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Task 2.

An increase in the production of consumer goods results in damage to the natural

environment. Why is this the case, and what solutions are possible?

The production of consumer goods worldwide has seen an immense surge in the past two to three
centuries, which is undeniably true. Unfortunately, this period also witnessed an immeasurable
level of environmental degradation. Although there is a correlation between these two trends,
there are viable solutions available that could prevent the ongoing ecological crisis.
The growing production of consumer goods can be attributed to two major causes of damage to
the natural environment. Firstly, the extraction of minerals leads to environmental degradation.
For instance, while electric vehicles are advocated as an eco-friendly alternative to petrol-
dependent cars, they require the mining of minerals such as cobalt and lithium for their batteries,
causing immense habitat destruction worldwide. Secondly, consumption of goods results in an
accumulation of non-biodegradable toxic waste, which often contaminates water sources and
threatens the survival of wildlife dependent on clean water.
Efforts should be made to lower consumption and promote recycling technology. Consumer items
like washing machines, computers, refrigerators, cars, and televisions become obsolete too soon,
and reducing consumption necessitates tightening production and marketing protocols to ensure
their longevity. Meanwhile, technological advancements allow for the re-utilization of many
materials; hence more funding for research in recycling technologies must be provided by
governments. By maximizing the number of goods that can be recycled, we minimize the
depletion of natural resources.
In conclusion, causes of environmental damage stemming from consumption are obvious and
reducing consumption and more recycling are part of the solution.

It is undeniable that the production of consumer goods on a global scale has surged dramatically
over the past two to three centuries, leading to immeasurable environmental harm during this
timeframe. Though there may be causal links between these two developments, there exist
opportunities to avert the ecological catastrophe that is currently unfolding.
The increase in consumer goods production has led to two major causes of damage to the natural
environment. The first is the environmental degradation arising from the mineral extraction
process. Currently, there are approximately 1.5 billion cars globally, and electric vehicles are

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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com) 1
promoted as a clean alternative to petrol, reducing emissions and reliance on fossil fuels.
However, the mining of minerals such as cobalt and lithium for their batteries causes significant
habitat destruction worldwide. Secondly, the consumption of goods generates large volumes of
non-biodegradable toxic waste, which frequently contaminates water sources and contributes to
the death of wildlife dependent on clean water.
To combat excessive consumption and promote recycling technology, steps must be taken.
Consumer goods are often deemed obsolete far too quickly, including washing machines, cars,
computers, televisions, and refrigerators. Strict controls on production standards and marketing
are necessary to ensure these products operate efficiently for decades. Meanwhile, advancements
in technology provide opportunities to reuse many materials, and increased government funding
for research in this field is needed. Through greater recycling efforts, natural resources can be
In conclusion, causes of environmental damage stemming from consumption are obvious and
reducing consumption and more recycling are part of the solution.

It is true that there has been an enormous increase in the production of consumer goods worldwide
during the last two or three centuries. There has also been incalculable environmental damage in
this same period. While there are reasons to connect these two trends, some solutions are possible
to help prevent the ecological crisis which is resulting.
Two major causes of the damage caused to the natural environment by the growing production of
consumer goods can be easily identified. Firstly, there is the environmental degradation that
results from the extraction of minerals. For example, there are about 1.5 billion cars in the world,
and electric vehicles are promoted as an environmentally friendly alternative to petrol, as this will
cut down on emissions and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. However, for the batteries alone of
these electric cars, the mining of minerals like cobalt and lithium will lead to massive habitat
destruction across the world. Secondly, consumption of goods creates mountains of toxic waste,
most of which is not bio-degradable, and often pollutes water sources and kills the wildlife which
depends on clean water.
Measures must be taken to reduce consumption and to develop recycling technology. In terms of
reducing consumption, too many consumer goods become obsolete too quickly. Washing
machines, computers, refrigerators, cars and televisions, for instance, should all function for
decades, and so there must be strict controls on production standards and marketing. From a
recycling perspective, advances in technology enable many materials to be re-used, and

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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com) 2
governments must provide funding for more research in this field. If more goods can be recycled,
then there will be less depletion of natural resources.
In conclusion, causes of environmental damage stemming from consumption are obvious and
reducing consumption and more recycling are part of the solution.

Đề thi ngày 12/02/2022

Task 2. 2 part questions

More and more people today are choosing to eat only healthy food and are making time
to exercise regularly. Why is this? What can be done to encourage other people to eat
only healthy food and to make time to exercise regularly?

Nowadays, a lot of individuals have been embracing healthy dietary practices and engaging in
routine physical activity. The underlying factors contributing to this shift can be identified, and
additional initiatives may be implemented to motivate others to do the same.

A major reason behind the increasing emphasis on leading a healthy lifestyle is education. In
developed nations, children attending schools have access to healthier diets, including
vegetarian and vegan options. Additionally, there are now numerous websites and magazines
advocating for a balanced diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables. Health campaigns have
brought attention to the hazards of a sedentary lifestyle and have encouraged individuals to
engage in various forms of physical activity. Even senior citizens are being encouraged to
participate in low-impact exercises like walking or swimming.

It is imperative that greater efforts are taken to encourage healthy eating and physical fitness.
Firstly, both national and local authorities should dedicate resources towards promoting
healthy eating habits. For instance, the United Kingdom had a highly successful campaign a
few years ago, known as ‘5-a-day’, which effectively informed the public about the advantages
of consuming at least 5 portions of fruits and vegetables each day. Secondly, governments
should allocate funding for the development of additional sports facilities. Every citizen ought
to have access to a community sports center, free of charge, where they can engage in
activities such as gym workouts, swimming, or exercise classes.
To sum up, education has been a key factor in motivating individuals to engage in physical
activity and consume nutritious meals. Allocating additional resources towards promoting
these practices by governments could lead to a broader adoption of these healthy lifestyles by
the public.
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com) 3

Presently, numerous individuals are embracing healthier eating habits and engaging in frequent
physical activity, which is factual. These trends have identifiable causes, and additional efforts
could be made to promote their adoption among others.
Education has played a significant role in driving the heightened interest in healthy living. In
advanced nations, school children are exposed to healthier food options, with vegetarian and
vegan diets being offered. Furthermore, there has been a surge in websites and publications
that advocate for a balanced diet, primarily comprising of fresh fruits and vegetables. In terms
of physical activity, health awareness programs have raised awareness about the hazards that
come with a sedentary lifestyle, resulting in promotion of various ways to remain active. Even
senior citizens are encouraged to engage in mild exercise, such as walking or swimming.
Greater efforts need to be made to promote the advantages of adopting a healthy diet and
engaging in physical activity. Primarily, both national and local authorities should allocate
resources towards promoting healthy eating habits. To illustrate, the United Kingdom
successfully used the slogan ‘5-a-day’ a few years ago, raising public awareness of the benefits
of consuming at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Secondly, governments
should invest in constructing more sports facilities and provide funding for existing ones.
Majority of people should have free access to local sports centres where they can use the gym,
swim, or participate in exercise classes.
To summarize, education has significantly contributed to motivating individuals to engage in
physical activities and consume nutritious foods. By allocating additional resources towards
promoting these behaviors, governments could potentially encourage even more people to
adopt healthy habits.

