Essay 3500 HCM

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Technology is identified as something modern and sophisticated. In this era of
globalization, technology is needed both to facilitate everyday life and just as a lifestyle for
most people. Therefore, many people depend on technology which is usually used in the world
of business, work, hobbies and so on. Technology has various kinds of pros and cons in each
person's eyes, there are those who think that the development of technology can increase
one's laziness because they want everything to be fast and practical, but there are also those
who argue that the presence of sophisticated and cool technology makes things easier.
activities so that one can save time and energy. Of the many pros and cons that are circulating,
we as humans should have to filter everything that is good and bad at the birth of this
technology. On the other hand, technology really helps an organization or company in carrying
out office operations and achieving office success. By utilizing various kinds of existing
technology, it will actually make the organization save time and energy that is also not drained
so much because in this case the organization really makes use of technology.
There has been extensive research done on the effects of technology throughout human
history1 (Beniger 1986; Bradley & Nolan 1998; Bradley et al. 2016). Based on the several
fundamental technical infrastructures, civilization can be divided into three eras: the
agricultural, the industrial, and the digital. Each of these eras has been significantly impacted by
the ability to acquire new knowledge and information. Nonetheless, they have all demanded
and enabled new economic paradigms, social revolutions, cultural shifts, and employment
paradigms. Throughout the agrarian era, using natural resources like wind and water was of
highest importance to humans. Land, agricultural equipment, and cattle were the three
resources that were most valuable. Resource owners made the choice to expand their level of
economic hegemony (farmers who owned vast and fertile farm lands). Whoever had the
resources at the time also had access to the confidential information. Throughout the industrial
era, people's primary concerns were the use of industrial power, the acquisition of conventional
physical resources, and mass production that followed the law of rising costs. To put it another
way, it will cost more to produce an additional unit once all production components (land,
labor, and capital) are operating at maximum output and efficiency. The primary infrastructures
were made up of gasoline, steam engines, and vapor engines. Construction of factories and the
growth of industrial complexes at this period boosted the physical area's productivity and
consequently increased the material civilization's wealth. Increased productivity, process
efficiency, taking into account transaction costs, and interactions between producers,
distributors, and consumers all played a significant role in the development of industrial
In the digital age, individuals want to create and exchange things and services using
digitally transformed knowledge, information, and data. Information and communication
technology is the foundation of modern infrastructure. According to the principle of cost
reduction, this new infrastructure is enabling novel approaches to activity control, coordination,
and collaboration that are simpler, more affordable, and more effective. It also enables
individuals to complete tasks better and faster than in the past. In other words, even while the
amount of all other production-related inputs remains constant, The characteristics of digital
commodities lead to a gradual decrease in the cost per unit of marginal or extra output.
Borders and physical distances are less important now that there are digital resources that can
be accessed, processed, delivered, and stored everywhere at any time.
As computers and communication technologies were created at the beginning of the
digital era, we must acknowledge that they are also evolving. Mainframe computers served as
the foundation for the early stages of enterprise computing. The focus at this stage was on
improving the functionality of the physical environment through electronic space analysis and
subsequent physical space change. Due to the consolidation of all computing resources into
data processing centers, the administrative model selected was that of a regulated monopoly. A
single mainframe was used by several people. For the huge number of potential customers at
the time, it was difficult to make expensive computing equipment available. The second stage,
end-user computing, was built on personal computers. The main objective at this time was to
assist people in being more productive, particularly business professionals. According to the
administration model adopted, a free market was made possible by everyone owning a
personal computer or desktop computer. It became possible to have "one computer per person
inside a firm."
Strategic computing, the third level, was based on communication technologies. As
various computers and communication interfaces were linked together to create a single,
enormous communication network, the Internet evolved into a worldwide network of networks
(Hauben & Hauben 1995). To support corporate procedures and interorganizational activities,
businesses coupled the Internet and enterprise software platforms (such as enterprise resource
planning, customer relationship management, supply chain management, material requirement
planning, human resource management, and enterprise-form automation systems). A managed
free market architecture resembling client-server architecture served as the administration
In 1997, Christensen introduced the phrase "disruptive technology." He divides
emerging technology into groups that are disruptive and sustaining. Consequential
advancements are necessary to keep a technology current. Disruptive technology is still in its
early stages, frequently exhibits performance issues due to its novelty, appeals to a very small
audience, and may not yet have a demonstrated commercial use. Despite the fact that
enterprises are now having trouble utilizing the potential efficiencies, cost savings, and new
opportunities provided by ubiquitous computing, the field's numerous applications and
underlying technology portfolio are constantly growing.
Technology use in businesse, using or implementing technology in organizations will
have a big impact on work efficiency as well as on individual work cultures as well as work
cultures between units and across the institution as a whole. The management of information
technology-based work administration must take into account the development of human
resources (HR) to support the optimum use or implementation of information technology in
stages beginning with planning, development, managing experts, operations, and ending with
the maintenance stage. Due to the fact that each company's use of information technology is
distinct and particular, it can boost efficiency within an organization or corporation and help it
develop a business model that is challenging for rivals to copy. This is due to the fact that every
business or organization has a unique strategy. Monitoring the performance of organizations or
companies using technology as a tool and a potent strategy to integrate data processing quickly
and accurately for the creation of new service products as a competitive advantage to face
competition is also related to the use of technology in an organization or company to improve
the quality of information.
Finding and Discussions

