Arcane Female Characters

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How Arcane writes women? Writing them as men.

Literally, you can replace almost every

female character with a man and you get the same story.

The only thing that changes is, for example, when Vi sexually harrass Caitlyn in/at the brothel
saying "You are hot, cupcake". That scene would've been heavily criticised, the show called
misogynistic and cancelled. Oh, the same with Mommy Medarda, if she was a guy, instead of
looking at her as powerful leading female character she would've been called a misogynist and
πdophile for hired a young hoe. Ah, and obviously, Caitlyn being the one being harrassed, I
don't know if people would've been mad, maybe not, since men doesn't matter.

Let's see, Jinx being a guy... Would've caused yaoi fanart of him and Silco.

The thing is, if the world your characters are in doesn't give a damn about them being male or
female, then the only thing they have is their character construction and their development, and
yes, Jinx is great, Vi and Jinx not so much, Mel is great too. But to summarise, Arcane writes
women as any other character, because they being women doesn't matter in this story/world.

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