It is true that many people today are adopting healthy eating habits and taking regular
exercise. Some reasons for these trends can be identified, and more measures could be
taken to encourage others to follow suit.

The growing desire for a healthy lifestyle is principally a result of education. In terms of
food, children in schools in developed countries are now provided with a healthier diet ,
and may even be offered a vegetarian or vegan diet. There are also more websites and
magazines that encourage people to eat a balanced diet with a high proportion of fresh
fruit and vegetables. From the perspective of regular exercise, health awareness
campaigns are making people conscious of the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle and
promoting various ways to keep fit. Even elderly people are encouraged to take gentle
exercise, such as walking or swimming.
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com) 4
More should now be done to campaign for healthy eating and the benefits of getting into
shape. Firstly, national and local authorities must allocate resources to the promotion of
healthy eating. For example, a very successful campaign in the United Kingdom a few
years ago used the slogan of ‘5-a-day’, making the public aware of the benefits of eating
a minimum of 5 portions of fruit and vegetables every day. Secondly, governments
should provide funding for more sports facilities. The majority of the population should
have free access to a local sports centre where they could work out at the gym, swim or
take part in exercise classes.

In conclusion, education has played an important role in encouraging people to exercise

and to eat more healthy food. If governments devote more resources to promoting these
trends, then even more people are likely to make these healthy choices.

Đề thi ngày 12/03/2022

Task 2. Fewer young people do farming work in rural areas. Why? Should young people
be encouraged to do farming work?

Although there are fewer individuals, especially young ones, who engage in agricultural
work nowadays, it is an undeniable fact. While several factors can account for this
phenomenon, I strongly advocate for the need to entice and involve more youths in
Advanced technology has led to a significant reduction in the number of young people
involved in agriculture. The conventional methods of farming that demanded extensive
manual labor have become outdated. The use of sophisticated farming equipment has
become progressively prevalent, replacing human labor. Consequently, young people are
becoming a rare sight on farms as they lack job opportunities in the field and prefer
migrating to urban centers.
In my opinion, the farming industry requires more involvement from younger individuals
in the present day. The reason behind this notion is twofold. Firstly, contemporary
farming practices are leading to a rise in environmental degradation and inciting an
ecological emergency. Therefore, environmentally-friendly techniques such as organic
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com) 5
farming, which are the sole sustainable means of producing food, necessitate a larger
human workforce. Secondly, many young people relocate to cities and struggle to secure
employment, causing them to feel detached. Urban life can be devoid of community
spirit, which is commonly found in the rural, agricultural setting they originated from. To
address the current environmental issues facing rural areas, encouraging the younger
generation to study agronomy and ecology could be beneficial. By applying their skills
and knowledge to sustainable farming, young people can both benefit from mental
stimulation and maintain physical fitness.
Overall, the prioritization of profit over people can be observed in the incorporation of
technology within contemporary industrial agriculture. However, by introducing more
young people into farming, the utilization of technology towards attaining sustainable
progress can be achieved, thus granting them a significant part in shaping the future of

While it is indeed a fact that there are significantly fewer individuals, particularly among
the youth, engaged in agricultural work than in previous eras, several explanations can be
offered for this phenomenon. However, I firmly hold the belief that there is an urgent
need to entice a greater number of young people to pursue careers in farming.
The decline in youth involvement in agriculture can be attributed to a significant factor –
technological advancements that have overhauled the production of food. The previous
labor-intensive methods have been rendered outdated as sophisticated agricultural
machinery takes over. This replacement of human labor with machines has amplified
over time, making farm work an uncommon sight for young people. As a result, lacking
employment opportunities in the sector, they were among the earliest to leave rural areas
for urban centers.
My viewpoint is that there is a pressing need for more young individuals to join the
farming industry. The reason being, modern farming practices are contributing to
environmental degradation and triggering ecological crises. Therefore, sustainable
farming methods like organic growing that prioritize eco-friendliness can provide a long-
term solution to food production, but they require a significant amount of human labor.
Furthermore, when young people move to urban areas, they often struggle to find
employment and feel disconnected from their sense of community that they once had in
their rural villages. They end up living in a concrete jungle without a sense of belonging.
As a result, encouraging young people to pursue studies in agronomy and ecology can
help alleviate the environmental issues in the countryside. By applying their knowledge
towards sustainable agriculture practices, young individuals will be mentally stimulated
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com) 6
and physically fit.
To summarize, while technology in advanced agriculture prioritizes profit over people,
the involvement of younger individuals in the industry will drive the usage of technology
towards sustainable development. Therefore, young farmers play a crucial part in shaping
humanity's future.
It is true that today many fewer people, especially young people, work on the land than in
the past. While some reasons can be put forward to explain this trend, I firmly believe
that it is necessary to attract many more young people into farming.
There is one major reason why fewer young people are now engaged in agriculture.
Advances in technology have completely revolutionised how food is produced. The
traditional methods, which were labour-intensive, have become obsolete . Sophisticated
agricultural machinery has replaced people, in a process which has increased in intensity
over the years. Young people are today rarely seen on farms. Lacking job prospects, they
were among the first to join the mass exodus to the cities.
However, I would argue that more young people are needed in farming today. Firstly,
modern methods of farming are increasing environmental degradation and provoking an
ecological crisis. Farming techniques, for example organic growing, which are
environmentally-friendly are the only sustainable way to produce food, and these
techniques require much more human labour. Secondly, when young people migrate to
cities, they often cannot find work and experience a sense of alienation. They live in a
concrete jungle without a feeling of community that they had in their rural villages.
Finally, to help to alleviate environmental problems in the countryside today, young
people should be encouraged to study agronomy and ecology. Applying their knowledge
to sustainable farming, young people will be mentally stimulated and physically fit.
In conclusion, the use of technology in modern industrialised agriculture puts profit
before people, but more young people in farming will result in the application of
technology to achieve sustainable development. This gives them a vital role in the future
of humanity.