Technology and the Changing Role of Management

The existence of technological developments has a significant impact on changes in
various sectors in making improvements from current developments and organizational
processes. Which currently technology is a fundamental aspect that can provide added value to
the development and change for individuals and the organization itself. The understanding and
development of technology always changes every year, starting from the use of hardware such
as computers that adapt to information technology systems that collaborate with software in
their operating systems and a series of applications that are currently used by organizations.
Therefore technology has an important role in the development and change of an organization,
changes are also based on the desire of the organization itself to learn and adapt by creating a
business process with a new concept and changing patterns in management decision making
(Cascio & Montealegre, How Technology Is Changing Work and Organizations, 2016).

In an increasingly fast-paced world, organizations continue to make improvements and

adapt both internally and externally in order to remain competitive and competitive. This
change covers strategy, organizational strength culture, business processes or technology,
organizational structure, and company population, all of which aim to encourage management
to be a change in a more positive direction. This management change process at least involves
several processes which ultimately lead to questions such as who will be affected and how
those affected need to be changed from this management change. Ultimately, organizations
must make decisions as well as intervene to ensure their affected workers receive the support
they need to successfully navigate this transition to management change related to
technological advances (Beck, n.d.). Successful change management can be seen from:
- Effective analysis and measurement of adoption and benefits

- Adjustment and monitoring of implementation as needed

- Effective communication with various interested parties

- Implement and design effective training plans and tools

- Assess the impact of dependability, change and business readiness to change

- Develop a plan to adapt the employee's transition to success

- Identify and reduce the threat of employee resistance post and before the transition

- Present a Solid Business Case to Stakeholders (Ramos, 2022)

Effects of technology on Jobs

Technological developments in the world of work are currently developing very rapidly,
not only reaching certain fields, but technology is now touching all aspects including industry
and the world of work. This can be seen from the increasingly massive use of technology used
in the world of work for any part, for example production, management, administration and
many more. For example during the Covid 19 pandemic, technology became one of the media
used to make it easier for employees to be productive even though they have to work from
home, of course this is a positive thing for companies and employees because with technology
all office tasks can be carried out smoothly (OECD, 2020). An example of its implementation is
for employee absences. The big picture, technology has basically been used since ancient times.
Along with this, the effect is not always negative, for example, before people took money they
had to come directly to the bank, but now people only need to go to an ATM to withdraw
money. Or for example the invention of the car which at that time had eroded the blacksmith's
work. But in fact it also opens up new jobs, with bigger profits. Now are many jobs such as bank
tellers, typists, travel agents and many more whose numbers have dropped drastically,
currently jobs in the field of web designing and computer programming are increasing in
number (Cascio & Montealegre, How Technology Is Changing Work and Organizations, 2016).
Another picture, technology in fact produces a better lifestyle. For example, building a
house with 3D printing, the existence of technology creates an opportunity to create a house at
a more affordable price, so that many people will be interested in buying a house. The more
consumers and the more houses that will be built, along with that, a lot of jobs will be created,
although with a different concept than before (Carolo, 2021). Finally, technology changes the
nature of work but does not completely cause unemployment. Therefore, the massiveness of
technology does not need to be a concern, because in fact humans always adapt all the time,
and most importantly prepare mentally and for the future by continuing to learn new things
according to the developments and needs of the times.

