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320844(20) . B. E. (Eighth Semester) Examination, April-May 2018 (New Scheme) (Civil Engg. Branch) AIR POLLUTION and CONTROL MEASURES: Time Allowed : Three hours Maximum Marks : 80 Minimum Pass Marks : 28 Note + Atemp ait question: Part (0) i conpujy 1m cach question. AHEMPL any O40 pap “hen, (0) and (d) Part Of each quesigg niet 1. Ge) Ws community lions (gy Define stack sampling igus ang ving exon sansa “lection op [2] (©) List out different sampling methods of solid particulate amattr, Explain the SPM sampling by high volume fiteration. (6) Distinguish between : 0 G_Acrosol and Smog imary and Sceondary air pollutants Unie - (a) List the meteorological factors influencing the air polluion (b) Explain i brief Gaussian Plume model with assump- tions and limitations. (©) Determine the effective height of stack forthe given deta: © Physical stack is 203 m tall with 107 m inside diameter Wind vetocity is 3:56./8e6 Air temperature is 13°C (Gv) Barometric pressure i 1000 milibars (¥)_ Stack gas velocity 914 m/sec (vi) Stack gas temperature is 149°C ¢ 3208sse0) I31 ( Wiite shor notes on (Wind Rose diagram (Plume behaviour ¢ Uniti 3. (a) Write the sources of SO, pollution in air. (b) Wri effect of NO, on plant, animal human and rate (©) Explain in brief the removal techniques adopted for particulate matter (©) Explain in brief the testing methods for (NO, and So, pollutants (i) Methods of cont of gaseous pollutants in indusis, oily 4. (@) Weite to symploms chronic ar polation, () Bapain the mechanism Of dteioratin stospheres, Pll (6) Diss the special SEE cased by Sb —" Plltion 2084420) 141 (@) Waite short note on { Blfect of air pollution on art treasures i India ip. Any major air potion disaster in India Unity 'S. (a) What do you understand by ‘Green house gases"? (b (What do you mean by ‘Air Polation Index"? (Write National ambient air quality standards reseed by polation sono bogrd oF Authority. (©, Write powers and functions of Central Air Pllstion Cont Board according Ait Pollution Act, 1981 (Wet shot notes om © Acid Rain i) Orone Layer deption 4.1201 32084420)

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