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The 21st Century Library

Article · October 2016

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Adnan Rizal Haris

Universiti Teknologi MARA


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Adnan Rizal Haris@Harib

Faculty of Information Management

Universiti Teknologi MARA, Puncak Perdana Campus
40150 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

Abstract: Libraries plays important roles in keeping and providing information to

users.Eventhoughdigital technology growth rapidly in the 21st century, but importance of libraries
is still there for its users. Face of libraries needs to be changed as contents is moving toward a
digital platform and Internet access is becoming more of a human necessity than a privilege.
Challenges faced by all kinds of libraries going to ensure visibility of libraries. Factor of
information technology is closely related to the development of libraries. This study discussed
challenegs faced by libraries from all categories. Librarians also play important roles in creating
innovative and up-to-date services to users. The implementation of modern technology in
libraries is vital nowadays.

Keywords: Libraries, digital age, 21st century, challenges, modern libraries.


The emerging of technology in the 21st century might be advantage for business, industries,
government, academic institutions and library as well. Library has improved its facilities and
services for not being just the keeper for books. Changing landscape on how activities or
operations been done give some impact to the organisation outcomes and targets. This will be
the challenge for some organisation in order to stay relevant. Libraries as the custodian of
information and resources really need to be parallel with the development of technology today.
The implementation of digital format to library resources is the current trend that libraries must
take into consideration as users might want to access easily and remotely. With current widely
used gadgets such as smartphones and tablets, more information could be accessed anywhere
at any time.

Traditionally, people have to go to library to read books, magazines, newspapers or perhaps

find maps of their places. In university, the library is must-go place by students. Library is a
place where students get their past-exams questions, CD-ROM, cassettes or video CD etc. It is
a place where students met and do their discussions among them. Learning process has been
created at the library. The exchangeable of thinking and knowledge is done at the library. For
public library, it will serve as the community meeting place, whereas community live nearby will
use the library as the place should be visited on weekends. The culture of reading has been

implemented in the library. Children and adults are enjoying read books or newspapers in the
library. They found the library is the place where they can find good reading materials other than
bookshops.For example; new library has been setup by the municipal council in Bandar Sunway
to inculcate reading habit1

The transformation from traditional library into digital library is a trend for almost libraries in the
world. Digital library development requires every sector – government and non-government
bodies, to collaborate in promoting its creation and usage. Basic infrastructure for connectivity
and interoperability, including funding, human resource, training and leadership must be in place
to support more digital projects (Norasiah, 2011). Many challenges and efforts need to be faced
by librarians in implementing digital records and services to users. The management of library
need to play extra roles to keep library as important institutions to preserve information heritage
and knowledge resources.

The question on relevancy of library in the modern world has been raised and discussed openly
in the media and among users. According to Abdullah (2013), the debate on the relevance of
libraries and librarians is not new; it has been going for a decade or maybe more. This is one
challenge need to be faced by libraries and librarians as keeper of the information. Appropriate
actions should be taken by libraries and librarians in keeping libraries abreast and provides new
services and information for its users. In Sweden, as Michnik (2014) mentioned in his research,
if public library is unable to keep the societal changes and developments by meeting the public’s
needs and the expectations of local politicians, there is a risk that the public library will lose its
legitimacy to both. This situation likely to lead to reductions in public funding. Furthermore, Syed
Salim (2013) stated in his study, in order for libraries and librarians to overcome change, they
have to constantly aware of the changes that are taking place, to understand the nature of the
change and to ride with the change in order to keep pace with the change and to be on top of it.

The development of information technology is another one challenge is most libraries.

