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On the journey of building digital businesses

From digital health care

to clean fashion
Dipl.-Wirt. Inf. Christian Remfert |

Digital I Footer
Business I ….
21th of November 2022
Hi, I’m Christian
Nice to meet you!

• Studied Information Systems at the University of Muenster / ERCIS

• Has worked as a research assistent at the IOS group (Prof. Dr. Stefan Klein) and the Research
Group on Strategic Information Management (Dr. Alexander Teubner) as well as
• an IT project manager at the Landwirtschaftsverlag Münster
• Is an associate lecturer for IT project management at the Institute for Geoinformatics /
University of Muenster
• Has founded a small technology consulting company in 2010 and helped companies to build
digital solutions until 2015
• Founded and is still managing director of mediQuu, a specialized IT solutions provider for digital
• Is the Head of IT at GoBlu and leads an international development team for The BHive
• Is a guest speaker on different conferences and in classes regarding digitalisation in health care

Digital Business I 21th of November 2022

Building Digital Businesses

Digital Business I 21th of November 2022

Building Digital Businesses

Digital Business I 21th of November 2022

Agenda -
The case of mediQuu

German Health Business Case:

Care System mediQuu

Digital Business I 21th of November 2022

Agenda -
The case of mediQuu

German Health Business Case:

Care System mediQuu

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German Health Care System
Some Key Facts: Characteristics
The German Heath Care System is characterised by
• Being a system financed on the basis of solidarity: German citizens do not pay solely for each medical treatment specifically. Rather they
pay a fixed sum (according to their income) to their health insurance. This in turn finances the care of all its patients, regardless of the paid
• This is different to other nations like the USA (except „Obama Care“), where everyone pays for himself
• Health care system not only covers „normal“ medical care but also care of old, disabled and/or chronically sick people
• Patients can be insured with either a statutory or a private health insurance. The benefits of private health insurance are generally better,
but the premiums are higher and rise sharply, especially in old age
• The payment/reimbursement of medical care (provided by doctors) is based on a very complex system

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German Health Care System
Some Key Facts: Exemplary Regulations in Ambulatory Care
• Medical Doctors are not allowed to
• Give your patient records to other doctors, hospitals, etc. without your permission (due to GDPR)
• Store data regarding your treatment without your commitment
• Recommend other doctors or pharmacists to patients
• Advertise themselve
• Take care of patients in geographical regions different to their own location („Fernbehandlungsverbot“ / „Ban on remote treatment“)

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German Health Care System
Some Key Facts: Regional Differences in Ambulatory Care

Urban Area Rural Area

Medical Doctor
1.041 2.000
patients patients

Source: [3]

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German Health Care System
Some Key Facts: „Patients Journey“ and „Cash Flow“

Medical Doctor (SP) Hospital


Medical Doctor (GP)

Source: [2]


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German Health Care System
(Some) Key challenges of the current system with regard to ambulatory care
• Number of patients per doctor increase dramatically (especially in the rural areas)
• Less time per patient
• Overloading of the doctors
• No financial incentives due to capped compensation
• People are getting older (demographic change)
• Elderly patients are more frequently or seriously ill or are multi-morbid (need specialised practitioners)
• Young doctors wish for a better work-life balance
• They therefore apply in the city instead of going to the country (young talents are a key issue in rural areas)
• They prefer working in a hospital rather than self-employment
• No central storage of patient records
• No standardized exchange between doctors, pharmacists, etc. on patient data
• Close joint care of patients is still an exception - especially with pharmacists
• BUT: 250,000 cases of illness per year due to drug intolerance

Digital Business I 21th of November 2022

German Health Care System
Key Challenges in Ambulatory Care summarized
• German Health Care System is strongly underfinanced!
• Insurance premiums are not sufficient anymore, mainly due to demographic change
• Doctors are overburdened and are not reimbursed according to expenditure
• Care structures are getting worse, especially in rural areas
• Hospitals are becoming fewer and fewer
• Pharmacies close
• Doctors are not willing to work in rural areas
• Patients have longer distances to nearest hospital, doctors (especially specialized ones), pharmacy, etc.
• Number of doctors decreases
• Patients have to wait longer for appointments with specialists, sometimes a few months
• Incompatible technology

These are just a few challenges -

there are many more!

