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Vocabulary connected to food and cuisine.

Apetiser, main course, dessert- przystawka, danie główne, deser
Dumplings- pierogi
Soup- zupa
Salad- sałatka
Greens- zielenina
Leaf vegetables- warzywa liściaste
Legumes- strączki
Beetroot - burak
Asparagus- szparag
Pepper- papryka
Cabbage- kapusta
Carrot- marchewka
Cauliflower- kalafior
Cucumber- ogórek
Aubergine/eggplant- bakłażan
Garlic- czosnek
Mushrooms- pieczarki
Peas- groszek
Pumpkin- dynia
Spinach- szpinak
Cirus fruit
Dried fruit- owoce suszone
Berries- owoce jagodowe
Apple- jabłko
Apricot- morela
Blackberry- Jerzyna
Cherry- wiśnia
Grapes- winogrona
Chinese gooseberry- Kiwi
Rasins- rodzynki
Plum- śliwka
Watermelon- arbuz
Strawberry- truskawka
Tomato- pomidor
Orange- pomarańcza
Lemon- cytryna
Grains, beans and nuts:
Bread- chleb
Almonds- migdały
cashew nuts- nerkowce
chestnuts- orzechy laskowe
Chickpeas- ciecierzyca
corn/maize- kukurydza
Oatmeal- owsianka
Pistachios- pistacje
wheat- pszenica
Walnuts- orzechy włoskie
Meat and Poultry:
Beef- wołowina
Chicken- kurczak
Pork- wieprzowina
Duck- kaczka
Minced meat- mięso mielone
Ham- szynka
Sausage- kiełbasa
Fish and seafood:
Carp- karp
Mussels- małże
Oysters -ostrygi
Salomon -łosoś
Octopus- ośmiornica
Tuna- tuńczyk
Fish fillet- filet z ryby
Fish fingers- paluszki rybne
Dairy foods:
Milk- mleko
cream- śmietanka
Butter- masło
Sour cream- kwaśna śmietana
Sweet cream- słodka śmietanka
Cottage cheese- sere wiejski
Ice cream/gelato- lody
Sandwich spread- smarowidło na kanapki
Water- woda
Milk- mleko
Juice- sok
Beer- piwo
Wine- wino
Champagne- szampan
Coffe- kawa
Decaf- kawa bezkofeinowa
Tea- herbata

Sentences from the reading task:

I. Some vegetables grow underground, including root vegetables like potatoes and beetroot as well as
bulbs like onion and garlic.
II. Green vegetables or greens include leaf vegetables like spinach and cabbage as well as certain legumes
like peas and string beans.
III. Grains like wheat, rye, millet and corn are usually ground into a powder called flour which is then used
to make foods like bread, cakes and tortillas.
IV. Many different animals and birds have been hunted in the wild, but only a few have been raised for their
V. In the UK tea is often drank at 5 0’clock. It is popular to drink tea cold-with milk and honey in the
summer, or hot- with lemon and honey in winter months.

Bulbs- bulwy
To ground- “sproszkować”
O’Clock- “godzina na zegarku.
An interesting fact:
Back in the 12th century when clocks weren’t so prevalent, people told time by a variety of means. Of course,
the sun was always used as a reference point but, solar time was different that clock time and it varied
according to the seasons. Clocks, on the other hand, divide the time evenly. The expression “o’ clock” was
used to distinguish the fact that someone was referring to clock’s time (and not solar time). They would say
“It’s nine of the clock” which later became “nine o’ clock”.

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