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Coronavirus is a virus that originated in Wuhan, China, from humans
eating wild animals and transmitting the disease through physical
contact.Because this virus attacks our body's immune system, the main
symptoms are cough, high fever, colds, body aches, sore throats, and
weakness. We had a nightmare during the two years we were isolated due to
the COVID-19 pandemic, and we wished for the day when we would be free
of the threat of becoming infected with the COVID-19 virus. We have all
witnessed the dangers posed by this virus, particularly in the early months
when shock and deaths are at an all-time high. Because of this pandemic,
many individuals were stranded in different areas, the public markets closed,
the establishments temporarily shut down, and the jobs were affected.
Many Filipino families were affected and complained during the
nationwide shutdown because many of us lost our jobs, which is the main
source of income for the family, and the mortality rate increased. Our
government responds quickly to these issues, and they assist every family by
providing cash and food packs to Filipino citizens in need, particularly those in
the country's poorest areas. 

Vaccines are one of the most effective tools for protecting people
against COVID-19. Consequently, some governments and organizations have
made COVID-19 vaccination "mandatory" to increase vaccination rates,
discharge what are perceived to be duties of care to at-risk populations,
and/or achieve public health goals. We require vaccines to combat the virus
because wearing a face mask, social distancing, eating healthy foods, and
wearing a face shield were insufficient to protect our health; we also required
a defense in our body's health.
However, because vaccines were developed in such a short period of
time, even scientists and experts acknowledged the vaccines' side effects.
Rumors circulated that some Filipino deaths were caused by vaccines, as
their bodies are incapable of absorbing vaccines, causing them to die. There
are side effects that every individual who took their first and second dose of
the vaccines will experience, such as swelling of the vaccinated area, fever,
and chills. Most of our senior citizens cannot endure these kinds of symptoms,
and some of them are dying because of the side effects. Some also believed
that vaccines were created for other purposes and that the belief in mass
extinction is why some of the vaccinated people get nervous and die because
of overthinking.

In general, we need to get fully vaccinated because vaccines were
designed to combat diseases that cannot be treated with pills and
paracetamol.There are diseases that require vaccines, such as monkey pox,
and skin diseases that pills cannot treat but vaccines can. We need to believe
our government because they are doing their very best and giving their full
effort just to bring back the situation before, where we could be happy
altogether without worrying about being infected by a virus.
Personally, I am a hundred percent in favor of having vaccinations be
mandatory because that is the only weapon that guarantees our safety, not
the face mask or social distancing. The government must make a rule that
implies the vaccination is mandatory nationwide.

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