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Unit 3 What Are Your Views?
Read the sentences and mark the number that best reflects your views on work issues.
Then ask your partner to share his/her answers with you. Which of your views are similar and
which are very different?
1 – No, definitely notooo2 – Not reallyooo3 – I’m not sureooo4 – Yes, probablyooo5 – Yes, definitely

01. The days of having a really good job are gone forever. 1w2w3w4w5

02. The most important thing about a job is the money you earn. 1w2w3w4w5

03. It’s better to have any kind of job than none at all. 1w2w3w4w5

04. I would be prepared to leave the country for a better job. 1w2w3w4w5

05. I would be prepared to strike indefinitely for better pay. 1w2w3w4w5

06. If there was a bad atmosphere at work, I would leave even if the pay was good. 1w2w3w4w5

07. If my boss didn’t treat me with respect, I would leave even if the pay was good. 1w2w3w4w5

08. I prefer a job with less money but more security. 1w2w3w4w5

09. If I won a lot of money, I would stop working. 1w2w3w4w5

10. If management didn’t take my problems at work seriously, I’d leave. 1w2w3w4w5

11. If my wages didn’t increase every year, I’d leave my job. 1w2w3w4w5

12. I think negotiations are the only way to solve problems at work. 1w2w3w4w5

From English Discoveries Online – Intermediate 3 © 2009 Edusoft

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