Đề thi ngày 26/03/2022

Task 2: In some countries, if people need to find work, they have to move away from
their families and their friends. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com) 7
There are certain regions in the world where individuals are compelled to depart from their
homelands, loved ones, and acquaintances to explore job opportunities. Though this decision
may appear justified, I contend that its drawbacks surpass the benefits.
One of the major benefits of migrating to another country is the opportunity to earn a
livelihood. For those who are unable to find employment in their home country, global
migration offers an option. Many men become economic migrants, leaving their families
behind and sending money back home if they secure work. In France, numerous migrant
workers from North Africa work in the construction or service sectors to support their families
in their countries of origin. Without migrating and finding employment in another country,
their families would have remained poor and without prospects for the future.
Conversely, allowing this situation to persist would entail numerous disadvantages. To
begin with, local communities may harbor biases against migrants and their dependents,
which could pose a challenge to their successful integration into society. Furthermore,
they may be compelled to take on poorly compensated and risky jobs in their host
nations. The consequences of such labor mobility affect developing nations by eroding
traditional ways of life, disrupting familial ties, and leaving economic activity in the
hands of an aging populace. This trend of losing the most dynamic and productive
members of communities is antithetical to a sustainable future for these countries.
In conclusion, although workers and their families may be forced to move abroad in order
to improve their lives, the drawbacks outweigh the benefits.

Although people in certain regions often find themselves needing to depart their nations, loved
ones, and acquaintances to pursue employment, I maintain that the drawbacks of this daunting
choice surpass its benefits.
On one side, the significant benefit is the ability to sustain oneself financially in another
nation. Numerous individuals become part of the global migrant workforce if they are unable
to secure employment in their own country. These individuals leave their families and become
economic migrants, remitting money back home if they are successful in obtaining work. In
France, a considerable number of migrant workers from North Africa are employed in the
construction or service sectors to provide support for their families in their home country.
Without relocating and securing employment in a foreign land, their families would have
remained impoverished and deprived of any hope for the future.
On the flip side, allowing the continuation of this situation would result in a multitude of
drawbacks. To begin with, the local population often harbor biases towards migrants and their
families, making it arduous for them to assimilate into society. Furthermore, they may be
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com) 8
subjected to menial, low-paying jobs in hazardous and unhealthy working conditions in the
host country. Ultimately, the movement of labor has far-reaching implications for developing
nations. It leads to the vanishing of traditional lifestyles, breaks apart closely knit families and
kinship bonds, and leaves economic activity in the hands of an aging populace. The departure
of the most active and youthful members from the community is not congruent with ensuring
the sustainability of the country's future.
In conclusion, although workers and their families may be forced to move abroad in order
to improve their lives, the drawbacks outweigh the benefits.

In some parts of the world, people must sometimes leave their countries, families and
friends in order to seek work. While they obviously have a good reason to make such a
hard decision, I believe that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

On the one hand, the great advantage is to be able to earn a living in another country. If
they are unable to find work in their own country, many men join the global migration of
labour. Leaving their families, they become economic migrants, sending money home if
they are able to find work. In France, for example, many migrant workers from North
Africa work in the construction or service industries, in order to support a family in their
native country. If they had not moved to another country and found work, their family
would have remained poverty-stricken and without hope for the future.

On the other hand, there are too many disadvantages if this situation is allowed to
continue. Firstly, local populations are sometimes prejudiced against migrants and their
families, and so they find it difficult to integrate into society. Secondly, they may have to
accept work in the host country that is low-paid and labour-intensive, and a working
environment that is dangerous and unhealthy. Finally, this movement of labour has
consequences for developing countries. It results in the disappearance of traditional ways
of life, the destruction of ties of kinship and close-knit families, while economic activity
is left in the hands of an aging population. The loss of the youngest and most active
members of the community is incompatible with a sustainable future for that county.

In conclusion, although workers and their families may be forced to move abroad in order
to improve their lives, the drawbacks outweigh the benefits.

Đề thi ngày 12/05/2022

Task 2 As major cities in the world are growing today, so do their problems.

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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com) 9
What are problems for young people who are living in the cities as the result of continued
growth? What are solutions for these problems?

Many argue that numerous major cities worldwide are currently going through a period of
development that creates a host of issues. The authorities should address two primary concerns
pertaining to young residents.
Coming of age in an era of urban expansion, young people confront two primary challenges.
Firstly, cities are becoming increasingly overcrowded, resulting in a shortage of job
opportunities for a significant proportion of the population. Consequently, a large number are
rendered unemployed. Secondly, the swelling populace necessitates the acquisition of more
land for constructing residential complexes and other establishments, as exemplified by the
cities of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh. Consequently, play areas that adolescents require are rapidly
gobbled up by real estate developers, leading to a greater reliance on online social networks for
the younger generation.
The government must promptly take measures to tackle the issues at hand. The foremost
solution to the initial predicament is to provide comprehensive education and create ample job
prospects for the youth, as they play a crucial role in the labor force and must not be left
jobless. Additionally, when constructing skyscrapers, city planners should prioritize allocating
free land for teenagers. Encouraging physical sports and leisure activities with peers in real-life
settings is preferable to spending entire days online.
To sum up, the speedy expansion of numerous prominent cities across the globe has led to
various issues, and it is crucial for governments to allocate their resources towards mitigating
the adverse effects on the younger population residing in these cities.

Currently, many major cities worldwide are undergoing development, which has led to
multiple issues. The youth who reside in these cities encounter two primary problems,
necessitating attention from competent authorities.
Growing up during a period of urban expansion, young people are confronted with two major
challenges. Firstly, the cities they reside in are becoming increasingly crowded, resulting in a
shortage of available jobs for residents. Consequently, a significant number of individuals are
left unemployed. Secondly, the significant population influx necessitates additional land for
constructing residential and commercial buildings, as evident in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com) 10
As a result, recreational areas that are vital for young individuals are frequently acquired by
real estate developers, leaving teenagers more reliant on digital social networks.

Immediate action should be taken by the government to tackle these issues. To succeed in the
first challenge, it is crucial to provide comprehensive education and ample job opportunities to
the youth. As they play a pivotal role in the workforce, it is not feasible for the government to
leave them without employment. Additionally, city planners must explore utilizing more open
spaces for teenagers when constructing high-rise buildings. Encouraging youngsters to
participate in sports and social activities with peers in person rather than spending all their time
online would also be wise.
Conclusively, the rapid expansion of numerous major cities worldwide has led to various
issues, and it is imperative for governments to allocate their resources towards mitigating the
adverse effects on the youth residing in such cities.

