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Assessment task

Let us have a critical thinking exercise on the topic BPH

Limo, 50 years old is of African origin, her late mother was a Filipina while his late
father being a Nigerian. His father died of cancer of the prostate. Several months in the past, he
was complaining of repeated urinary tract infection (UTI), of which he was treated with antibiotics.
Lately, he experiences ‘dribbling’ and hesitancy and frequency of urination during the night and
during daytime which is making him uncomfortable in his work as an administrator in a big
business company. He has been visiting his doctor frequently and he was advised to take in oral
high doses of vitamin E. Direct rectal examination (DRE) revealed an enlarged prostate. The
prostate specific antigen result is slightly elevated. He tells the nurse, “I am so afraid, I might have
cancer like my late father.”

Questions to answer:

1. How will you respond to your client with his statement? (5 points)

2. Limo was scheduled for surgery -Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) under
spinal anesthesia after a series of examination. What preoperative preparations should you
undertake for your client to prevent postoperative complications? (5 points)

3. Following TURP, a continuous bladder irrigation is attached to his bladder with frank red
bloody output. The dressing over his incision is partially soaked with blood. Enumerate your
immediate nursing actions and give the rationale for each problem. (10 points)
Critical Thinking Exercises on Cancer of the Prostate

A 64 year-old man previously treated for stage 3 prostate cancer with HDR
brachytherapy and androgenic deprivation returns to the Out Patient Oncology clinic.
While you are assessing his vital signs, he tells you that he has been experiencing
back pain during the last 2 weeks that he attributes to sleeping to an old mattress.

● What comes to your mind when the client says he has been experiencing ‘back pain’ for the
past 2 weeks? Why? (5 points)

● What are the priorities that you should include in your nursing assessment? (5 points)

● Identify the diagnostic procedures that you anticipate to be ordered that will help evaluate
the client’s back pain? (5 points)

● What are your nursing priorities (nursing diagnosis/es) and nursing actions for this client?
(10 points)

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