To complete the writing above, the following is a statement made by Hamza Saoudi in his
book entitled The Impact of New Technologies on Employment and The Workforce. "The
increasingly massive development of technology, with the creation of artificial intelligence,
industrial robots and automation creates a perception of a real threat to jobs and job prospects
in the future. However, on the other hand, there are those who believe that technological
developments will increase the demand for jobs in other labor sectors, as well as create new
jobs that did not exist before, this also goes hand in hand with increasing living standards and
wages. It is worth noting that the current technological advances present new prospects for
higher economic growth and productivity, but are also accompanied by concerns about the
future for the workforce, especially for low-level workers. This risks creating polarization and
inequality in the future. Because here the role of the government is very crucial to provide
policy and prepare for it, especially during the transition period, the government must ensure
and support the population that this technology will benefit all people without exception”
(Saoudi, 2021).

Advantage and Disadvantage of Technology

Broadly speaking, technological developments certainly have negative and positive impacts on
work. As the use of technology becomes more massive, jobs are lost and workers also have to
learn new skills to stay relevant to today's job market. Along with this, technological
developments also provide opportunities to create new jobs, effective public services and
increase productivity. The following are the advantages and disadvantages of technology for
corporate organizations :

Advantages of technology :

 It facilitaes mobility : Technological developments affect current work styles, businesses

are becoming very mobile now. Where the internet quota can enable workers to work
anywhere. In addition, the existence of payment technology using cellular phones (eg
qris) can make it easier for small companies to accept payments without having to
provide additional equipment
 The ability to develop new, innovative approaches : Here employees can use various
kinds of technology with the aim of generating informative business ideas, which are
expected to be used to develop a company's business, one of which is to expand. To
appreciate the performance of employees in providing creative ideas and innovation,
companies usually give awards to their workers
 Faster, easier and more effective communication : The existence of technology makes it
easy and allows people to talk to each other instantly, even the state does not affect the
communication itself. Someone who is in Kenya can chat with someone in Mongolia
whenever they want. This can be done using several apps such as whatsapp, zoom,
email and many more
 More effective in promotion and marketing : Technology makes it possible for all
aspects of the industry to gain segmentation in a wider market. This means that sales
are currently not confined to the local market, but all companies can reach the
international market with technology. For example by using and maximizing websites, or
carrying out promotions and marketing on the internet (tiktok ads, Instagram, etc.) to
reach a wider audience and increase consumer awareness
 It improves management of human resources: The development and use of technology
can change the way human resources work in a positive connotation. For example,
improving how to screen and find new employees, from recruitment to being hired. At
this time many recruiters or HR use the internet, one of which is LinkedIn to find
candidates by advertising vacancies. It's not only HRD who benefit, but jobseekers can
also easily apply for jobs online from home, by sending their resumes or CVs, even
interviews can also be conducted online. Of course this can help the recruitment
process to be more efficient and effective (samuel, 2021)
Disadvantages of technology :

