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Name Hamza akhtar

sap 11872
submitted to sir raja Zohaib ghafoor

Riphah school of leadership

Data analytics
Analyze and Interpret the result of model 4 by Andrew Fi Hayes.
X= RIc
Y = Face
M= esc

Fqc effect on csc

Coefficient = 1.4272
P =. 0000

Csc effeel on RIC

Coefficient = .9430
p =. 0000.

Fqc effect on Ric

Coefficient = .1075
Pr :0001
Direct effect of far mRic = .1075

Indirect effect of fqc on Ric. through mediating

Effect of csc.

Coefficient = 1.3458.
M= Csc.

Rsqc effect on Csc

Coefficient = . 9651
P = .0000

Csc effect on ric

Coefficient = .3074
P = .0000

Rsqc effed on RIc

Coefficient = .6384
P = .0000
Rsac effect on RIc

Coefficients =• 6824
P= '0000:

Indired effeel of Rsqc on Ric through the mediator

Coefficient: .2966.
P= .0010
Y= RIc
M: Csc

PEqc effect an csc.

Coefficient = .9751
P = .0000

Ese effect on PEAR RIc

Coefficients. 1523
P =. 0000

PEqc effech on RIc

Coefficient 2 . $394
P Z - 0000

Direct effect of xandy

cofficenent = .8394
P= : 0000
Indirect effect of pcqc on RIc through mediators
Coefficient = . 1485
P= :0000

from the above data it is concluded that the effect of fqc on ri is more than the other two

Independent variable. : is and the ass the relationship is significance because p=.0000

coefficient value of fq= 1. 345 .

"so I recommend that the resturent need to invest in thier food

quality to satisfy their customer and increase their revisit Intention

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