Digital Business I 21th of November 2022

Agenda -
The case of mediQuu

German Health Business Case:

Care System mediQuu

Digital Business I 21th of November 2022

Who we are
• We are a technology provider for communication and information products in health care
• Beginning: Development of an app to allow patients to communicate with
their doctors (App zum Doc)
• Owner-managed, no external shareholders or investors, Münster-based
• Now specialised on solutions for professional communication and data exchange,
i.e. Applications for:
• The management of doctors' networks
• Highly secured data exchange
• Highly secure chat communication
• Advanced routing of patients

mediQuu I Footer ….
Our Credo
What makes us different
• No data collection and no „profiling“
• Data is exchanged only highly encrypted
• Complete technical infrastructure is hosted in Germany
(Deutschen Telekom) to be GDPR-compliant
• Applications are developed in collaboration with medical providers
• Exchange solutions are TÜV-certified

We believe: Digitalisation has to support the current processes, not vice versa!
Otherwise, technology won’t be adopted and hence would not lead to enhancements.

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Our Approach
How we address issues in health care

Our IT solution digitizes the medical care in

regions and is oriented to the requirements of
the service providers and patients.
We do not develop "individual software",
but an integrated platform.


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Our Product for Patients: App zum Doc

Digital Business I 21th of November 2022

Our Product for Patients: App zum Doc


Call and Navigation functionality + Request appointment

Opening times + Request medication

Range of services + Request transfer sheet

Link to own homepage + Retrieve medical plan

„Seal“ of Doctors Networks + Retrieve photos

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Our Products for Professionals

Network Manager Connect Mobile App / Chat

Digital Business I 21th of November 2022

Our Products for Professionals
Network Manager
• Maintain medical members of network
• Multi messenger: Send messages simultaneously
by mail, fax, text message and push notification
• Surveys in realtime: spread surveys by mail and
push notification and get answers in realtime
• Organize events by managing invitations, registrations, check-in
• Share documents via cloud:
Distribute documents and access them
even by smartphone
• Manage multiple calendars with fine-granular access by medical
• Organize, manage and analyze anonymous and encrypted patient
surveys for quality assurance

Digital Business I 21th of November 2022

Our Products for Professionals
• Smart and easy exchange of documens
between doctors, pharmacists, clinics, nursing homes, etc.
• Secure fax alternative
• Can be used with each doctor information system
• Send documents of all kinds securely
• Only for authorized senders and recipients

Digital Business I 21th of November 2022

Our Products for Professionals
Mobile App
• Chat functionality similar to What‘s App
with the difference that each communication is secured and
compliant to German data privacy law
• 1:N communication between doctors
• Doctor-to-Doctor appointment request
• Collegial exchange (e.g. for second opinion)
• Access to network information:
• Calendar
• News
• Mailbox
• Cloud
• Events
• Surveys

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Ask the A!
Joint project with
Apothekerkammer Westfalen-Lippe

• Patients who visit the emergency service

often have the problem that the nearest
emergency pharmacy does not have the
medication in stock
• Nearest emergency pharmacy is often
dozens of kilometers away
• „Ask the A“ allow patients to request if
an emergency pharmacy has the
medication in stock
• It allows for intelligent routing of patients

Digital Business I 21th of November 2022

Our Business Model
According to the Business Model Canvas

Digital Business I 21th of November 2022

Our Business Model

Value Propositions

Our products…

• relieve and simplify everyday processes

• allow secure, but comfortable


• make joint patient care more reliable and


• connect normally independent actors

• ensure data integrity

• Ongoing development

• User-friendly

• Trustful company

Digital Business I 21th of November 2022

Our Business Model

Key Partners

• Doctor’s Networks

• Umbrella organisations

• Association of Statutory Health

Insurance Physicians (KV)

• Consultancies

• Technology providers (Telekom)

• Auditors (TÜV)

Digital Business I 21th of November 2022

Our Business Model

Key Resources Key Activities

• Partnership with managers of • Software development with

doctor’s networks
„Privacy by design“

• Software development & UX • Feedback events with customers

design experience
• Demand request events

• Scalable and dynamic • Conference / on-premise

infrastructure plattform

• „Bleeding edge“ technology • Sponsoring

Digital Business I 21th of November 2022

Our Business Model

Customer Relationships Channels

• Personal
• Conferences

• Based on partnership
• Press articles

• Honest and confidential

• Awards

• Direct contact with managing • On-premise talks

directors • Mouth-to-mouth

Digital Business I 21th of November 2022

Our Business Model

Customer Segments

• Doctors networks

• Single Doctors (GP / SP)

• Umbrella organisations (of doctors,

pharmacists, patients, etc.)