Nowadays, most of organizational operations and processes are depending on the use of IT
devices such as computers, internet, Wi-Fi connections etc. Mohd.Dasuki (2011) described that
library is equipped with Wi-Fi internet facilities thus enabling students to access into web OPAC
site within the reachable area of the library building using their own mobile phones or laptops.
Juhana (2009) believed that innovative in IT development change the scenario in library in term
of collection of media and information resources to fulfill user needs. In context of library

“New library in bandar Sunway to inculcate reading habit”. The Star, 12 October 2016

environment, the rise of technology is believed to be started from the publication technology
where library publish information sources and monograph. Poll (2003) added, most libraries
present their performance in data of input and output:

• Input data: income/expenditure, collection size, staff numbers, study places and user
• Output data: Circulations, reference transactions, inter library loan/document delivery,
user training and attendance at events.

The evolving of digital library is also plays an important role in technology innovation in library.
The first emerging sign as mentioned by Norasiah (2011) of digital library development from the
research was that 36% of the libraries have declared to become hybrid type, having some
components of their collection digitized and was providing some form of online services. This
will lead to creation of electronic book (Juhana, 2009). Syed Salim (2013) did mentioned about
the use of digital sources of information is however, growing in popularity. Over a period of time,
a greater emphasis would inevitably transfer to digital material as is being witnessed in the
west.Nitecki (2013) felt that the digital is taking away the value of the library. According to
Philips (2016), in a digital world where some of the traditional library services are diminishing
and access to information seems so quick and easy, libraries have to reinvent themselves to be
seen to be clearly adding value. Sheck (2004) mentioned about RFID technology has been
used to assist in library operations. RFID would eliminate the need for squaring materials and
scanning barcodes.

The increasing of library resources lead to increase in library space. As mentioned by Seal
(2015), space has always been an issue in college and university libraries: how it is designed
and utilized; where services are located; how materials are stored, displayed and made
accessible; where staff and service points are placed; growth needs for the collections;
furnishings and equipment needs, use of technology etc. Nitecki (2013) also identified space in
library listed in the input factors that contributing to the library’s perceived value.

Strategic planning is one factor that that has been discussed in library challenge. McNicol
(2005) discussed the level of library involvement in the institutional planning process varied
considerably from institution to institution and might be placed along the continuum, from no

involvement, through to active involvement in formulating plans. This shows that library have
their role and part in contributing towards organizational strategic planning.

In the 21st century, the element of marketing and promoting plays a vital role in delivering
solutions to meet user needs. External marketing such as e-newsletters, e-mails, and paper
publications were used to promote membership benefits to members (Madden, 2008). The use
of social media and interactive website help libraries to reach for its users. The up-to-date
information could be blast out to users.


Advancing Technology
When we discussed advancing of technology in library, there are many new things that can be
associated to the enhancement of library services and management. Library started to apply
new features in providing information and knowledge to its users. For example, few years back,
the library website might not see so interesting enough for users. But, now, the rapid growth of
information based engine could be attached to websites, it’s give a great look and feels. Users
feel it is more user’s friendly and easy to navigate. Other technology such as RFID, automated
checkout systems and online databases are among the good innovation in helping the library to
cater for its users.

Furthermore, the new technology of cloud computing is giving benefit to library. Cloud
computing is the system that using a network of remote serversplaced on the Internet. In this
case information of the website is stored in the remote location. Library easily can store their
website contents in the cloud system and the administration of the website can be done
remotely anywhere at any time.

Figure 1: Cloud computing

Another new implementation on the technology is the e-book service at the airport. The Kuala
Lumpur International Airport launches new library that offers free e-books to travellers. This
smart facility operates throuh the use of Bluetooth beacon signals which work on the principles
of geo-fencing micro-location technology. It communicates with passengers’ smartphone
application, allowing them to access a special virtual library of e-books. 2

Library keeps many information and knowledge in their collection. As we know, too many
physical collections are kept in the library. It requires big space. Since early year 2000, most
libraries are embarked on the digitization initiative. Digitisation or digitalization is a process of
converting physical documents such as sound, paper or image into an electronic digital form
that can be read by computers of other electronic devices. Then, those records will be made
available through Internet. One main purpose of this initiative is to preserve the physical
collection in the library. By doing this method, library has implementing added-value service for
its users. For example, UtusanMelayu Information Centre started their digitization initiative since

The digital form of library resources can be converted in form of .pdf, .jpeg or .bmp. This method
of keeping library collections is more manageable. In term of utilization of space, all collection
are stored in a server and that can accessed via library website after indexing and cataloguing

“Download a good read”. The Star, 30 April 2016

stage has been done.Backup has to be made in order to keep the records safe. Backup can
either be done internally and externally.

