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BP1 U7-9 S14 realia

Student A
1 Greet your partner and introduce yourself to him/her. Talk about
food and meal times in your country. Then listen to your partner talk
about food and meal times in his/her country.

2 Look at the photos and discuss them with your partner. What kinds
of food can you see? Where is the food from? Would you like to try
it? Why/why not?

3 Interview your partner about his/her food habits. Use the prompts
below to help you. Then answer your partner’s questions about your
food habits.

• Meal times
• Description of favourite meal
• Food love/hate
• Eating out
Student B
1 Greet your partner and introduce yourself to him/her. Listen to your
partner talk about food and meal times in his/her country. Then talk
about food and meal times in your country.

2 Look at the photos and discuss them with your partner. What kinds
of food can you see? Where is the food from? Would you like to try
it? Why/why not?

3 Answer your partner’s questions about your food habits. Then ask
your partner about his/her food habits. Use the prompts below to
help you.

• Meal times
• Description of favourite meal
• Food love/hate
• Eating out

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