It is argued that a lot of big cities all over the world are developing at present, which
brings about many problems. There are two major problems for young inhabitants and
both of them should be tackled by the authorities.
Raised in the period of city growth, the young have to face up to two main issues. First,
the cities seem to be quite over-populated. If too many people live in a certain city, there
are not enough jobs created for them. As a consequence, some of them become out of
work. Second, the great population means that more and more land is needed to build
houses and other buildings, as we have seen in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Playing
areas which youngsters really need are rapidly bought up by properly developers.
Therefore, teenagers are more and more dependent on their social networks on the
The government should take steps immediately to address these problems. The key to the
first challenge is that the young ought to be fully educated and given more job
opportunities. Because they play a very important role in the workforce, the government
cannot leave them unemployed. Furthermore, city planners had better consider using
more free land for teenagers whenever they decide to build a skyscraper. It is advisable
that youngsters should do sports and other leisure activities with their friends in real life
instead of wasting all day online.

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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com) 11
In conclusion, many problems stem from the rapid growth of many major cities in the
world and governments should use their resources to minimize the negative impacts on
young inhabitants in these cities.

Đề thi ngày 28/05/2022

Task 2.The population of many cities is growing rapidly.
+) What are effects on people living in these city?
+) What can be done to maintain the quality of life of people?

The population of cities is rapidly increasing in many regions across the globe. As this trend
significantly affects the well-being of inhabitants, it is imperative to implement measures that
preserve their quality of life.

The migration of rural inhabitants to urban areas in the developing world has significantly
impacted the lives of those residing in cities. The rapid population growth has overwhelmed
the urban infrastructure, causing a myriad of problems for city dwellers. Firstly, inadequate
housing has resulted in homelessness and the emergence of shanty towns in cities such as
Mumbai, Rio de Janeiro, Cape Town, and Mexico City, where people endure deplorable living
conditions. Secondly, the overbearing population has led to a shortage of schools, hospitals,
and transportation systems. Lastly, limited job opportunities have resulted in poverty,
unemployment, and a surge in criminal activities.
To ensure a high standard of living for urbanites, immediate action is necessary. To provide
access to essential services, urban construction programs may be implemented, creating
employment opportunities for building new schools, homes, healthcare centers, roads, and
pipelines. To address the issue of excessive labor migration from rural areas to cities,
governments can limit the inflow of people while also funding rural development initiatives,
such as job creation, education, housing, and health services.
In conclusion, there are serious consequences of rapid urban growth, and action must be
taken to ensure a decent quality of life for people in those cities that are affected.

The populations of cities in various regions are experiencing a significant surge. Although this
phenomenon greatly affects the inhabitants of rapidly expanding urban centers, it is imperative
to implement measures that sustain the well-being of these city dwellers.

The migration of people from rural to urban areas in developing countries has had a significant
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+ Thông tin lớp trực tiếp khai giảng sớm nhất: https://ieltsngocbach.com/offline
+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com) 12
impact on the lives of those residing in cities. The swift increase in population density has
placed a strain on the urban infrastructure, resulting in a range of challenges for city dwellers.
Firstly, the insufficient housing supply has led to a rise in homelessness and the proliferation
of makeshift settlements worldwide, including locations such as Mumbai, Rio de Janeiro, Cape
Town or Mexico City. Such developments foster dire living conditions for their occupants.
Secondly, there is an inadequacy of essential services such as hospitals, schools, and
transportation as cities expand too fast. Lastly, the limited job market has resulted in increased
unemployment rates, poverty, and a rise in criminal activity.
To ensure a good standard of living for urban dwellers, immediate actions are required. One
solution would be to implement urban development projects, providing access to facilities such
as housing, schools, healthcare, roads, and water supply. This could also generate employment
opportunities. Additionally, as a temporary solution to tackle the issue of excessive rural-urban
migration, the government could restrict the influx of people into cities. Simultaneously,
funding could be directed towards the creation of jobs, education, housing, and healthcare
services in rural areas to stimulate development.
In conclusion, there are serious consequences of rapid urban growth, and action must be
taken to ensure a decent quality of life for people in those cities that are affected.

In many parts of the world there is a dramatic increase in city populations. While this
trend has major impacts on those living in rapidly-growing cities, some measures should
be taken to maintain the quality of life of city residents.

The mass exodus in the developing world of people from the countryside to the cities has
had profound effects on the lives of people living in those cities. The urban infrastructure
is inadequate to cope with the rapid rise in population density, affecting the lives of urban
dwellers in various ways. Firstly, the existing housing stock cannot provide
accommodation for everyone, creating problems of homelessness and the growth of
shanty towns across the world, for example in Mumbai, Rio de Janeiro, Cape Town or
Mexico City. People there must endure squalid living conditions. Secondly, as cities
expand too quickly, there are not enough schools, hospitals or transport services. Finally,
not enough work is available to provide jobs for everyone, resulting in unemployment,
poverty and rising crime.

In order to maintain the quality of life of city residents, urgent measures must be imposed.
People must have access to amenities, and this could be done through urban construction
programmes. Jobs would be created building new houses, schools, health centres, roads
and water pipes. To solve the problem of the rapid migration of labour from rural areas
to the cities, governments should introduce restrictions on the numbers of people flooding

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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com) 13
into the cities. This could be a stopgap measure while funding was provided for rural
development in terms of jobs, education, housing and health services.

In conclusion, there are serious consequences of rapid urban growth, and action must be
taken to ensure a decent quality of life for people in those cities that are affected.

Đề thi ngày 04/06/2022

Task 2. Environmental damage is a problem in most countries. What are the major causes
of environmental damage? Who are responsible for preventing environmental damage?

Environmental damage is undoubtedly a global catastrophe. The identification of certain
significant causes is relatively straightforward, and it is the responsibility of governments
to take measures to avert an impending ecological crisis.
Environmental damage is a critical issue worldwide, caused by three primary factors.
Firstly, the increased consumption of raw materials has resulted in the exploitation of
minerals such as oil and gas from countries such as Russia, the USA, and the Middle
East. Secondly, deforestation is rampant in several regions worldwide, including lowland
tropical rainforests that have caused extensive habitat destruction and drought that has
affected numerous species, with some facing extinction. Lastly, natural resource
depletion has coincided with polluting activities such as the burning or disposal of toxic
waste and non-biodegradable materials, leading to contamination of the air we breathe,
water we drink, and food we eat.
It is imperative that local, national, and international authorities take responsibility for
halting further environmental decline. Specifically, urgent action must be taken to address
the severe pollution of our oceans, and international bodies must enforce existing laws
before irreversible harm is caused to marine life. Furthermore, governments must
officially ban all activities that harm or pollute the environment and dedicate resources to
initiatives such as tree planting, local nature reserves, and national parks. Citizens can
form pressure groups to pressure their governments to take such measures and support
organizations such as Greenpeace or the Worldwide Fund for Nature.
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com) 14
In conclusion, the causes of environmental damage need to be tackled by governments,
who alone have the power to enforce laws to protect our precious environment.

