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ADD @ rame “Hannah* ‘Awoman named “blank” is walking down a narrow corridor with doors on either side such as ina hotel. She has the keys to her flat in hand and is fiddling with them as she walks. The corridor is very dimly it and outside itis night-time. The sky is clear with the moon being the only light source. The woman continues to walk down the corridor as she reaches a bend and then turns to look towards CT eae ieee mc ore ee eee ea the door open tentatively and moves into the room. Everything looks normal except there is a piece, of paper and with a phone number on the desk along with a phone with is open on the phone dial app. She looks around the apartment. Nothing looks out of the ordinary except the light is on in the bathroom which can been seen by the light appearing from the crack underneath the door. She EN e i moves towards the door with a feeling of fear throughout her body. As she goes to touch the door handle to open it the door handle twists without her touching it. She backs away which keeping nelade) eyes locked on the door. Then the door handle moves again and again. Getting more violent with each twist of the handle. She continues to back away and eventualy backs into the counter where Beg, ibs aspen ince teva wre 8 hee The docs ane ssreere aces ea eal t he with each passing second. Till the point where she turns and grabs the phone on the side and her keys and runs begins to run towards the door. However, as she runs the door slams shut and it locks. ¢% hole Paragraphs She's stuck. She proceeds to pull at the door desperately trying to open the door however her attempts return as futile. Then the sounds stop, and the lights go out. She reaches for the light switch however it does not work so she grabs her phone and turns on the light and looks around the apartment. The bathroom light is now turned off.. Nothing looks out of the ordinary everything looks as it should. Then the phone that she picked up from the counter rings. The contact is unknown. She hesitates but then answers. Its an out of breath voice on the other end of the phone. It says “you get out of here, you don’t come back to this room, you better leave while you still can, you've only got so long. The phone hangs up and a face of dread has come across the girl's face. Now on the phone a timer begins for 2 minutes. The gir’s face is struck with horror, She looks around one last time with her phones torch as she picks up her keys and she sees a dark figure standing outside the bathroom door. The figure makes eye contact with her, and whispers “run”. The figure repats this time after time getting louder and louder till it becomes unbearable as she goes for the door and . opens it to begin to run away as she opens the door the figure make a quick dart for the door with a Ear 1224 scream IO) Cn/b ald mick bo Ihe hog: ‘The girl slams the door which stops the figure briefly. As on the other side of the door she runs. Running with a face full of fear. Running faster than she ever has done before. Back down the corridor that she came using her arms to push of the walls in an attempt to go after. At this point the timer of the phone goes off she hears the sound of the apartment door being slammed open and a voice shouting “run, run, run”. She looks back and sees the dark figure walking down the hallway still chanting “run”. The woman continues to run down the corridor and then bursts out the door into the night. The dark figure has begun to pick up the pace a sort of heavy breath louder and louder. The woman looks back to see that the figure is begi wills to go faster. And begin to run as fast as she can. She runs towards a park and also towards the foods. She rushes towards them and then runs through and array of branches pushing her way through branches which break as she pushes through. The figure is still following as it begins to run in pursuit. It then pulls out a large knife that is now running with in pursuit of the woman. The ‘woman makes her way into the woods and then begins to look for cover. She spots a dip in the terrain behind a tree. She rushes to make her way to it. She curls up into a ball and tries to silent her breathing. The figure makes it way into the forest following her footsteps and the trail of broken branches. The figure follows the footsteps till they stop. The figure then speaks in a deathly and boo MPredicheole, ghostly tone “where are you? you can’t hide forever. The figure then stops in its tracks. It senses her. It then pulls its knife around and swings it like an axe just above her head. She looks up at it. This is the first time they've made eye contact. The figure gazes down at her. It wears a black outfit ('m not sure on the outfit yet). The girl then makes a dart away from the figure struggling for grip as the figure pursues. She continues to run away from the figure however its getting closer. She keeps looking back to see that the figure is getting closer and closer with each look. She then looks back too much and runs into a low hanging tree branch. She gets clothes lined and thrown on the floor. Winded. The figure stands over with very deep and heavy breathing. The figure moves down towards her and says between breaths. “No one” takes a breath “gets away” takes a breath “from me” as he brings his knife down from over his head directly into her heart. Blood splatters everywhere and with last few seconds of life she looks up at him feeling exhausted and has given up. (I'm not quite sure on the ending, Ill probably change it) Dowk (RE He erd ing it dayent lta mvch esiteg peel rove bebo Like being vyobbed o¢ Ite

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