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Our Business Model

Cost Structures Revenue Streams

• Data centre and infrastructure • Subscriptions


• Audits and certifications

• Projects

• Legal consulting (lawyers)

• Private

• Freelancers
• Public

• Travelling costs
• Consulting
• Rents

• Mobility

Digital Business I 21th of November 2022

Summary mediQuu
What we have learned in the last years: Challenges for a Digital Health Startup
• Technology adoption is quite slow in heath care
• You need a lot of patience... sometimes decisions take 2 years!
• Some doctors fear new technology a lot (Fax is still the most used communication channel)…
• … while others believe they can do software development on their own
• Even small prices are too expensive
• Unforeseeable political steps
• Uncertainty regarding data privacy, reimbursement of new technology
• Overwhelming amount of apps and technology
• Huge differences in terms of expectations (all actors)

Digital Business I 21th of November 2022

Building Digital Businesses

Digital Business I 21th of November 2022

Lack of
Wet processing units are
time &
unable to provide
accurate and correct
chemical inventories to
secure MRSL compliance/ Human Lack of
Product Safety and/ meet errors routines
Detox (Greenpeace)
Commitment of the brands.

Low visibility
= Lack of Lack of
knowledge conformity
Inability to initiate documents
and track change

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Digital Business I 21th of November 2022
The solution
Digitizing Chemical Management

The BHive® is an innovative

chemical inventory generator
and data platform.

Made for Brands

All chemical inventories, from all
of wet processing factories are
generated and gathered, all in one place.

Made for Factories

Factories use a smartphone to easily
generate chemical inventories and check
chemical compliance.

Digital Business I 21th of November 2022

How does it work?

1. Scan 2. Upload 3. View & Share 4. Data consolidation

Factory scans Once all the chemical Both Factory and Brand Brands receive transparent,
chemical products are can instantly see product accurate, analysed data from
products using captured, Factory info & whether chemicals all participating facilities, from
BHive app. uploads the data onto meet specific sustainability all countries, under one roof.
the database. criteria.

Digital Business I 21th of November 2022

The App The desktop platform
Factories create Factory view Brand view
Chemical inventories enable full Full transparency over their
inventories easily
transparency over chemical chemical supply chain
by taking pictures
of product labels

Low tech

Digital Business I 21th of November 2022

Deep dive into the desktop platform
Gain access to suppliers’ compliance performance based
on MRSL, brand criteria, industry standards
Edit your inventory
Various options to filter and download inventory lists entry and add data
like CAS No.,
List of non-verified chemi- Compliance performance Consumption,
cal products development Expiry Date, Stock
Location etc.

Corrective Action Plans Number of connected

for non-verified chemical brands and distinct
producs formulas

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Industry Partners, e.g. GIZ,

Countries in Asia, Europe
and the Americas

PPP project with GIZ, Bestseller, Deltex, Lindex,

40 Partnered Brands
✓ Implementation partner for chemical inventories in 600

65 Chemical companies
joined ZDHC and non-ZDHC brands (non-

1600 Factories enrolled

2.700 Chemical suppliers in the data


Chemical products in our
database from original source

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Easy, centralized access to data Meet customer and stakeholder
Headline expectations on chemical
PERFORMANCE monitoring
Receive …accurate chemical data

Performance monitoring of
chemical goals

EFFICIENCY Ongoing improvements to tailor

Reduced time and workload

to specific brand requirements SHOW
Fast and easy application Full transparency of compliant
Fewer manual input errors INDUSTRY
Less time spent entering data Show control of chemical usage
and checking accuracy
One stop solution to comply with
Less time spent checking international brands, retailer and Show commitment on improving
compliance against conformity certification standards. chemical compliance to
documents customers