Environmental damage is undeniably a global catastrophe, and while there are
identifiable major causes, it is the responsibility of governments to take action and
prevent an ecological crisis.
Environmental damage is caused by three key factors worldwide. The first is the
increasing consumption of natural resources, which has resulted in heightened mineral
extraction, such as oil and gas from nations like Russia, the USA, and Middle Eastern
countries. Secondly, deforestation has become rampant in numerous regions, including
nearly all lowland tropical rainforests, leading to drought and the destruction of habitats
for millions of species. Many animals are now on the verge of extinction. Finally, the
depletion of natural resources has taken place alongside polluting activities. The
incineration or disposal of non-biodegradable or toxic waste has polluted the food we
consume, the air we breathe, and the water we drink.
It is imperative for governments at every level, ranging from local to international, to be
accountable for preventing further environmental degradation. The oceans, in particular,
are extensively polluted, and it is crucial for international bodies to enforce international
law before it causes the extinction of all marine life. Governments should implement a
formal prohibition on any activities that harm or pollute the environment, while
simultaneously allocating funds towards initiatives like planting trees, establishing local
nature reserves, and national parks. To promote government action on this front,
individuals can form pressure groups and lobby for such measures. They may also lend
their support to organizations such as Greenpeace or the Worldwide Fund for Nature that
address environmental concerns.
In conclusion, the causes of environmental damage need to be tackled by governments,
who alone have the power to enforce laws to protect our precious environment.

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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com) 15
It is true that environmental damage is a worldwide catastrophe . Some major causes can
be easily identified and governments should assume responsibility for taking action to
prevent an ecological crisis.
There are three major causes of environmental damage across the globe. Firstly, the
rising consumption of raw materials has led to an increase in mineral extraction, for
example oil or gas from Russia, the USA and the Middle East countries. Secondly,
deforestation has taken place in many regions of the world, including almost all the
lowland tropical rainforests, resulting in drought and habitat destruction affecting
millions of species. Many creatures are now on the brink of extinction. Finally, the
depletion of natural resources has gone hand-in-hand with polluting activities. The
burning or dumping of toxic waste and of materials that are not bio-degradable has
contaminated the air that we breathe, the food that we eat and the water that we drink.
Government at all levels – local, national and international authorities – must be held
accountable for preventing further environmental degradation. The oceans, for example,
are heavily polluted and international law must be enforced by international bodies before
all marine life is killed. In addition, governments should impose an official ban on all
activities that harm or pollute the environment and allocate resources to schemes such as
tree planting or the creation of local nature reserves and national parks. Individuals can
form pressure groups to campaign for governments to take such action and support
organisations such as Greenpeace or the Worldwide Fund for Nature.
In conclusion, the causes of environmental damage need to be tackled by governments,
who alone have the power to enforce laws to protect our precious environment.

Đề thi ngày 18/06/2022

Task 2 : Crimes committed by young people are increasing in major cities throughout the
world. Discuss the causes and how to solve this problem.

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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com) 16
There is no denying that the issue of youth crime is on the rise in major cities worldwide.
Although certain underlying factors can be identified, there are steps that can be taken to
address this troubling phenomenon.

In my view, there are two primary reasons why the youth in major cities are increasingly
involved in criminal activities. Firstly, young people are often the ones to experience the
strongest sense of alienation during the mass migration from rural areas to cities. They
come with high expectations of finding well-paying jobs and purchasing the consumer
products heavily advertised. However, they are quickly disappointed by the harsh
realities of urban living, including poverty and unemployment, which leads them to resort
to crime as a means of escape. Secondly, social connections that exist in rural
communities are severed in metropolitan areas like Rio de Janeiro, Tokyo or New York.
In these concrete jungles, there is a lack of community spirit, and young people
frequently fall into the trap of criminal behavior and substance abuse.
There are effective ways to reintegrate young individuals into society. A possible
approach is to offer them well-paying employment in urban infrastructure enhancement
projects. Rather than using resources to combat illegal activities like drug trafficking, the
funds should be allocated towards revitalizing the city. Additionally, urban amenities like
sports centers and music studios should be developed to cater to the youth. Providing
them with educational opportunities and financial assistance will help them start anew,
reducing the likelihood of criminal behavior that results from neglect.
In conclusion, some causes of rising crime rates among young people in major cities can
be identified, but some solutions could be applied.

The fact that youth crime is on the rise in major cities worldwide is undeniable. Although
the root causes of this troubling trend can be discerned, there are steps that could be
implemented to address it.
Two significant reasons can be argued for the increasing involvement of young people in
major city crime. Firstly, as people migrate from rural areas to urban centres, it is often
the youth who feel most disconnected. They enter the city with high aspirations of
securing well-paid jobs and purchasing the advertised consumer goods. However, the
harsh reality of city life that includes unemployment and poverty often disillusion them,
leading to resorting to crime as a means of survival. Secondly, the close-knit social bonds

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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com) 17
found in rural communities are lost in major cities like New York, Tokyo, and Rio de
Janeiro. In these concrete jungles, the feeling of community is absent, making it easier for
youth to turn to drugs and criminal activities.
There exist solutions to reintegrate young individuals into their communities. One
approach is to furnish them with adequately compensated jobs that enhance urban
infrastructure. Instead of expending resources on combating criminal offenses like drug
trafficking, the saved money can finance urban renewal projects. Another alternative to is
to establish city facilities for young people, such as sports centers, music studios, and
educational opportunities that allow them to make a fresh start. By prioritizing the needs
of youth and providing them with these resources, instances of neglect will decrease, thus
diminishing instances of crime.
In conclusion, some causes of rising crime rates among young people in major cities can
be identified, but some solutions could be applied.

It is true that youth crime is a growing problem in great cities across the world. While it
is possible to identify some of the causes, some measures could be taken to deal with this
worrying trend.
I would argue that there are two significant reasons why young people in major cities are
increasingly involved in committing crime. Firstly, in the mass exodus of people from
the countryside to the cities, it is often the youth who feel the greatest sense of alienation.
They arrive with high hopes of finding a good job, earning a lot of money and buying all
those consumer goods which are advertised everywhere. They are soon disillusioned
with the reality of city life – unemployment and poverty - so that the only escape is by
resorting to crime. Secondly, the social bonds which exist in rural communities are
broken in big cities like New York, Tokyo or Rio de Janeiro. There, in these concrete
jungles, there is no feeling of community, and the youth easily turn to crime and drugs.
There are solutions, however, to reintegrate young people back into the community. One
measure is to provide the youth with well-paid jobs improving the urban infrastructure.
The money saved on fighting crime, such as drug trafficking should be spent on urban
renewal schemes. Another solution is to provide urban facilities for young people, for
example sports centres, music studios and funding for city youth to make a fresh start
through educational opportunities. Less neglect will result in less crime.

