Weather and Climate Vocabulary

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Lesson 1. Weather and climate.

Weather conditions:
sunny- słonecznie
cloudy- pochmurnie
sleet- śnieg z deszczem

storm- burza

lightning- błyskawica

thunder- grzmot

hail- grad

windy- wietrznie

foggy- mgliście

rainbow- tęcza

blizzard- zamieć

cyclone- cyklon

drizzle- kapuśniaczek

Vocabulary connected to climate:

A cold climate- zimny klimat

A warm climate- ciepły klimat

Continental climate- klimat kontynentalny

Tropical climate- klimat tropikalny

Humid climate/sea climate- klimat wilgotny

Beneficial climate- korzystny klimat

Weather phenomena- fenomen pogodowy

Carbon dioxide- dwutlenek węgla

Oxygen- tlen

Nitrogen- azot

Vapour/water vapour- para wodna

Low pressure; high pressure- niskie/wysokie ciśnienie

Vocabulary connected to environment problems and environmental protection:

Acid rain- kwaśny deszcz

Carbon footprint- ślad węglowy

Environment contamination- zanieczyszczenie środowiska

Endangered species- zagrożony gatunek Fossil fuel- paliwo kopalne

Renewable energy- energia odnawialna

Hazardous waste- niebezpieczne odpady

Global warming- globalne ocieplenie

Greenhouse gas- gas cieplarniany

Other phrases:

due to being- spowodowane

significantly- znacząco

contains- zawiera

amount- ilość

require- wymaga
gradual increase/decrease- stopniowy wzrost/spadek

occur- występować

industrial revolution- rewolucja przemysłowa

detrimental effect- szkodliwy efekt

wellbeing- dobrobyt

availability- dostępność


Please write a short essay(about 8-10 sentences). The essay should be titled: “How can we protect
our planet, and why should we even bother with that?” Please try to use some of the phrases
learned today. Please try to complete this task until the next class(not this closest one, but the
one after that), preferably send it, to my email, a day before that class, so I can read it and
correct any potential mistakes.

Should you have any questions, feel free to contact me by my email.



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