One interesting feature after the implementation of digitization is the creation of e-book format.
E-book could be classified under digital collection in the library. Users can easily downloaded e-
book from the library portal into their smartphone or tablet.

New Media / Web 2.0

The growth of social media or Web 2.0 application in the digital age, it gives an added-value to
any organisation including library and create closer relationship between library and users.
Social media can be described as the communication tools that enable other users to response
immediately to the issue or topic. Applications such as Facebook, Blog, Twitter, Flickr and
Instagram are most popular among users nowadays. This application could be the
communication tools by library to deliver information to its users. For instance, it can be view
using smartphone or tablet. When the library is using social media, it is more considering on
numbers. The more numbers library get, it means that more users are aware of library
announcement and

Library users are able to communicate directly to the library staff on issues posted. Furthermore,
some libraries are using WhatsApp application for their communication tool. Some library is
using Facebook application to invite users by creating event calendar. The Youtube application
enable library to record video in educating users on using library collections.

As a new platform has emerged, library need to choose their platform on how to disseminate
information and updates. The good planning for this effort will lead to better results in achieving
organizational goals together with get connected to library users and communities. For
promoting purpose, social media plays an important role in outreach programme. Librarian is
the best person in the library to use this powerful tool to create links between users and the
library. The knolwdge could be transfer via this tool according by job roles.

Information Literacy Programme

Information literacy could be explained as the process of how someone ability to access,
evaluate, organize and use the information from different sources. The sources could be from
the library physical collections, CD-ROM, databases or Internet. Library is organizing

information literacy programme in order to educate users in using library collections. For
example, Perdana Library Putrajaya did some programmes with schools in Klang Valley. The
programmme aims to educate school students in using library resources and analyse it into a
complete inofmration. Besides that, students also trained to do public speaking.

The rise of the Internet gives some impact to the library. This has forced the library to implement
digital literacy for students even though the skill might not necessary. With the use of computers
and mobile phones, information can easily be accessed, but they can lack of skills in selecting
or valuing information or resources that they discovered.

Library Building and Facilities

Nowadays, the roles of library are not just only provides facilities to study or borrowing books,
but library facilities are beyond what the library has before. Facilities and services are changing
according to needs and interest by users. Library has becoming place of study and social
networking. With current trend of technology, library provides many new things such as Wi-Fi
connection in the library. This comes along with the digital services available in the library.

Library also provides discussion room and classrooms for any other department to have their
group discussion or workshop. For example, Petronas Resource Centre provides rooms for
other department to organize events or even official launching ceremony in the library. In today
library, it also may incorporate computer training rooms, career advice services, café and place
to do homework3. For instance, the Selangor Public Library Corporation provides gym, café and
3D and XD theatres in the library for its users.

In Singapore, we could found a library placed in the shopping mall. That’s how the National
Library Board of Singaporehavedone. The library is known as “library@Orchard”. The one is
called “library@Espalanade”. It is a one-stop library for performing arts.

The city council also plays an important role in promoting reading culture to the community. For
example, Shah Alam City Council opened the Anggerik Vanilla Library to nurture interest in
reading among children and students. The mayor also mentioned about the proper facilities

Retrieved from

need in order to encourage people to read4. Another example is the Hospital Universit Sains
Malaysia in Kelantan has been chosen to have a library in ward. It is a first of its kind5.