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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com) 18
In conclusion, some causes of rising crime rates among young people in major cities can
be identified, but some solutions could be applied.

Đề thi ngày 07/07/2022

Task 2. Nowadays people depend on technology for leisure activities. Is this a positive or
negative development?

Although there are positive and negative aspects to the trend of people spending a lot of
their leisure time using the latest technological devices, in my opinion, the benefits
outweigh the drawbacks.
Spending leisure time using the latest technological devices has two major drawbacks.
Firstly, regular exercise is necessary for people of all ages as sedentary lifestyles can lead
to health issues. Secondly, excessive screen time can result in obesity and damage to
eyesight. Thus, relying too heavily on technology for leisure activities is ill-advised.

However, I contend that the advantages of utilizing technology for leisure time outweigh
the drawbacks. One benefit is that it enables individuals to expand their knowledge base
by accessing information online. This type of self-education can be personally fulfilling,
such as in the case of my nephew who spends hours studying dinosaurs on the Internet.
Additionally, social networking sites offer countless opportunities to connect with
individuals who share similar interests. While some argue that this may detract from in-
person interactions, the ability to cultivate a diverse network of virtual friends is
ultimately beneficial.

In conclusion, I consider that reliance on technology to fill leisure time has, on balance,
more positive than negative aspects.

While spending a significant amount of leisure time using the latest technological devices
has become a common trend among many individuals, it is also true that it has both
positive and negative effects. However, in my opinion, the benefits of this trend outweigh
its drawbacks.

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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com) 19
Spending spare time utilizing the latest technological devices has two major drawbacks.
Firstly, individuals of all ages require regular exercise to maintain good health.
Unfortunately, sedentary lifestyles are becoming increasingly common in many parts of
the developed world, harming people's well-being. Secondly, those who spend hours on
end staring at screens are at risk of becoming obese and damaging their eyesight.
Consequently, relying too heavily on technology to determine how to spend leisure time
is imprudent.
On the flip side, I contend that the benefits of utilizing technological advancements
during leisure time outweigh the drawbacks. The progressions in technology push
individuals to engage in learning via the internet, which is an intellectually gratifying way
to spend free time. As an illustration, my young nephew devotes several hours browsing
the web to acquire knowledge about prehistoric creatures. Another upside is that social
networking platforms provide countless avenues to connect with individuals who possess
similar interests. While some may argue that this may impede face-to-face
communication, having a large virtual network of acquaintances can be advantageous.
In conclusion, I consider that reliance on technology to fill leisure time has, on balance,
more positive than negative aspects.

It is true that many people now spend much of their leisure time using the latest
technological devices. While this trend has both negative and positive aspects, I believe
that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
On the one hand, there are two major drawbacks of spending free time using the latest
technological devices. Firstly, taking regular exercise is necessary for people of all ages.
In many parts of the developed world people are leading an increasingly sedentary
lifestyle, which is detrimental to their health. Secondly, those who are addicted to
keeping their eyes glued to a screen for hours on end will not only be prone to obesity,
but they are also more likely to damage their eyesight. For these reasons, it is unwise for
people to become over-reliant on technology when deciding how to allocate their leisure
On the other hand, I would argue that the positive aspects of spending some free time
taking advantage of the advances in technology are more significant than the
disadvantages. These advances encourage people to study using the Internet, and I
believe that broadening knowledge in this way is a very rewarding use of leisure time.
My young nephew, for example, spends hours on the Internet learning about dinosaurs.
Another positive aspect is that, through social networking sites, there are countless

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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com) 20
opportunities to communicate with people who have the same interests. Although it is
argued that this may discourage real interaction, it is beneficial if people are able to
develop a wide circle of virtual friends.
In conclusion, I consider that reliance on technology to fill leisure time has, on balance,
more positive than negative aspects.

Đề thi ngày 06/08/2022

Task 2.There are several factors that motivate people to stay in the workforce, and money
is the most important factor. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Although monetary compensation could be a significant factor for certain individuals, there
exist diverse motives for people to continue engaging in paid work. That being said, I
acknowledge that financial incentives are not the sole driving force for individuals to stay
within the workforce.
There are a few reasons why money continues to be a motivation for people to remain in the
workforce. Firstly, some people require a decent standard of living that can only be achieved
through a living wage. Even if their income is low, they cannot manage to survive without it.
Another reason is that some individuals aspire to achieve a successful career that offers a high-
paying salary. As an illustration, an ambitious employee who meets a company sales target
might be awarded a salary increment by the employer. Thus, money remains a crucial factor
that encourages both average and high-achieving workers to stay employed.
On the flip side, the majority of employees are driven to stay in their jobs by different factors.
To begin with, job satisfaction is highly valued by many individuals over their income. An
individual who loves being outdoors would not find fulfillment in being a stockbroker or
financier, even considering that both jobs pay highly. In addition, making a contribution to
society is another factor that makes a job valuable. For example, Mr. Kurt, who has resided in
Vietnam for two decades, built six schools and other facilities for disabled children. He
resigned from his position at the Danish Embassy to make a difference in the lives of young
In conclusion, I agree that money can be an important factor for employees to stay in the
workforce, but this is by no means the key consideration for most people.

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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com) 21
There are multiple motives that may prompt individuals to continue working for pay. While
acknowledging that financial compensation holds significance for certain people, I contend
that others persist in employment for alternative rationales.
On one hand, people are motivated to continue working due to monetary reasons. Some
individuals desire to maintain an acceptable standard of living and rely on a living wage to
support themselves and their families. Despite the possibility of having a low salary, they
cannot survive without it. Another reason is that others aim to pursue a successful career and
earn a high income. Some employers may provide a salary increase to an ambitious employee
who successfully reaches a company sales target. Hence, money plays a significant role in
enticing both modest and high-achieving individuals to remain in the workforce.
On the other hand, the main factors that drive the majority of employees to remain in their jobs
are different. Job satisfaction is frequently considered more important than salary. For
example, if someone enjoys outdoor activities, they will not enjoy being a stockbroker or
financier, even if the pay for those roles is high. Additionally, contributing to the community
can be a strong motivator to work. For example, Mr. Kurt has lived in Vietnam for twenty
years and has built six schools and other resources for disabled children, leaving his job with
the Danish Embassy in order to make a difference in the lives of young people.
In conclusion, I agree that money can be an important factor for employees to stay in the
workforce, but this is by no means the key consideration for most people.

