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1. Marketing is about Needs, Wants & Demands

The Consumer is in the heart of strategies

To achieve organisational goals: knowing needs, wants and demands of our target and delivering desired
satisfaction better than competitors:

Know consumer needs → Detect potential marketing opportunities → Define Product & Services → Deliver to

1.1. From more general to more specific

• Needs: state of lack perceived by someone. Basic human requirements. Objects satisfy the needs. WATER.
Marketing has to identify.
• Wants: desires (emotional). Needs (shaped by culture and personality) directed to a specific object that
might satisfy your need. BEER. Marketing has to orientate.
• Demands: want of specific product, wishes associated with a target audience. MORITZ beer. Marketing has
to stimulate.

1.2. Opportunity, value, satisfaction

• Opportunity (for a company): wishes accompanied by ability to pay

• Value: relationship between perceived benefits and costs to customers. Very difficult to find this out. You
have to research deeply. Customers choose highest perceived value:
- Value increases with quality and services
- Value decreases with price
• Satisfaction: Result Perceived-Expectations. It’s a person’s judgement compared to expectations.

1.3. Types of needs

• Generic needs: limited and stable. Sleeping…

• Derived needs: can become obsolete with technology. Chair…
• Absolute needs: individual and independent. Satiable.
• Relative needs: origin in comparison with others. Insatiable.
• Latent or unarticulated needs: consumer not aware. When arising they become needs. Universal. Strategic
marketing: discover them and show to customers. Phone
• Expressed or articulated needs

2. Motivation

Pushes individual to action and arises as result of an unmet need.

Consumer behaviour: psychologic factors that influence purchasing behaviour

• Freud’s theory of motivation: individual doesn’t fully understand own motivations, there are unconscious
• Maslow’s theory of motivation: needs are arranged hierarchically, from basic to less basic. Which products
are prioritized?
• Herzberg’s theory of motivation: motivating and demotivating factors. Positive and negative influence on

2.1. Maslow Pyramid

The first thing when starting an enterprise, know the value proposal and relate it with Maslow pyramid

At the top of the pyramid goes the common good, sustainability in some new pyramids.
Cocacola in belongingness and love needs.

Apple is esteem but with their slogan (think different)

they point to the self-actualization level.

Zara broke with the fashion paradigm (women had different needs). Buying last trends in an affordable way.

Toms shoes in transcendence level

3. The Marketing Research Process

Define the objective and problems of the Research → Develop the Research Plan → Collect the information →
Analyze the information (SWOT) → Present the results

3.1. The Marketing Plan

1st Target: costumer focused

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