspaces
➔ Car Accidents
➔ Natural Disasters

Or to just make everyday life

easier by helping with tasks
such as:
➔ Cleaning
➔ Shopping
➔ Transportation
The Future of
★ Military Bots
★ The perfect lawyer
★ Music
★ Business
★ Healthcare
Thank You

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