 Security risk in relation to data and fraud : Security is one of the most disturbing
problems in today's technological era. Like that a business or organization needs
information and data to improve their business. Therefore, many hackers try to take
advantage of these loopholes to steal this data, with the aim of worsening the image of
an organization and business, which in fact fixing this problem also requires a lot of
money. What makes it complex is that there is a possibility that leaks could be carried
out by internal people or employees from the company itself
 There are always costs to pay : The point is, if your company is engaged in photo and
editing services, you have a lot of clients and need fast results, if you only have one
camera and one computer, of course it will be burdensome. To overcome this, your
company needs to buy more tools with higher specifications to support your company's
productivity. Or your company is engaged in the agency sector, which is active on social
media, if your internet quality is poor and the type of cell phone you have is still 3G, of
course that will slow down your work. Therefore, the use of technology also requires
costs to be maximized
 Technology as Creator and Destroyer of Social Boundaries : the existence of technology
makes it easy for someone to communicate without distance, anywhere but seen from
the other side, the existence of this convenience makes it able to interfere with
someone's way of communicating face to face. The existence of technology allows
employees not to have to come to the office, because maybe there are also many
employees who use it for WFH, and conduct meetings online. In fact, this can also be
said to be positive because it can increase productivity in some cases, but the negative
impact could be that a company will also find it more difficult to build relationships with
partners/customers. Because the location of activities or meetings is no longer
concentrated in one place, but spread widely. For example, it can be email, zoom etc.
Not meeting face to face or meeting in person has the potential to reduce close
 Reduce the talent of employees : If an employee is glued to their cellphone or laptop to
do their daily work, then there is a threat or risk that their minds will not develop. For
example, someone is accustomed to communicating using e-mail, and not balanced with
face-to-face communication. This can be a risk, because face-to-face communication is
still needed for public relations and extra communication, for example direct
communication with customers or partners.
 Excessive dependence on technological devices : The existence of technology makes
employees dependent and lazy when work is done using technological assistance, for
example using cellphones. Everyone is busy with laptops, cellphones, ipads with wide
access, there is a risk that employees will use them for scrolling tiktok, tweeting on
twitter etc which will make their work neglected if there is no supervision from the spv
or their manager. It is estimated that almost half of employees spend more than one
hour per day doing activities on the internet that have nothing to do with their work.
(Brandon Gaille, 2016)

Organizational barriers to technology changes

All employees will use the company's information technology, which is frequently
managed by the administrative staff and the information technology department. It is
necessary to incorporate employees who meet certain standards from the information
technology department as well as from other departments in order to solicit their opinions and
help them become accustomed to change. On the other hand, more individual awareness is
required regarding the advantages of the system for themselves, and the simplicity of use will
progressively offer prospects for improvement. Of the several benefits obtained, of course
there are several barriers to technology for organizations, namely:
1. because there are so many various technologies that are developing so that many
organizations take advantage of this technology so that human resources are reduced
2. In using technology, there are some employees who lack knowledge so they are unable to
use technology properly
3. Due to the organization's dependence on technology, it increases the lazy attitude of
employees because they rely on fast and practical personnel
4. Organizational culture is sometimes still not accepting of the development and use
oftechnology, this is what will be the debate of all components in the organization
5. collaboration between employees and departments is not going well, because in carrying
out their duties they only rely on technology so there is a lack of coordination
Almost all sectors in Indonesia are starting to look at technology adoption. Ranging from
small to medium scale businesses, corporate class businesses to governments, technology is
one of the changes their organizations will make. In government, it is clear that technology
plays a role in cutting down convoluted bureaucracy and bringing access closer to the people.
For businesses, technology plays an even more important role. Technology seems to be the
most fundamental basis for innovation, especially digital businesses. However, like a
transformation, the process of adopting technology or often referred to as digital
transformation faces several challenges. The following are some of the challenges
encountered in the digital transformation process.
 Culture
Culture or culture is a challenge that inevitably becomes the first obstacle in the
digital transformation process. Culture or culture here is also often referred to as habits.
There are habits that must be forced to change when deciding to make a digital
transformation. Which can also be interpreted that there is comfort disturbed by this
transformation. The challenge itself comes from the fear of changing old habits. Some
negative thoughts such as what will happen if the transformation fails or digital
transformation does not make it easy but instead makes it difficult, it will often appear
as a form of fear of change.
Usually this kind of condition will arise in organizations that are already
comfortable with the conventional way. And usually often found in organizations where
some members cannot quickly learn a technology. One thing that must be done to
anticipate the problems faced for this problem of habits or culture is communication.
The coordinator or coordinators of the process of digital transformation must
communicate openly with other teams, including offering to conduct training and
improve HR capabilities.
 Lack of support from leaders
This is actually closely related to culture. What makes the difference is perhaps
the challenge this time comes from the leaders. Some companies or organizations are
now familiar with browsing, email, chatting, or other forms of technology that are
used daily, this would be impossible if their own leaders refused to implement it. For
example, because it is considered to cost too much budget or the effect is felt to be
not as big as conventional processing. Like it or not, the solution is in the leadership.
The people who bring the idea of digital transformation must be able to convince the
leadership about the importance of digital transformation.
 Collaboration between departments
Collaboration is an important part of digital transformation. Transparency and
openness of digital technology bring ease in collaboration. Unfortunately, the
collaboration transformation process did not go as smoothly as imagined. There must
be some problems that arise, such as differences in authority, permits, and so forth.
For this problem the best way is to deal with it, in this way the location of the
problem will be known and it can be solved together.
 Human Resources
Technology continues to develop at an increasingly rapid pace. If the
organization is having trouble optimizing the people in the team for digital
transformation, there is nothing wrong with hiring people from outside with the
abilities and skills needed. After all, in the end it is for the needs of the organization.
 Understanding customers
Customer expectations have an impact on today's digital transformation. Digital
companies such as Go-Jek, Uber, Airbnb and others have changed the way customers
expect a service. For companies that have just carried out digital transformation, they
are subject to different standards and continue to be improved.