Librarian’s roles
In the modern world, librarians are seen as the manager of knowledge rather than just doing
cataloguing or rearrange books on the shelves. Librarians are entitled to provide reference and
data management. To be a knowledgeable person is vital in today’s library. In term of using
technology, they must be able to help users searching process, having maximum understanding
on the subject matter in the library collections and institutional repositories.

In an interview done by Stevens (2015), she has listed some criterias can best described
librarians in 21st century:

• Engagement with users

• Doing assessment with library collection
• Scholarly communication ecosystem
• Analytical ability on research
• Scholarly integrated

Organisational Memory
Nowadays, preserving organisational memory becoming so important in order to retain
information and knowledge that created by human capital. These intellectual capital need to be
preserve to make sure organisation can sustain and able to make decision making. Activity
involved in this matter is knowledge acquiring, knowledge capture, knowledge retention,
knowledge storing and knowledge access. Organisational memory could be defined as a
collection of data, information and knowledge created together since the establishing of
organisation and human capital experience.
Library as the custodian of information play an important role to capture organizational
intellectual capital. This was described by Kenneth Meggill6. He mentioned that organizational
memory is dealing with information that can be use many time. Refer to this statement, library

“Council library promotes reading”. New Straits Times, 31 October 2014.
“Perpustakaan pertama dalam hospital”. Sinar Harian, 26 Julai 2016.
Kenneth Meggill is the author of the book “The Corporate Memory: Information Management in the Electronic
Age (1997).

Digital Library and Hybrid Library
Traditional library deal with books, magazines and some others physical collections. The
lending systems also using manual effort. With the emergence and development of library
information systems and new features in library environment, the transformation from traditional
library to digital library could be advantage for the library. By inventing digital library concept, it
will reach users more easily and users of library could access digital resources more
conveniently. Example of digital collection will be audio video, photos, text, online databases,
magazines etc. This kind of library has its own building or premise to store information or some
library store their data in a remote location. To access collection, users just go to the Online
Public Access Catalogue (also known as OPAC) or some library use the term ‘library portal’.
Recently, the new launched Penang Digital Library in October 2016 is opening their doors to
users in. The library implement the knowledge curation initiative to redesign on how users
access information.

Another system that could be associated with digital library is the institutional repository (IR).
The purpose of the system is to archive, store and to search library collection. Research papers
done by students or lecturers in university library could be upload publicly into this system.
Another types of collection includes books, theses and many other documents in digital
format.Some example of IR system is ePrints and Fedora.

We could list down some of the advantages of digital library:

• No physical boundary
• Availability anytime anywhere
• Preservation of documents
• Increase visibility of library
• Added value to the contents
• Space utilization

Another term that similar to digital library is a hybrid library. This library could be described as a
library that has both physical and growing digital collections in one place. This type of library
needs a knowledgeable person that is librarian to assist users in navigating huge amount of
information in the digital format. Most of academics library is adapting this type of library where
the library have electronic collection and at the same time physical collections are retain.

Library as hubs for creative learning
A part of being place of study and social networking, people go to library to find a place for
relaxing purpose. In academic libraries, students make use of library as their second home.
Most students spend their times at the library. For public library, most of users came from
different background, age, race and education level.

The next generation public libraries envisioned by year 2020 are to be “social touch-points with
enriched collections for learning and bridges for interaction with arts and culture:. This emphasis
could help generate more intellectual and creative. The library’s role a quiet place for reading
and reflection is important, but it should evolve new roles, as noted by the management of the
library. The younger people would like to see the library with more activity of open minds,
connecting physically and digitally over a host of ideas and creative impulses. 7


The establishment of an effective communication with the consumer base is crucial to let the
consumers know that the library provides products and services which are relevant to the needs
of the consumers. (Syed Salim, 2013).Library as a nation building agent that could create heart,
mind and positive attitude of community.

“Libraries as hubs for creative learning”. The Straits Times, 12 October 2015.


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