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CNSC as a Premier Higher Education Institution in the Bicol Region.

Republic of the Philippines MISSION

CAMARINES NORTE STATE COLLEGE The Camarines Norte State College shall provide higher and advanced studies in
COLLEGE OF EDUCATION the fields of education, arts and sciences, economics, health, engineering,
management, finance, accounting, business and public administration fisheries,
ABAÑO CAMPUS agriculture, natural resources development and management and ladderized
Daet, Camarines Norte courses. It shall also respond to research, extension and production services
adherent to progressive leadership towards sustainable development.

Name: Charish N. Ibusag


Social studies in Intermediate grades


My realization about our previous report entitled the child’s ability to learn near
and far. Honestly I was nervous that time but my bestfriend said that I should
breathe deeply before discussing, calm and ask questions to our classmates.
During the discussion it makes me feel nervous but I fight for it and think about
my bestfriend advice. I used to observe myself the way I’ve presenting my topic
in front of our classmate and to our instructor.

I observe that I can talk without fear with that my explanation shorten and I
noticed that when discussing I used to look at my script or explanation to my
topic. I cannot promise to make it perfect but I would work for it to improve my
explanation and other errors. I am not satisfied in my performance for delivering
my idea or explanation in class because I’m not good at it.

In my learning based in Piaget’s studies (1954) the understanding of object is

limited when we’re young the things that we know in things or what we see is
limited Piaget’s said that the understanding of object is centered on action it is
true because for us or in the child they gesture is sign of what they or what they
want to say in someone.

Young children are not expected to capable of developing of understanding of

people. Child should be guided by guardian because they’re confused in

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