Example Case
Technology is constantly evolving, which implies that occasionally it moves in a
more advanced manner. The basis for this evolution is ingenuity and human inventiveness.
According to Mohammad Zamroni in the journal Development of Communication
Technology and Its Impact on Life (2009), the flow of technological developments is
spreading widely and entering people's lives. Globalization makes it easier for technology
advancements to reach different nations. As a result, technology is becoming more
understood and permeating more aspects of daily life. Quoting from the book History of
the Development of Information and Communication Technology (2012) by Nuryanto,
examples of technological developments can be seen from the differences in the use of
tools in the past and the present. For example, in the past, people used kentongan as a tool
to provide information. However, currently the provision of information can be done via
the internet and social media. Here are some examples of technological developments
used daily, namely:
 In ancient times, people used rickshaws as a means of land transportation. However,
currently people can use motorbikes, cars and buses as a means of land transportation.
 In the past, people communicated by sending letters or short messages via SMS.
Currently, sending messages can be done via social media, such as WhatsApp and Line.
 People used to use typewriters to do assignments or type text. But now this can be
done using laptops, computers, and cellphones.
 As lighting, candles or oil lamps were used very often. However, since the development
of technology, many people have switched to using electrified lamps. In the past,
people washed clothes in the traditional way. The washing machine makes this task
On the other hand, there are also examples of cases of technological change for
organizations, one of which is in several startup and marketplace companies, such as
Tokopedia, Bukalapak, Lazada where all of these companies keep up with technological
developments by applying e-business to purchases made by customers and in one of the
companies. The best online motorcycle taxi, namely Go-jek, For those who don't have or
don't want to drive their own cars, the first online motorbike taxi service in Indonesia
provides convenient mobility. They had to wait on the side of the road to acquire the
transportation they needed, unlike other competitors at the time. With just a few taps,
Gojek truly transforms its service into an ordering application. This digital transformation
led Gojek to become one of the first Decacorn companies in Indonesia with a valuation of
more than IDR 142 trillion in 2019. And the last example is that a BTPN bank with the brand
“Jenius” succeeded in redefining the meaning of banking to the wider community. How
could it not be, Jenius is said to be one of the first banking companies to take advantage of
digital transformation. Jenius presents a new breakthrough with online account opening
services with only one application, making it easier for people without having to meet face
to face and be faced with complicated banking bureaucracy. Jenius also provides a variety
of banking services, from balance checks, transfers, to cash withdrawals using an
application only. Several banks are currently adopting this significant digital change in the
banking industry.