There are various reasons why people may want to remain in paid work. While I accept
that money is an important factor for some, I believe that others remain in the workforce
for other reasons
On the one hand, there are some reasons why money is one of the motivations for people
to remain in the workforce. One reason is that some simply wish to have an acceptable
standard of living, and they need this living wage to support themselves or their families.
Thus, even if their salary is low, they could not survive without it. Another reason is
that others want to pursue a successful career in order to earn a high salary. For example,
employers may offer a pay rise to an ambitious employee who is able to achieve a
company sales target. Therefore, money is a major factor in inducing both modest people
as well as high-flyers to stay in work.
On the other hand, for the majority of employees, there are other factors which motivate
them more strongly to stay in work. Firstly, many people value factors such as job
satisfaction as more important than their salary. If a person adores the outdoor life, he or
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com) 22
she will not be happy being a stockbroker or a financier, no matter that the salaries for
both those jobs are extremely high. Secondly, contributing to the community is another
reason to value a job. For instance, Mr Kurt, who has lived in Vietnam for about 20
years, has constructed 6 schools and other facilities for disabled children. He left his job
with the Danish Embassy to bring about changes to the lives of youngsters.
In conclusion, I agree that money can be an important factor for employees to stay in the
workforce, but this is by no means the key consideration for most people.

Đề thi ngày 24/09/2022

Task 2. Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route to a
successful career, while others believe that it is better to get a job straight after school.
Discuss both views and give your opinion

1 After completing high school, many young individuals often contemplate whether to
pursue further education or not. Contrary to popular belief that continuing their studies at
college or university is the key to securing a successful career, I believe that starting to
work immediately after graduation is a better option.

There are several reasons why individuals often opt to pursue higher education following
their high school graduation. Firstly, obtaining a college education provides individuals
with additional qualifications, which is increasingly favored by most employers in the
current job market. With a university degree, individuals are likely to receive a higher
salary compared to those who do not have one. Furthermore, the job market is becoming
increasingly competitive, and hundreds of applicants vie for top positions, making
obtaining a degree a wise choice. University graduates possess a clear advantage in the
job market, such as in Vietnam where graduate engineers find top-paying jobs with ease.
In contrast, I hold the viewpoint that beginning work immediately after graduation has its
advantages. To begin with, young adults can start earning income sooner. With
completion of high school education, they reach a level of maturity that enables them to
live independently using their own income. It is an established fact that holding a job is
an indicator of one's maturity. Additionally, those who opt for employment instead of
pursuing higher education are more probable to advance quickly in their profession. This
presents an opportunity to gain practical experience and expertise relevant to their chosen

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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com) 23
To sum up, while pursuing higher education and immediately entering the workforce both
have their benefits, I personally believe that opting for a job right after school is the more
favorable option.

It is true that graduating from high school, many young individuals are faced with the
decision of whether to continue their studies or join the workforce. Despite the common
belief that pursuing higher education is the key to a successful career, my stance is that
starting work right away after high school is a more favorable option.

On the one hand, there are several factors that motivate individuals to pursue higher
education after completing high school. Initially, obtaining a college degree equips young
individuals with additional qualifications that are highly sought after by most employers
in the current context. Consequently, graduates from universities are usually offered
better salaries compared to those who lack a higher education background. Additionally,
the current job market is increasingly competitive, and it is advisable to obtain a degree to
improve one's chances of securing a top job. This fact presents a clear advantage for
individuals who have completed a university education. An example of this is in
Vietnam, where graduate engineers often receive high remuneration and are readily
picked for top jobs.
On the other hand, I am of the opinion that there are certain advantages to entering the
workforce immediately after completing one's studies. For one, it enables young
individuals to start earning a steady income at the earliest opportunity. Upon graduating
from high school, they are typically of an age where they can become self-reliant and
financially independent. It is generally understood that holding a job is indicative of one's
level of maturity. Moreover, those who opt to work instead of pursuing further education
are likely to make swift progress in their careers. This could offer them an excellent
opportunity to gain practical experience and hone their professional skills.
Concluding, while pursuing higher education and starting work immediately after
finishing school both have their benefits, my viewpoint favors opting for a job right after
completing school.

It is true that graduating from high school, the young often wonder whether they ought to
keep on studying further or not. While many people suppose that continuing to study at
university orcollege can be the best way to guarantee their successful career, I would
argue that working right after school is much better.
On the one hand, there are a variety of reasons why people have a tendency of choosing
to continue education after high school. First, a college education will provide young
people with more qualifications, which is what most employers expect these days.

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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com) 24
University graduates will probably get a much higher salary than those without university
education. Furthermore, the job market is becoming more and more competitive. In fact,
people would be mwell-advised to get a degree, as hundreds of applicants often chase the
top jobs. It is an obvious advantage for university graduates. For example, graduate
engineers in Vietnam are highly paid and find it easy to get a top job
On the other hand, I believe that working straight after graduation is beneficial in some
ways. Firstly, young people are able to earn money as soon as possible. If they finish high
school, they will be mature enough to live independently on their own income. It is
common sense that having a job can prove one’s maturity. Secondly, a person who
chooses to get a job instead of studying higher is likely to progress rapidly in their career.
This may bring about a good chance to obtain a lot of real experience and skills for their
chosen profession.
In conclusion, although both working right after school and choosing to continue higher
study are advantageous in their own ways, it seems to me that it is better to get a job
straight after school

Đề thi ngày 13/10/2022

Task 2: Many people now use written language in a less formal and more relaxed way
than in the past. Why is this the case? Do the advantages of this development outweigh
the disadvantages?

The evolution of written language in modern times has led to a decline in formality and
rigidity. Despite there being reasons that justify this shift, I opine that the drawbacks of
this change outweigh the benefits.
There are two significant reasons for the shift towards less formal written language as
compared to the past. Firstly, the proliferation of the digital age has had a profound
impact on this trend. With the increasing emphasis on rapid communication, formality in
writing has become nearly obsolete. For instance, text messaging is often used while on
the go, rendering traditional writing norms incompatible. Secondly, due to the growth of
global markets and communication, a rising number of individuals are using their second
or even third language to send written messages. They cannot be expected to be well-
versed in the formal written etiquette of a language like English.
Although there are some benefits to the trend of using informal language in written
communication, I contend that the disadvantages of this practice far exceed its
advantages. While it is true that being less formal in writing can save time when sending

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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com) 25
emails or text messages, it can lead to risks if not carefully scrutinized. When people
begin to adopt unconventional writing styles, it can lead to a decrease in comprehension
of important documents such as legal papers or job applications. Additionally, reducing
the importance of formal writing can result in a decrease in vocabulary and the loss of
linguistic complexity that accompanies relaxed modes of communication.
To sum up, there are multiple factors contributing to the decline of formal language usage
in writing. Although it may seem advantageous in certain instances, in my opinion, the
negative aspects surpass the positive ones.

