Assessment DCG

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Student Name: Darragh Owens

ID: G00379119

Subject: Design & Communications Topic(s): CAD

Pupil Year Group: 5th Year No. of Pupils: 14
Lesson Number: 6 Length of lesson: 60 mins
Date: 18/1/23 Time of Lesson: 9.00 AM


Relevant Previous Knowledge: Students have previously used Solid Works during a TY Module. They
know the basic features and understand the different planes of reference.

Relevant Previous Skills: Students have created objects using basic features to remind them of the
process of creating an object on Solid Works.

Observations (Previous Lesson): Students seem very able to follow direction and take my instruction
on board.


Brief outline of WHY this content is the basis of the lesson; what are your reasons for KEY*
planning the lesson in this way? (1 para).

Students have completed 2 simple 3d models so far. I will reinforce the methods of these RL
before building upon their knowledge of the features. NL

*KEY: RL=Reinforced Learning, NL=New Learning



*KEY: C=Cognitive, PM=Psychomotor, A=Affective

Choose an item.

Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Learning Success Criteria for LI’s Key
At the end of this lesson the students will be

enabled to: Discuss the steps taken to Questioning Explain the methods of C
constructing previous
create basic 3D models

Choose an item.

Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Learning Success Criteria for LI’s Key
At the end of this lesson the students will be

enabled to: Understand the meaning of Questioning Students will describe in C

the terms Loft and Sweep their own words what

the terms Loft and
Sweep mean
Choose an item.

Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Learning Success Criteria for LI’s Key
At the end of this lesson the students will be

enabled to: Complete a model using Visual Inspection Students will create and

Loft and Sweep object using the feature PM




0-5 Teacher greets students at the Students enter the room in an

door and watches them walk to orderly fashion. They go to their
their seat in an orderly fashion assigned seats and sit down.

Teacher asks students to take out Students remove their equipment

5-8 their equipment for the lesson and from their bags and wait for further
also their school journals instruction
Teacher will call out the attendance Students will say ‘Present’ when
list and mark all students who they hear their name called. If a
confirm they are in attendance. student is absent, the other
Teacher will also count students to students will let the teacher know.
ensure correct numbers.

10-13 Teacher will start the lesson by Students will answer questions O, G,
asking the students questions regarding to the content covered in L, N,
about the previous lesson. Teacher the previous lesson. CL
will go into detail about how we
constructed these models

Teacher will then introduce today’s Students will attempt to guess how G, CL,
models and discuss how we will we will construct the models on the O
make them. Teacher will hand board. Students will use the real-
students physical examples of life examples as inspiration.
these models

Teacher will instruct students to

16-25 Students will get a new part file G, N,
open up a new part file and watch
ready to draw and watch my L, O,
my demonstration. Teacher will
demonstration. Students will G, CL
then instruct students to complete
attempt to draw the object on their
the drawing. Teacher will circle the
own and will ask for assistance if
room assessing progress and
they feel they need it.
providing help to students who are
in difficulty.

Once the teacher feels students are Students will be working to finish G, O,
coming to the end of that question, the new model and then will work
25-30 N, L,
he will task them to find a suitable on their dice if finished. CL
appearance for the model and to
continue work on their dice
question. The teacher will ensure
all models are saved to one drive
while waiting on the slower
students to catch up.

Students will save what they have G, N,

Teacher will then move on to the
completed and move on to the next L, O,
30-45 second question. They will
model. Students will watch the CL
demonstrate a portion of the
demonstration and then attempt it
drawing before tasking the
students to catch up. This will
continue until the question is
Teacher will finally task the Students will begin to draw the final O, CL
students to begin the last question. question or instruct me to draw the
Depending on time the teacher question on the whiteboard.
45-55 might get the students to physically
draw the question or else instruct
my movements enabling me to
draw the model.

Teacher will instruct the class that

it now time to tidy up. Teacher will Students will save their models and
55-57 ensure all models are saved to one close the Solid Works programme
drive and reinforce the importance before logging off.
of this. Teacher will ask the
students to log off the PCs


57-60 Teacher will ask students to pack Students will clean off their desks
up their stuff, making sure their and place any waste paper or
desk is clean and there is no rubbish in the bin. They will push in
rubbish around their desk. their chairs and stand behind their
Reminding the students to push in desks. Pupils will exit the room in
their chairs and remain behind an orderly fashion.
their desks until the bell sounds.

*KEY: L=Literacy, N=Numeracy, O=Oracy, G=Graphicacy, SEN=Special Educational Needs, MA=Mixed Ability,
CL= Cooperative Learning, GI=Gender Inclusion & MI=Multicultural Inclusion.


PowerPoint Presentation,
On Board SolidWorks Demonstration,
Physical Models,

6. Lesson Reflection

[If you are selecting this text format for lesson daily reflections, complete below. You may
alternatively use other means of reflection- journaling, podcast, video, using a specific reflection
model, etc.)

Q. What went well in this lesson, and why? (1 para)

Q. What did not go as well as hoped, in this lesson, and why? (1 para)

Q. What might I do to improve this lesson, were I to deliver it again? (1para)

Q. What did I observe today, in general terms, that I need to follow up on, next class? (e.g. student
engagement, classroom management issues, poor/unwieldy entrance and exit from the
classroom, lighting in the room, visibility of the screen from the back of the room, absenteeism,
SEN challenges, H&S, etc.). Bullet points.


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