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Our partners about The BHive®

"In CY2021 we’re employing The BHive® technology to digitize the chemical inventory of much
of our supply chain. Consolidating this data on one, universal platform will improve chemical
traceability and our ability to actively monitor chemical use to continuously mitigate potential
health and safety risks to workers in supplier factories. Our chemical management system also
directly influences our
water impacts."
- p. 59 in the VF Corporation 2020 “Made for Change Report”

"Our experience of using The BHive® has been very positive - it not only
streamlines chemical inventory management and certification applications for
our suppliers, but it also gives us an accurate global overview of the chemicals
being used in our supply chain in real time. We are confident that this solution
can be rolled out across our whole supply chain, and we hope our experience
will inspire other brands to adopt this solution so that chemical inventory
transparency will be the norm for the industry."
- Felicity Tapsell, Responsible Sourcing Manager, BESTSELLER

Digital Business I 21th of November 2022

Our Business Model
According to the Business Model Canvas

Digital Business I 21th of November 2022

Our Business Model

Value Propositions

Our products…

• make the chemical part of the supply chain

of fashion brands transparent

• Help to comply with current and upcoming

laws (e.g. EU supply chain law)

• Provide overviews and knowledge to fashion

brands and suppliers

• Help to make fashion „greener“ by avoiding

pollution (for water, air, etc.)

• Help to make labour more fair across the


Digital Business I 21th of November 2022

Our Business Model

Key Partners

• Fashion brands

• Distributors / Retailers

• Chemical industry

• Standard holders

• Auditors

Digital Business I 21th of November 2022

Our Business Model

Key Resources Key Activities

• In-depth knowledge of market and • Collaborating with fashion brands

and retailers

• Understanding of problems, • Feedback rounds

issues and challenges

• Engagement for stake holders

• Huge and unique database of • Conferences and webinars

chemicals and their usage

• Public Private Partnerships
• Scalable and dynamic (country development)
infrastructure plattform

• „Bleeding edge“ technology

Digital Business I 21th of November 2022

Our Business Model

Customer Relationships Channels

• Close collaboration with brands • Conferences

and retailers, chemical industry • Press articles

and auditors
• Awards

• Personal, but professional • Networking

Digital Business I 21th of November 2022

Our Business Model

Customer Segments

• Fashion producing industry

• Chemical industry

• Fashion Brands

• Auditors

• Retailers

Digital Business I 21th of November 2022

Our Business Model

Cost Structures Revenue Streams

• Data services (e.g. databases of • Subscriptions

standard holders)

• Data centre and infrastructure • Projects

• Private

• Audits and certifications

• Public

• Freelancers
• Consulting
• Travelling costs

• Rents

Digital Business I 21th of November 2022

Comparing both Business Models

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mediQuu The BHive

Market Regulated Non-regulated

Make supply chain transparent across related

Aim Connect independent actors
Avoid data collection and keep privacy high Keep privacy high, but collect anonymous
Data privacy & Usage
as possible data to derive new insights

Time to market Moderate Fast

Growth Moderate, organic Fast, but also organic

Digital Business I 21th of November 2022

mediQuu & The BHive

Relations Close partnership & Supplier/Customer-Relation (market mechanism)

Aim Make the world a better place :)

Development Agile, user centric, based on feedback

Digital Business I 21th of November 2022

Sounds interesting? We’re hiring!
We are looking for developers, business analysts and project managers

• You like to be part of a fast-growing startup located in Münster?

• You are interested in designing technologies for a better world?
• You would like to strengthen your communications skills by collaborating with companies of each
size around the world?
• You are interested to work open-minded, explore new technologies, build prototypes and bring in
your own ideas?
• You are interested in data science or analytics?
• You want to work with cutting edge technologies and big infrastructures across the world?

We offer student, part-time as well as full-time positions

with good salary, flexible work place & times and career development plans!

If you are interested, get in touch with me:

Digital Business I 21th of November 2022

Thanks for coming!

mediQuu I 27th Iof 21th
Business of November
January 2020 2022

Digital Business I 21th of November 2022

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