Although it's accurate to say that written language has progressively become less formal
and inflexible in modern times, my view is that the drawbacks of this trend outweigh the
benefits, even though there may be reasons that account for it.
There are a couple of key factors contributing to the decline of formality in written
language as compared to the past. Firstly, the digital revolution has played a significant
role in this shift. With the increasing prevalence of instant communication, there is less
emphasis on formal expression in writing. For instance, text-messaging is often done on-
the-go and is not conducive to traditional formal writing techniques. Secondly, the rise of
global markets and communication means that a growing number of people are utilizing
written language in their second or third language, making it unreasonable to expect them
to adhere to formal written norms, such as those found in English.
While some advantages may be associated with this trend, it is my view that the
drawbacks outweigh them. Admittedly, taking a relaxed approach to the formalities of
written language can save time when messaging or emailing. Faster and simpler
communication can result if everyone accepts these new conventions. However, there are
perils in embracing change without scrutiny. Neglecting formal writing can make it more
challenging for most people to comprehend crucial documents, such as legal papers, and
to compose a strong CV. Moreover, when relaxed forms of written expression take over,
language loses its richness, reducing one's vocabulary range.
To sum up, there are several reasons for the decline of formal language in writing.
Although there are certain circumstances where it may be advantageous, in general, I
believe that the disadvantages surpass the benefits.

It is true that written language has evolved in modern times to become less formal and
rigid. While there are reasons which might help to explain this trend, I believe that the
disadvantages of such changes in written language outweigh the advantages.

There are at least two important reasons why written language has become less formal
compared with the past. Firstly, the digital revolution has had a major influence. With
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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com) 26
the growing emphasis on instant communication, formal expression in writing has almost
become obsolete. For example, text-messaging is often done when people are on the
move, and so it is incompatible with traditional ways of writing. Secondly, with the
growth of global markets and communication, more and more people are sending written
messages using what is their second, or even third, language. They cannot be expected to
know and observe the formal written etiquette of, for instance, English.

While, there are some advantages of this trend, I would argue that these are outweighed
by the drawbacks. On the one hand, having a laid-back attitude to the formalities of
written language can save time when texting or sending e-mails. If everyone accepts
these new customs, then communication is both faster and simpler. On the other hand,
there are dangers in welcoming change uncritically. When formal expression in writing
falls into disuse, then it becomes more difficult for most people to understand such vital
things as legal documents or to write a CV. One’s range of vocabulary also shrinks, as
the richness of language is lost if relaxed modes of written expression predominate.

In conclusion, various factors account for the loss of formal expression in writing. While
in some situations it is clearly for the better , overall I consider that the drawbacks
outweigh the benefits.

Đề thi ngày 29/10/2022

Task 2 As well as making money, businesses also have social responsibilities. Do you
agree or disagree?

There is ongoing debate surrounding the notion that companies should not only focus on
profitability but also uphold social responsibilities. In my view, while making a profit is
undoubtedly a primary objective for all businesses, I concur that they should also operate
in a socially responsible way.
While companies aim to maximize their profits, it can result in certain benefits for
society. To begin with, greater profits earned by enterprises can lead to an increase in
their tax contributions to the government. This can generate more revenue for essential
areas, such as education and healthcare, thereby enhancing the quality of life for
everyone. Additionally, substantial profits can provide corporations with the means to
expand their operations, leading to the creation of new jobs within the community.

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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com) 27
On the contrary, businesses should acknowledge their social responsibilities due to
compelling reasons. One rationale is that their operations can impact the environment
adversely. Unchecked manufacturing procedures may cause severe environmental harm,
such as the discharge of industrial waste or factory emissions that contribute to global
warming. Installing waste management systems in factories could prevent water
contamination, for instance. Additionally, companies possess the resources to assist those
in need, making it their duty. Large corporations, like Unilever and Vinamilk, have
cultivated a positive public image by partaking in philanthropic ventures, such as
awarding scholarships and providing charitable donations.
In summary, while I acknowledge that generating profits is the underlying principle of
business, I believe it is crucial for all companies to deeply contemplate their social

Although the notion of enterprises having a public responsibility apart from making
profits is still debated, I believe that while earning profits is crucial for any company,
they also have a duty to carry out their operations in a socially responsible way.
There are potential advantages for society as a whole when companies prioritize
maximizing their profits. One possible benefit is that when enterprises earn higher
profits, they tend to pay more taxes to the government. This higher revenue can then be
allocated towards vital sectors like education and healthcare, ultimately enhancing the
quality of life for the entire community. Additionally, profitable companies can leverage
their financial strength to scale their businesses, resulting in the creation of new job
openings within the local job market.
Conversely, businesses cannot ignore their social obligations for compelling reasons.
Firstly, their operations have widespread environmental ramifications. In the absence of
proper regulations, manufacturing procedures can generate severe ecological harm, like
climate change attributed to factory emissions or reckless disposal of industrial refuse. If
waste treatment systems were installed by factories, rather than releasing chemical waste
into rivers, it could regulate water pollution. Moreover, enterprises must assist those who
are less privileged since they possess ample monetary resources. For instance, notable
companies like Unilever and Vinamilk have bolstered their reputation by undertaking
philanthropic initiatives such as funding scholarships and making charitable
To summarize, while acknowledging that profitability is the core tenet of business, I
contend that it is crucial for businesses to deeply consider their societal obligation

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+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com) 28
The idea that, besides making money, enterprises also need to have public responsibilities
remains a source of controversy. In my opinion, while generating profit is the top priority
for each company, I agree thatthey should also conduct their business in a socially
responsible manner.

On the one hand, the efforts of companies to maximise their profits may have some
benefits for society as a whole. Firstly, the higher the profits earned by enterprises, the
more taxes they pay to the government. As a result, authorities may have more revenue to
spend in key fields, including education and health care, which leads to an improvement
in the quality of life of the whole community. Secondly, by earning huge profits
companies have the opportunity to grow their business. For example, firms could use
their capital to expand their production, creating new job opportunities within the

On the other hand, there are strong reasons why businesses should also accept that they
have social responsibilities. The first reason is that their activities have an effect on the
environment. Without controls, production processes may result in serious environmental
degradation, such as global warming stemming from factory emissions or the
irresponsible disposal of industrial waste. For example, if factories installed waste
treatment systems instead of discharging chemical wastes into rivers, water pollution
could be controlled. Another reason is that enterprises should help those who are less
fortunate, since they have the money to do so. For example, big corporations such as
Unilever and Vinamilk have enhanced their public image through philanthropic actions
such as providing scholarships and giving charitable donations.
In conclusion, although I recognise that making profits is the fundamental principle of
business, I would argue that all businesses should profoundly reflect upon their social

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+ Thông tin lớp trực tiếp khai giảng sớm nhất: https://ieltsngocbach.com/offline
+ Hotline tư vấn đăng ký học: 0974657403 (email tư vấn: ieltsbach1707@gmail.com) 29

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