Impact Of Technology On Organizational Operations

Almost every part of modern life, including organizations, is unaffected by technology as
its development is accelerating. Basically all organizations that involve dynamic human
activities will never be separated from the influence of technology. The operating methods
utilized in workflow activities, the properties of the inputs used in the workflow, the varied
levels of complexity in the knowledge systems used in workflows, and the degree of
interaction between work systems can all be considered to be examples of this type of
technology. Researchers in organizational theory define technology as the knowledge,
instruments, methods, and procedures required in organizations to convert inputs into
outputs. In other words, technology examines how organizational outcomes are produced
from inputs.
Technology, according to Syarif (1996), consists of four components: technoware,
humanware, infoware, and orgaware. These four factors decide how much technology
affects a business or organization. All object-embodied physical facilities, including tools,
machinery, vehicles, buildings, and so on, are referred to as technoware. Technoware
supports human resources and process control for operations transformation. In business
activities, technoware experiences periodic changes between old and new. In general, the
level of technoware advancement is related to the increasing complexity (in this case
production scale; inter-process relationships; output scope; conversion type; energy
requirements; output quality; environmental safety for operations and so on) of physical
facilities for the transformation of operations and functions. other.
 The humanware component is a person-embodied representation of human
aptitudes like talents, skills, and creativity. Humanware evolves as a result of learning
new things. The level of humanware development typically denotes an improvement
in personal competence.
 Humanware that is experiencing progress is the ability to use technology related to
work, the ability to mobilize, prepare and use technological components for work,
the ability to optimize the work of all components, and the ability to carry out
innovation components in order to increase welfare.
 Infoware is a record of embodied documented knowledge that refers to facts and
formulas for design parameters, specifications, manuals, theories and so on. Infoware
changes through a cumulative process of knowledge acquisition. Infoware can
accelerate learning and save time and resources. The increase in infoware reflects
the level of utility of current knowledge that can be leveraged for shared endeavors.
 The last component is organizational which is institutional-embodied which is an
organizational framework embodied in terms of methods, techniques, organizational
networks and practical management. Orgaware is usually used for coordinating
activities and using resources to achieve something that is desired.
 Organizational components change through a process of practice and involvement in
management. The level of organizational progress shows an increase in added value,
progress in the use of new management techniques, methods and their relation to
market competition and confidence in the company.
The four technological components interact dynamically to determine the level of ability
to master technology. This is what determines the influence of technology on corporate
The role of technology that appears for the first time is through its role to increase
the productivity of human resources. In this case technology is a tool to increase the
productivity of human resources in order to exploit, control and develop natural
resources so as to achieve increased competitiveness in the market. McKenna (1997)
highlights the role of interactive technologies such as computers, facsimiles, cell phones,
and the Internet in enabling things to be done faster than before, and increasing
responsiveness in particular. This responsiveness is especially in dealing with very fast
environmental changes, and meeting customer expectations or customer satisfaction
immediately.With faster responsiveness to changes, it can be ensured that you can enjoy
opportunities and anticipate threats earlier so that an organizational advantage can be
achieved. The organization will continue to monitor, adapt, initiate, verify and act on
changing information on an ongoing basis.
Technology in an organization is related to structure, although not directly and
concretely. Although in some studies it is stated that there is not always a close
relationship between technology and organizational structure, there is some empirical
evidence which reveals different things.Organizations in any industry may have to adopt
conventional core technologies to be competitive. As well as being able to influence the
extent to which an organization's efficient operation, its level of competition, or the level
of government regulation, an industry can also limit the choice of viable technologies. A
smooth operational activities of an organization or company greatly affects the
effectiveness and image of the organization both in the internal and external
environment. If a company or organization makes the best use of technology and makes
good use of it as needed, it will be considered good and the company's operations are just
as good. One of the key determinants of how technology will impact an organization's
operations is how much easier it will make it for employees to complete different tasks,
how much time and effort can be saved, how depending on developing technology will
reduce errors in results or input, and how it can help employees learn new knowledge
and skills because almost all task implementation activities are assisted by technology. All
of these impacts will be certain as a result of using technology in business operations.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that this technology can have
positive and bad influences, but this can be overcome from how one uses or takes
advantage of a technology as needed, especially in the world of organizations or
companies that use a lot of technology to support smooth processes. a job, but either the
organization or the employees there must be able to use it properly to prevent various
obstacles or adverse effects of the technology

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