EED516-Assignment 1 - S1 2023

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EED516 – Power Engineering & Control

Assignment 1
Due Date: 16th April 2023, 11pm. Total: 40 marks
Coursework Contribution: 5%

Assignment report can either be typed or you may submit clear scanned documents
of the hand written solutions. Only Moodle submissions will be accepted no later than
the due date. For scanned files, you need to compile into a single pdf document before
submitting. This is NOT a group assignment so submit individual reports. Any copied
solutions will be penalized.

Attempt all questions.

1. How does an RC triggering circuit provide a wider range of α as compared to an R triggering
circuit. Explain clearly. [3 marks]

2. Using a silicon diode, design a circuit for a resistance firing circuit using 24Vacrms supply.
The SCR to be used has the following data: Ig(min) = 0.1mA, Ig(max) = 12mA, Vg(min) = 0.6V,
Vg(max) = 1.5V. show all calculations and circuit values clearly. [10 marks]

3. The battery voltage in figure below is E = 10V and its capacity is 200Wh. The average
charging current should be Idc = 10A. The primary input voltage is Vp = 240V, 50Hz, and
the transformer has a turns ratio of h = 2:1.

Calculate the
i. conduction angle δ of the diode, [2 marks]
ii. current-limiting resistance R, [2 marks]
iii. power rating PR of R, [3 marks]
iv. charging time ho in hours, [3 marks]
v. rectifier efficiency η, and [3 marks]
vi. peak inverse voltage (PIV) of the diode. [2 marks]

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EED516 – Power Engineering & Control | Semester 1 _ 2023 1

4. A three-phase bridge rectifier of figure below has a purely resistive load of R = 40Ω and is
supplied from a 280V, 60-Hz source. The primary and secondary of the input transformer
are connected in Y.

Determine the average output voltage of the rectifier if the source inductances are negligible.
[3 marks]

5. In a resistance firing circuit for SCR, the following parameters are applicable: Igt(min) =
0.5mA, Vgt(min) = 0.7V, Supply voltage = 48V, 50Hz, Resistance in gate current path = 70kΩ.
i. Find the firing angle for the above condition, [3 marks]
ii. What is the resistance for which firing angle is 90 degrees. [3 marks]

6. A single-phase bridge rectifier has a purely resistive load R = 15Ω, the peak supply voltage
Vm = 240V, and the supply frequency f = 50Hz. Determine the average output voltage of the
rectifier if the source inductance is negligible. [3 marks]


EED516 – Power Engineering & Control | Semester 1 _ 2023 2

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